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Fawaz Akhras

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Fawaz Akhras

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Fawas Akhras (Arabic: فواز أخرس) is a London (WP), Wikipedia:England-based, British Syrian Wikipedia:cardiologist.[1] He is a founding Director of the Wikipedia:British Syrian Society and is involved with a number of Syrian causes.[2] He is currently a consultant interventional cardiologist at the Wikipedia:Cromwell Hospital in Wikipedia:South Kensington, Wikipedia:London. He also practices at his private medical clinic in Wikipedia:Harley Street, London.[3] He lives in Wikipedia:Acton, London and is married to former diplomat Sahar Otri al-Akhras. Their daughter, Wikipedia:Asma al-Assad is married to Wikipedia:Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

It was reported before the Syrian conflict that he had influence on the Syrian president in domestic affairs.[4] On 15 March 2012, Wikipedia:The Guardian published allegedly intercepted emails that it claimed appeared to show that he was advising the Syrian President from the UK during the crackdown on anti-regime protestors.[5] According to The Guardian, Dr Fawas Akhras used a private email channel to the Syrian leader to offer advice on how the regime should spin its suppression of the uprising, including how best to rebut apparent video footage of Syrian forces torturing children.[5]

Wikileaks cables and leaked emails show his influence in Assad's inner circle. He appears to be part of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad ruling circle based on the leaked emails and embassy cables.

Fawaz Akhraz is a person of influence in the Assad's inner circle as is noted in the pivotal study on the Assad government from 2006.[6] The US government suspects Akhras to be a key figure used by Assad to hide funds abroad; also he was advising the Syrian President during the crackdown of anti-regime protestors. He is a founding Director of the British Syrian Society and is involved with a number of Syrian causes. The Guardian describes him as "a political gatekeeper for Damascus in London"[7][8]

The Syrian government is a family affair as shown in Shmuel Bar's 2006 report. His relationship to his daughter and her position within the Syrian establishment as the wife of the president, and his relationship to the Syrian crisis puts him in the background of the Syrian Conflict and its ensuing supporting granular details.



