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Talk:Hakim Bey

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Revision as of 10:27, 22 January 2011 by (Talk) (Honourable WoW Gold Purchasing Websites?: new section)

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I'd like to know how an accusation of paedophilia, even if proven correct, could discredit a philosophical system. Or do we have to say that X's fantastic novel is in fact very poor because he/she is gay?

I agree, it's absurd. It's gone now. Zazaban 19:42, 26 August 2008 (UTC)

Honourable WoW Gold Purchasing Websites?

Pretentiously, I just belt 60 and am extraordinarily short on gold for my 60 epic turf mount. I plan to toe-hold encircling 500-1,000

. Anyone know of any   to do so?       
