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Capitalism is Parasitism (Beyond Armed-Struggle)

It lives of me, it lives of you, it lives of the whole world population and sucks dry our planet. Capitalists are the parasites, living of the host, and often the host is also killed. We reject living as poor and oppressed, why should I live all my life in poverty and hardship, whilst the parasitic few wallow in luxury. Why should all the people of the planet always suffer and forced to live in such an inhuman condition, just so a minute minority grabs all and everything and everywhere. Let’s use this historical opportunity of the collapsing capitalism to create instead an anti-capitalist anarchic society. It is now for the whole people of the world to rise against capitalism and the state. It is time to destroy this system that has been destroying us for such a longtime.

The people of humanity have been enslaved and exploited since the beginning of time, let’s change it, let’s liberate humanity from the parasites, let’s free ourselves from a life of poverty and a life of misery and get instead what we really deserve, a life of dignity, abundance and the freedom from money. Armed struggle has proven not to be the way, parliamentarism is also been proven not to be the way, not through politics we are going to save ourselves. To destroy the sate and capitalism we need something else altogether, something like an anarchic social revolution.

The hierarchical system must go and with it must go also all the boss-made values and police-religious morality. People shell remain in severe and chronic misery and suffering until they learn to rebel and create the revolution that will transform our lives, from a life of pain and illness to a life of freedom and creativity, away from capital and its politics.

We were born to live our lives as we want to live it, not to live our whole lives serving others, so they can get everything they want on our labor, and we get nothing although we make everything we see around us. It is time to reclaim our lives and reclaim our planet. It is time to dismantle the state and abolish the money – no more few rich at the expense of the rest of humanity. Everyday I suffer under capitalism it is going to be one less day for the existence of capitalism – Break the State and Abolish Capital – join us in the march of liberation for the whole of humanity.

Spartacus Anarchus