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Social medicine

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Here we'll talk about anarchist social medicine. Like Malatesta would have suggested it, the question must be viewed with an investigation and critical view, it is not about simply presenting what is under a "coat of revolt".[1] The process to an "anarchist social medicine" shouldn't either be made up of a search for perfect health, one wants rather to release our lives, to dispell the state institutions and their mythical certainties.


To speak about health, a really important element(for autonomy and life quality) shoudn't be forgot: hygiene, that play a primary role in the health of the community. First, the concept of Hygiene gathers all the behaviours contributing to maintain an individual in good health. Industries of "hygiene" products profit a lot from the false ideas received about good health. From an hygienist view, "good health" is rather a whole of healthy behaviours and the safeguarding of the fragile balance of the ecosystem in our body. Eliminating systematically all the micro-organisms from our environment is not a viable solution. We should maintain a good balance between each species if we don't want to increase our risks of allergies, for exemple during a simple voyage abroad.

L'hygiène lutte aussi contre les facteurs environnementaux pouvant contribuer à une altération de la santé, entre autres, la pollution.

Certaines approches globales de la santé ont également apportées, des systèmes d'hygiène(qu'on pourrait aussi appeler hygiène de vie). Par exemple, l'hygiène naturelle, ou hygiénisme, déclare que le corps humain est un système qui se maintient et se soigne lui-même(sans médicament) et dont la durée de vie devrait être entre 120 et 150 ans. Parmi ses autres affirmations, on retrouve aussi, que les causes primaires de mortalité sont: le stress, la suraccumulation des toxines, la surcharge de travail, la suralimentation, la prise de substances non saines pour la santé,... Les "traitements" auxquels fait appel l'hygiène naturelle incluent le jeûne et l'exercice physique et, tentent d'éviter l'anxiété, les stimulants et les vaccins dans les habitudes personnelles.