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December 13
December 13 is the 13th day in December.
1890 -- France: Jean Goldschild lives (1890-1969), Paris. Antimilitarist, militant anarchist & journalist.
1895 -- Lucia Sanchez Saornil (1895-1970) lives, Madrid. Spanish poet, painter & militant anarchist. Co-founded "Mujeres Libres"
1908 -- Seattle police take Emma Goldman into custody after the lock on a closed hall is broken to allow Emma entry to speak; released when she promises to leave the city.
1911 -- American poet Kenneth Patchen lives. Author (The Journal of Albion Moonlight; Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer) poet (Sleepers Awake, Poems of Humor & Protest), playwright, member of the San Francisco Anarchist Group in the 1940s along with Rexroth, Gary Snyder, et al. Pioneered jazz poetry ("Kenneth Patchen Reads with the Chamber Jazz Sextet").
1924 -- US: Death of labor honcho Samuel Gompers, 74, president & founder of the AFL, in San Antonio, Texass.
1926 -- Theo van Rysselberghe (1862-1926) Belgian painter (pointillisme), dies. Contributor, along with Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, Aristide Delannoy, Alexandre Steinlen, Camille Pissarro, Van Dongen, George Willaume, etc., to the anarchist magazine "Temps Nouveaux".
1932 -- Argentina: 2nd Anarchist Congress of Rosario. Participants include Antonio Casanova among as many as 50 delegations.
1933 -- Spain: Some provinces experience uprisings, initiated by anarchists. In several villages, they declare anarchist-communism, destroy property files, & abolish the currency. But these movements remain insulated, the government sends in the army. As in Casas Viejas, repression is severe: 87 dead, many arrests, tortures, & more than 700 imprisoned.
1960 -- France: The Long Voyage & Other Tapestries (1941-1960) by Asger Jorn & Pierre Wemaëre, with essays by Gaston Bachelard ('La Création ouverte' [Open Creation]) & Michèle Bernstein ('The Long Voyage'), third monograph by the Bibliothèque d'Alexandrie, Paris. It exhibits on the 16th.
1966 -- The Strasbourg county court sequesters the offices & management of the AFGES. (see Situationist entry for November 22, 1966)
1983 -- France: 6,500 turn out in Paris as Léo Ferré, anarchist songster, sings for a benefit to support Radio Libertaire. Thank you Ferré:
1985 -- Ahrne Thorne (1904-1985) dies. Editor of the "Freie Arbeiter Stimme." See Paul Avrich, "Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America," page 54.