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Ad Hocus

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Ad Hocus is a word to describe the deliberate obfuscation of the line between documentary and fiction that the producers of the following films engaged in:

  • Amityville Horror: A True Story Holds the dubious distinction, although that too may be erroneous, of being the first hoax to be a bestseller and film.
  • Blair Witch Project WP's anaemic ethics are showing. Blair Witch's publicity claiming the film was based on real events is said to be a "ground-breaking campaign"
  • Blooded AfD for Blooded. It may not be missed.

A fake Latin word Hocus [1] Real Latin: Ad "to the" and Hoc, "for". The real Latin phrase, 'ad hoc' means "for this". It generally signifies a solution not designed for any purpose other than for a specific problem or task. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc, means "after this, therefore because of this"; a maxim describing the false logic that a latter event was caused by a former.[2]

With some imagination, Ad + hoc, or at least ad + hocus, "to the for", or "to the purpose", could be used to indicate, "Because you can".

And of course Ad is also a pun on Ad for advertising, and Hocus is part of the fake latin phrase Hocus Pocus, used by magicians for misdirection and obfuscation. Hocus also sounds like Hoax.
