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Operation White Marlin

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Operation White Marlin is an action by Animal Liberation Front disabling 8 tournament fishing boats on 2007 August 5.


The following text was received anonymously by North American Animal Liberation Press Office:

On the night of August 5, the ALF commenced
Operation White Marlin. The White Marlin Open
is the biggest sport fishing tournament in
the world. Killers from all over the world
competed to slaughter the lives of our brothers
and sisters.

Ex-military members of the Animal Liberation
Front donned scuba gear and tactical equipment
and took to the sea. 8 boats were permanently
disengaged and disabled with their props welded
and holes cut in the hauls allowing them to
fill with water.

Unfortunately there were 400 boats involved in
the slaughter. 8 will never be used again.

By Wednesday night the marina was heavily patrolled
by coast guard and security and they attempted to
divert boats to other marinas. Little did they know
the ALF was in the water beneath them tracking the
boats with their middle fingers extended.

Thanks to the complicity of slactavists in the area
the tournament continued but with fewer boats.
Below is the slaughters names, boats and docking

We urge activists to take appropriate measures.
Till Every Life Is Respected