Still working to recover. Please don't edit quite yet.
- this is not an organisation yet, but a proposal and a plan for one
This is a collection of statements which take place of the constitution and other documents which normally define groups. The choice for this format came from the desire to distance the network from the bueracratic and centralised models of operation.
[hide]Statement of definition[edit]
Flower is a non-homogenous open social network of individuals dedicated to achiving a free non-hierarchical society. Flower is an anarchist organisation, it is rooted in the anarchist struggle historically and furthers such struggle in the present. Flower members may or may not identify themselves as anarchists, but agree with the aim of the network specifically and the anarchist movement generally.
Statement of goal, aims, and objectives[edit]
The goal of Flower members is creation of a society based upon voluntary association, freely-given mutual respect, cooperation in action and decision making, collective and individual freedom and autonomy. Aims of Flower are to ease the communication within the revolutionary movement, to bridge the gap between different strands of anarchism, and to create a base for people to act. Objectives will be defined for each individual person for oneself.
Statement of opposition[edit]
Flower exists to counteract the effects of hierarchical and centralised social structures, variety of forms of discrimination, and multitude of individual and collective anti-social acts. Flower strives to create alternatives to systems such as capitalism and statism. Flower oposes discrimination based on any factor beyond the control of an individual, such as social class, financial status, ethnicity, nation of birth, spoken language, gender, sexuality, age, education type, incarceration status, etc. Flower sees to dismantle such tools of oppression as prisons, censorship, survailance, technologies of terror, weapons of indiscriminate killing, etc.
Statement on diversity of tactics[edit]
Individuals involved in Flower may use the tactics appropriate for the particular objective. Members of Flower must recognise that some tactics which they find useful might be useful to other members and where possible need to educate others. It must also be noted that while tactics are not separate from the strategy, different circumstances call for different tactic; no single tactic will accomplish every desirable result.
Our strength is in diversity, and through this diversity we will grow to be a united community.
Statement on means and ends[edit]
The means of achieving the goal must be compatible with the end one tries to achieve. Since our end is the society free from oppression, discrimination, and violence, we cannot through our actions go away from that goal.
Clarification of means and ends[edit]
The goal of Flower is not to contribute to oppression of those already oppressed, we recognise that many people do not have an ability to alter the social relations and must do an otherwise anti-social act themselves to survive.
Statement on solidarity[edit]
Members of Flower are there when solidarity is needed for the revolutionaries. While the show of solidarity might be different (nobody should be afraid to voice constructive criticism or an unpopular opinion), it is important not to engage in behaviour destructive for the movement.
Statement on freedom and responsibility[edit]
We believe that freedom and responsibility are interlinked, therefore by joining Flower each of us accepts personal responsibility for one's own actions. We also understand that in order to hold anybody else responsible for anything one does, that person must have made a free and informed choice for which to be held responsible. The responsibility for one's actions does not necessitate punishment of any sort, while we admit that the community may decide that some actions of an individual will be opposed.
Statement of ethics[edit]
Each member has to respect the diversity within Flower, and can perform no action the goal of which is to dominate others and to force others to perform tasks which go against that individual's beliefs. As we believe that means must be capatible with the ends, we will act within our network in the way comparable to the actions in the free society we envision.
Statement on affiliation[edit]
In order to join or affiliate with Flower a person or a group must first agree to the above statements, after that one just announces self as the member and behaves in the way as outlined in the statements above. If no other Flower members are known to an individual #flower channel on can be a good place to start.