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But now from after 4.4.11, the indigenous population under occupation has done an epical mistake that altered the process of history. So I am against Palestine being occupied by Zionists, but I am also against the religion of the Palestinians and their nationalism I abhor, so what is left, very little indeed to support. So now most of the Palestinian Moslems and nationalist have me as an enemy.

Large section of the Palestinian people has adopted very deformed and distorted values, which has nothing to do with the occupation but has to do with the global trends of capitalist crises. The values and morality of the Palestinian people really is based on 18 century Europe. Zionism is Nazism as Palestinian religious-nationalism is too Nazism.

How can I join the Intifada III and walk hand in hand with the killers of Juliano Khamis As I said most Palestinians have become little Nazis partly because of harsh occupation but primarily because of their regional traditions (reactionary) I wish that in all cities of Palestine, instead of a theater they build a mosque with loud speakers- it is the best for you children

As it is going now the Palestinian state will be a mini Iran

If you where to make an election in Palestine today the Taliban win the majority

All the struggle and sacrifices that the Palestinians had to endure in 63 years where wasted on those who are leading you now and with your total approval, like sheep lead by a mad shepherded.

Nationalist and religious morality and values belongs to fascism and Nazism, which is capitalism in crises. Most of the Israelis and Palestinians have become Nazis but for opposite reason. One is Nazi from strength and the other has become a Nazi from weakness. The kingdom of Palestine


The 15.5.11 is not the Intifada III, and it is not the Nakba II, but only the birthday of the dead Juliano Khamis, all the rest is nothing but a fetal national desperation.

Juliano Khamis was born in prison Neve Tertsa on 15.5.58, exactly 10 years after the Nakba and 2 years after the massacre of Kufur Kasem in 1956. His mother was arrested in that demonstration in Nazareth, whilst his dad was already in jail.

The group that took responsibility for the assassination of Juliano Khamis, calls it itelf EL-ASEFA, which is the original name that Yaseer Arafat chose to call his nationalist right wing organization.

Julaino Khamis was buried near his mother on the outskirts of Megiddo, very near to the scene of tragedy, TalibanJenin. Even by killing a lesser person than Juliano World Wars started so imagine what's now, WWW3, Armageddon. Who shot Juliano shot Palestine and killed them both, all this is done by a heroic Palestinian patriot and his company

Julianos life is above any state and above any political and religious leaders, much above.

The Authorities of Ramallah and Gaza are directly responsible for the assassination of Juliano Khamis and they will pay accordingly and handle the meta-attack.

Human life is much higher than any idealistic abstraction, higher than any nationalistic aspiration which is nothing but the wet dream of shopkeepers.

Any one who desires a State is little Hitler

On the 15.5.11 I will ruin the Intifada III and destroy the unity of nationalism and religion calling it - Nakba II for the Palestinians.

So the Palestinians like the Israelis have only one choice, either mutual Nakba II or Anarchifada I

The Palestinians should remove their leaders and govern themselves by themselves, all leaders are corrupt and traitors. People, who still need a government and a state to rule them, will get a military economical dictatorship. TheTunsian and the Egyptian revolutions are very childish made by children who want nice ruler to rule them but which cannot exist.

I wonder how many thousands will have to die in Yemen and in Syria and in Libya so they could chose another new leader / tyrant to rule them.

Political Revolution is a big lie to exchange power

Very peaceful change indeed, with thousands dead and many more to come, for what, so to remain poor and oppressed.

As you cannot bring Juliano back to life I can bring you back Palestine, but there are conditions. And until the condition is met the status quo will prevail

Fatah and Hamas are history

Let's talk about the fascists elements in Palestinian society and the end of the national process, the no-state solution and the anti-constitution

Usually I would give the Israeli Arab conflict less than an hour a month, but now after Julaino being killed by a Palestine I will devote one year starting from the day of his execution.

The butchery of Julaino Khamis changed the rules of the game about Palestine completely ON THE 15. 5 .11 THERE WILL BE NOTHING

Go baby go – Juliano Khamis Birth Day 15 – 5 – 2011 / Nakba II

Of course I don’t blame the whole of the Palestinian people for the killing of Juliano Khamis, but I blame many Palestinians for his killing

The leaflet that was distributed in Jenin Taliban camp prior to the execution says it all, about a large section of the Palestinian people, which I reject as I reject Zionism and Judaism

Anarchists are against united fronts, we want a revolution not another Intifada

I will physically punish all those who consented to the killing of Juliano Khamis, they should watch over their shoulders. Conquer all your fears and Attack & Revolt

Attack the killers and kill them all so they could not kill again

We need a society free from killers

If the killer kills then kill the killer, if capitalism kills then kill capitalism

I think that the only thing the Palestinians can do now, is trace the killer and his associates and bring them to a communal court. Then the Palestine house will be cleansed. But if they don’t do so, then the whole house will be on fire.

The Failure Unity of Palestine and Muslim fadi III You can never unite with a Moslem, a Jew or Christian as you would not unite with your enemy the capitalist. Islam is worst than the occupation


And this is only the tip of the iceberg, imagine what is coming soon especially on the day of Nakba – II – 15,5,11 JUL

If the Moslems are a majority in this Intifada III then I prefer the occupation

In the name of god they killed Juliano and in his name I kill their god

In the name of the prophet and the Koran they killed Juliano Khamis, in the name of Juliano I will throw both of them to the annals of history The Americans killed Ben Laden and the Palestinians killed Juliano Khamis

The Palestinians should eject from amongst themselves the killer and his associates, expel them from the community that goes for Zionists as well. Who killed Juliano Khamis killed Palestine

A Palestinian killed Palestine

So go back and do your home work and cleanse the premises from all forms of oppression PALESTINE R.I.P

I prefer the occupation than Islamic Palestine

The Taliban State of Palestine

The Sultanate of Palestine

We want an Internal Revolution Not an External Intifada

All states are police states, and the Palestinian State is the enemy number one of the Palestinian people.

Look what the Jewish state did to its people, only added more tragedies upon themselves

You cannot call the killer and the killed SHAHEED The killer of Juliano Khamis is living amongst you and he is probably one of your leaders

How many people in Jenin can write such a pamphlet, only a few? How many Imams in Jenin, one As to Zakarya Zbeide the story yet untold Web must get rid of all the horrible Israelis and Palestinians and throw them out of the region There is only one way to go now, to a anti-capitalist, anti-nationalist anti- authority and anti-religious Revolution The French revolution ISLAM OUT COMMUNISM IN KILL THE BOSS WE HAVE A NEW HOME FOR THE RULERs CLOSE TO Julianos grave You Kill Juliano You Kill Real Palestine.

Don’t Talk to me Intifada talk to me Juliano Very sick Moslem population The spread of Judo-Christian Moslem disease In the name capitalism Your reality is an illusion There is no authority above The neo- Nazi Palestinian Palestinians Kill For Less

The blood of Juliano Khamis will stain Palestinian consciousness for as long that his execution is not resolved.

The Egyptian government stopped the intifada, and instead of 2 million prayers there were really only 2000

Intifada III has collapsed even before it started The killers of Juliano Khamis cannot make intifadas they can only commit suicide. Who controls the Palestinian issue now after the assassination, are not Palestinians

Eljazeera is ready to transmit but there is nothing to transmit but Moslem euphoric hallucination.. The Palestinians lost this round, they should not have killed Juliano Khamis, but they did, and they lost their case completely until the assassination is resolved. The Egyptian army has stopped the Intifada III and cancelled the march to Taliban Gaza

The revolutionary cell for the reprisal of the killing of Juliano Khamis The revolutionary cell of fire, for the reprisal of the killing of Juliano Khamis The revolutionary committee for the dissolution of Palestinian elements responsible for execution of Juliano Khamis

The Jordanian authority stopped the intifada III, like Egypt

The Moslems will completely destroy the Palestinian case

15 – 5 – 11 is only the dead birthday of Juliano Khamis Aged 53, Nakba II


The Anarchic-Revolutionary Cell of the third world

People think that they who make the revolutions, but it is not the people but their objective condition that drives them subconsciously to no avail

The killing of a certain person can change the process of History

At a certain level of historical development you can bend history towards your desire Will Palestine remain dead like Juliano Khamis

Palestinians, you cannot have it both ways, you either get the killer and his associates before every thing else or lose Palestine, it is up to you all now. I can derail the Palestinian project

The intifada III in Egypt from 9 am to 17 pm, what a joke

It is the most stupid demand by the people I have ever heard or read what the Egyptian people want this Friday is the rule of law. It seems that the people want only to be policed Moslems butcher one another and kill foreigners too, look at Iraq and Pakistan You cannot bring Juliano back to life but you can still save Palestine, if you expose the killer and party behind him Without direct action in punishing all those involved in the killing of Juliano Khamis, the Palestinian situation will remain dormant for another 63 year The Intifada III is nothing but a nostalgic picnic The Egyptian people cannot liberate themselves so you want them liberate the Palestinian people Because, Juliano Khamis life is more important than all the Palestinians and Israelis put together .And they chose no one else to kill but him. Well this is a declaration of a total war.

Prostitution justice – killed by a Palestinian Moslem patriot The true face of many Palestinians This pamphlet was not written by a Jew

Poll How many amongst the Palestinians and Israelis who agree with killing of Juliano Khamis or say they don’t care 60%

What is the difference between an Israeli and a Palestinian man, the first is occupied once the later twice. What is the difference between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian woman, the first is occupied twice and the later thrice.

Post-Juliano Era

The killing of Julaino was also the wish of the Judo -Nazi Zionist right wing The final solution of the Palestinian question and the burial of Juliano Khamis is the burial of the Palestinian issue as well. Offer me the killer and the process could be reversed.

Get the killer and his associates so their life will be wasted as they have wasted the life of Juliano Khamis

This is not a collective punishment but a very selective punishment on target. Not all the Palestinians are killers as not all the Israelis are killers either. Dead Juliano is dead Palestine

From my point of view the Palestinian case is closed – let the Palestinians stay where they are, unless……………….

If the majority of Palestinians elect Hamas to rule them, and then why not stay under occupation, it is exactly the same.


As I said nothing will happen tomorrow beside the dead birthday of Juliano Khmais, no Nakba and no Intifada, these are passé for ever.

And if the Palestinians still don’t understand what I am saying, to day they will. Because 15 – 5 – 11 is a Palestinian big business lie just like the Zionists, so from my position without resolving the killing of Juliano immediately, all the Palestinian initiatives will mocked and put in their place in the religious -nationalist chauvinism and orthodoxy. The issue of land is the biggest Palestinian self-deceit, because land is only a capitalist private property, the Palestinian struggle is a fake struggle that’s why they keep on loosing.

Let the Nazi-Jewish Zionist settlements double each year, use your enemy against your enemy

I think all the Palestinian propaganda should leave this page especially on the 14/15 – 5 - 2011

Palestinians you have enough bla bla bla pages on the net you don’t need mien's I am against Israel and against Palestine

I think the Alaqsa mosque should be destroyed with the Wailing Wall and Christ church and erased from the face of the planet. No one is going to miss this piss loaded mid-ages stone blocks but the Lunatics.

I think the best think is to let the Israelis and the Palestinians stay as they are and kill one another for another 63 years.

Arabic politics is all a big self-deceiving lie to serve only empires and capitalist morality

Only the rich Palestinians the very few effendis owned the whole land, the rest had nothing not even a key to a cabin, so this Palestinian lie about Palestinians losing their land is big rubbish because most Palestinians did not own any land in the first place, they where farm slaves,, they are paupers like the rest of us.

Arabs are only good in writing wishful thinking poetry, all their manhood is semantic, pity bourgeois poetry. Tomorrow is the celebration of the Palestinian fascism day, with a touch of Islam

If they support Hamas so let them stay in their refugee camps until further notice