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We are flooded with information. Yet, some important information is held back, especially by mainstream media.

This makes it hard to figure out what's behind the scene, who pulls the strings. Actually, it is almost guaranteed, that unsuspicios individuals listening to mainstream media come out with a certain mindset / set of conclusions.

This page lists some items that you can think about and verify in a very short time. Yet they show you that some widely accepted concepts are bogus and dangerous - in the long term disastrous -, and cost you a lot of cash and work every month

  • the government / military / secret services act like a good boy
    • pointing out only a few things about 911 (that you can verify quickly!) that mainstream media tried to hide, your idea about terrorism and government will change forever. See YourGuideToFreedom/WorldTradeCenter
  • the elite power always acts good
    • think about the wealthiest interest-group (think not in terms of individuals, but interest-groups that can cooperate to reach common goals). Will they only control major legal industries / businesses? Why would they allow higher profit illegal business, like drugs and prostitutions to others ?
    • think about the bad guys, that run illegal drug trading and prostitution. Why would they not engage in legal businesses ? In fact they must get involved to survive (called money laundering)
    • so why would the control behind legal business (banking, industry, government) be different than the control behind illegal biz ? They are run by separate groups in the movies and tales. In real life
  • Proxy
    • an entity that acts on behalf of others
    • like a corporation acts for it's owners (the majority shareholders who you cannot even identify most of the time)
    • makes it easy to hide the backstage
  • Plausible Denial
    • methods that make it possible to deny the evil-doing
    • first deployed widely in secret services
    • very common in higher governmental circles
  • Conspiracy
    • means that a group of people act behind the scene, for a certain n interest-group
  • OccamsRazor guarantees a certain "simplest explanation" given the exposure on a certain topic. The truth is easily sacrificed with the facts that contradict the "simple explanation" hidden.
  • Do not believe what you hear anywhere (including here). Do the thinking yourself. See "Please think actively" chapter on