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Category:War communism

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While so-called War communism was simply a list of actions that scholars attribute to a state of preparedness for war, because they never actually invaded anyone, the US is prepared in the same way, and actually does invade, and counts on those wars as part of its economy

There is a direct correlation between Communist and Socialist countries, and with the states which the US has either invaded or pressured into barracking troops in or made into puppets. Communism was Capitalism's primary threat, not due to the practices of its adherents, which had nothing to do with Communism, or military action by Communist states, which was nonexistent, but simply because of its stated goal to remove capitalists from economic power. This part of the Wars for Capitalism is now largely over.

Islamic countries and countries with the greatest amount of oil deposits have a similar correlation with US war crimes; the so-called War on Islam is much more simply stated as a war for oil, which is in turn part of the Wars for capitalism.


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Pages in category "War communism"

This category contains only the following page.