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Home remedies T-Z

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Tea Bags

Tea bags, any kind of tea(but usually you should refrain from lemon and hibiscus flavors), can cure stys in your eyes. A sty is a painful little bump that you can get on your eyelid, usually from painfully removing a eyelash, weither on purpose or not. If you soak the tea bag in hot water, like to make tea, then place the tea bag on your eye, the heat and tea will sooth the sty and bring back the originality of your eyelid. Be careful to let the tea bag cool just slightly before placing it on your eye otherwise you will suffer more discomfort then originally.

Another use of tea bags is reducing puffy eyes. Heat two tea bags in the microwave until they are warm, but not too hot. After you have heated them up, squeeze them out(so you won't have the liquid running down your face), and lie down and place the bags over each eye until they cool naturally. I have done this many times and it never fails me.

Another treatment with the use of tea bags is for healing blisters. One should use a non-flavored tea bag and soak it in a cup of hot water just as if making a drink. After 2-3 minutes, when the tea bag begins to soak up the water, remove it and place it directly on the open wound/blister. For 10 minutes, push slightly down on the tea bag, allowing the herb juice within to trickle out onto the wound. After 10 minutes, check the skin surrounding the blister for a discoloration of either tan, brown, yellow, or orange skin. If this is apparent, take the tea bag off. If not, soak the tea bag on the blister for 2 more minutes. For the next half hour leave the blister open to fresh air, no allowing it to touch any objects or clothing. One should continue this process twice a day until the blister is properly healed. This treatment with tea bags will allow the blister to heal quickly. This remedy is used in a Western Society with mostly athletes such as gymnasts. tea bag

Tea Bag Simmer

The use of standard tea bags can get rid of unwanted Warts on your hands. Pour boiling water into a bowl large enough to fit both hands into. Add five tea bags. Once the water is cool enough but still hot, place both hands into the bowl and let simmer. Leave your hands here until the water become cold, about 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure everyday until receiving desired results. After a month of doing this everyday, your warts should reduce in size. This method of wart removal is found in Western Culture.

tea bag

Tea Bag Soak

This home remedy is to help eliminate a Stye. Moisten a non-herbal tea bag with hot water and place on the infected eye for 10 to 15 minutes. The tea, which is rich in medicinal properties, helps draw out the infection in the eye, and relieves swelling. For best results, use a Japanese Green tea made with Ban-cha Leaves.

Teaspoonful of Sugar for Hiccups

There are countless remedies to curing hiccups, from the normal (swallowing or gargling with water) to the plain weird (tickling your mouth with a q-tip while upside down). Simply put, there are two principles to look at when using a home remedy to cure the hiccups, according to George Triadafilopoulos (a gastroenterologist at UC Davis): Over stimulating the vagus nerve (a nerve running from the brain to abdomen that causes hiccups), or methods that interfere with breathing, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide in a person’s blood, causing the body to be more occupied with ridding itself of the carbon dioxide than making hiccups. The home remedy that is the sweetest, deals with overloading the nerve endings in your mouth. By simply placing a teaspoonful of sugar onto the back of the tongue, where ‘sour’ receptors are located, the nerves will become overloaded with a sweet sensation. Repeat as necessary whenever hiccups occur.

Tea-Tree Oil (for acne) (and wounds)

Although it may not be the most popular form of acne control, tea-tree oil does in fact help. In the form of body wash, or face wash, tea-tree oil works wonders for the skin. More commonly known in parts of Australia and other countries around the world, this harvested oil is quite beneficial. By washing your face with this concoction or any other affected area of the body twice a day, acne will soon begin to clear itself up. Used for the duration of your choice and varies among individuals. Generally used until apparent results are acquired. Located within the health areas of most stores, comparatively speaking this method does run a little higher in cost. Harvested from acres of tea trea farms and then compressed in order to obtain the oil, it's an all natural method that disrupts the development of acne and also keeps our complexion looking and feeling healthier.

Tea Tree Oil is also very useful when it comes to body piercings. If your particular piercing is hesitant to heal or becomes infected, dab a q-tip full of pure tea tree oil on the affected area two to three times daily. It also works wonders on the ever-dreaded "bump" that many nose and other cartalidge piercings tend to develop. Just dab the oil on, and the bump will disapear in days.

Tea Tree Oil is best used in the sterilizing and the healing of wounds. After one recieves a cut or an abrasion thourougly clean the wound then take the appropriate amount of Tea Tree Oil, which is enough to cover the size of the wound, and apply it with a q-tip or cotton swab. Then cover with a bandage. Continue to apply oil (daily) unitil wound is healed. Western society

Therapy Dogs

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A recent growing trend in the United States, Canada, and the UK is the use of therapy dogs to help patients suffering from various physical or mental limitations. A therapy dog can be of any breed and they range from tiny Chihuahuas to large St. Bernards. Therapy dogs are often confused with service dogs yet the two serve very different purposes. Service dogs are trained to help people with disabilities with their day-to-day life ; this help may include leading a blind person, alerting a deaf person to sounds, pulling a wheelchair, etc. On the other hand, a therapy dog is used for either "Animal Assisted Therapy" or "Animal Assisted Activites". These are both simply visits between a patient at a hospital, nursing home, children's hosptial etc and a dog. The two different kinds of visits are structured quite differently: one is considered "formal" while the other is "informal". A formal visit is between a dog and a patient that have been matched up to each other and will see each other exclusively. These visits have goals designed by the doctors such as increasing the ability to pick up things like a ball and learning to throw it for the dog, or with a mentally disabled patient increasing the time that he/she can focus on the dog with hopes of gradually increasing that until there is an actual interaction. An informal visit, which would be under the category of Animal Assisted Activities, would include one dog visiting many people in a hospital. These shorter visits are made to give the patients a distraction from their illness or difficulties and to hopefully have a positive effect on them--mentally and physically. There have not been many studies done on the affect of these dogs on the patients but those that have been published all show great results. It is now medically proven that petting a dog or cat lowers blood pressure and a recent study done by UCLA shows that spending at least half an hour a week with a therapy dog drastically lowers loneliness among patients. Although there have not been enough tests done to title this belief as "medically sound", more and more people are becoming firm believers that the use of therapy dogs helps patients living with depression immensely. The only risks involved are if a dog becomes aggitated and acts out suddenly or if they get spooked and run into something such an I.V. pole or the patient they are visiting. The dogs are thoroughly screened and must pass a series of tests in order to become certified, which greatly lowers these risks.

Tobacco Usage

Tobacco is the most commonly used drug on the market today. Most notably from cigarettes and chewing tobacco, yet now a more common fad is hookah, which is another way that tobacco has entered many lives. When first thoughts of tobacco arise in the minds of others it is seen as bad. However there are some benefits of using tobacco, nicotine. Nicotine is a mild stimulant to the nervous system. Some of the short term effects of nicotine include increased pulse rate and blood pressure due to constricting of the blood vessels, helps some people to concentrate, relax, and reduce stress. Nicotine can also help stimulate a person’s metabolism so that they will not eat as much, in turn helping them lower their weight. Tobacco usage varies greatly; depending on the users, they may distinguish the time and duration of their tobacco product. Taking a chew for instance lasts much longer than a cigarette, resulting in different needs from different products. As time goes on, a tobacco user may become psychologically dependent on the nicotine, increasing usage and amount. Yet, like most drugs, you start out slow and then become more of a frequent user. Using tobacco products may relieve psychological messes, but it can leave you with numerous amounts of discomfort if used in excess: cancer, gingivitis, yellow teeth, stomach ulcers, and possibly bad breath/stinky clothes. In Western Society, the use of has increasingly over time become an integrated part of our culture. With society’s emphasis on an ideal image, many women resort to smoking cigarettes as a form of weight loss. In addition to weight loss, many users have become dependent on tobacco as a way of relieving stress.

Toenail Fungus

Brittle Nails

Toenail fungus, also called Onychomycosis represents 20% of fungal infections. Fungus’ can be caused by many things including yeast and mold. This particular type of fungus affects 6-8% of the adult population. Vicks Vapor Rub has an amazing ability to reduce the fungus under the nails, as does Listerine. Apply a small dab of Vicks Vapor Rub under each toenail that is infected and let sit for at least an hour. Cover with a band aid to protect from other fungal infection. With Listerine, prepare a foot bath with a small amount of Listerine in the bottom (at least enough to reach under your toenails) and let soak for about 10 min. If conditions do not improve in one day, repeat all steps. This method is associated with purely American culture. It originated after a study of the strong disinfecting powers of Listerine and Vicks Vapor Rub.


Significant amounts of tofu in the diet may aid in aging of the skin by means of increasing skin elasticity. Thus, the consumption may help with a number of symptoms that come with time including skin firmness and control of wrinkles. The active ingredient in this remedy is isoflavone which helps produce collagen. Isoflavone may also be found in other soy products and legumes. [1]

Tomato Juice

This is a remedy that can be used to rid yourself of the skunk odor after you have been sprayed by a skunk. Of course, you can use this remedy after being sprayed by the skunk.

To practice this remedy you need a lot of tomato juice, somewhere around two gallons, if not more. Once you have the juice, you then bath in it, just as you would as normal when bathing, except you don’t use any products other then tomato juice. It doesn’t take too long, about 10-15 minutes. Just long enough to thoroughly cover you with the juice. Usually it only takes one or two times of bathing until the stench is gone, but repeat the bathing process until the stench is gone.


Nearly everyone in the world has had a zit at one point in time. These red skin lesions can occur anywhere on your body where oil and dirt block your body’s pores. Acne, or the appearance of many zits, can be treated many times by over-the-counter products. I have found that toothpaste will many times reduce and the size, redness and pain in zits. I would recommend putting a pea sized amount of toothpaste, any brand, on a zit for two nights before going to bed. The ingredients in toothpaste help to dry up the zit and therefore reduce it in size, redness and pain. No risks are associated with using toothpaste to dry up a zit.

Using toothpaste as a remedy against zits is used mostly among teenagers, but also by those of all ages who suffer from acne in the western culture.Applying toothpaste to Acne before you go to bed will help reduce the size of and clear a pimple. The toothpaste helps to dry the skin on and around the pimple. Simply dab a small pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the pimple when you go to bed and leave it on overnight. In the morning wash your face and your pimple should be reduced in size and redness. You should repeat for a few nights or until the pimple is gone. This is a home remedy used among mainly teenagers but adults as well. If the skin becomes over dry and pimple has not reduced in size discontinue use. Make sure to use a toothpaste that is thick and actually a paste-like substance, rather than a clear, gel toothpaste. The paste will dry in a way that will extract the oil overnight but the gel will not have this effect.

If you are afflicted by a stinging nettle rash, spread a thin layer of toothpaste over it and it should reduce the sting's effects significantly. Toothpastes with baking soda seem to have the best results. After a half an hour or so the toothpaste can be washed off.

Also, if you wake up in the morning with an itchy Bug Bite, toothpaste can relieve this irritation. Simply apply toothpaste; (any type of toothpaste works, but I have found that non-gel toothpaste works best), to the itchy bug bite. Be sure to cover the entire bite and let the toothpaste dry before you put on clothes. If the itchiness returns, take a wash-cloth and dampen it with warm water to remove the toothpaste and reapply a new layer.

Toothpaste can come in handy in many ways to add to the common use of brushing teeth and the already noted above uses, you can also use toothpaste to relieve the pain after getting a Burn. After burning yourself apply original Crest toothpaste liberally to the burned area. You must use the original paste, not the gel. This will relieve you of the pain/burning sensation you will feel. After the pain has resided leave the paste on the burn until it dries then wash off, if at anytime before the burn heals it starts bothering you again reapply the toothpaste and repeat the above steps to relieve yourself from the pain. See also Western society.

Toothpaste and Honey

This odd combination of household items can help with the quick overnight rid of a large blemish. Clean the blemish with a facial cleanser and apply the honey to the blemish. The natural bacteria in the honey fights the bacteria in the blemish. Then apply a small bit of toothpaste (not a gel kind) to a bandaid and place the bandaid over the blemish. The toothpaste helps to dry your skin after the honey fights the bacteria. The bandaid is there so that you don't get toothpaste or honey all over your pillow that night. Allow 8 to 10 hours for the invected area to show a dramatic decrease in size.


Tryptophan, or better known now as 5-HTP, has been used in Western culture as a sleep aid, as a mood enhancer and as well as a dietary supplement for obesity. 5-HTP works by balancing out the serotonin levels in your brain to reach the desired effects listed above. It is also used in the drug scene in the Western Culture to help with the “hangover” that is sometimes produced from some drugs such as MDMA (ecstasy), which increases the output of serotonin by inhibiting the receptors in the brain.

Tulsi for Insect Bites

The herb Tulsi can be used for relief for insect bites or other skin irritations. A small done of the juice of the plant is taken orally once, and then again in 2 hours, which should clear up insect bites or reduce their irritation. Also, a paste made from the root of the plant is used topically for relief for the bites or other topical irritations. There appear to not be any negative side effects from using this herb, and not only does it relieve insect bites, but has a myriad of purposes as a healing herb. The Tulsi plant originated in India and is a major part of the Hindu religion; most believe it is the incarnation of a goddess in plant form, blessed with healing powers. There exist several rituals involving the worship of Tulsi plants in the Hindu religion, and has been used as a healing and prevention tool for centuries.


Turmeric is believed to be a medicine of all illnesses. When used in milk, it can prevent swelling of bruises if consumed. It is also believed to help cancer, heart problems, blood pressure, and overall good health. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and immune booster. In addition, it is used by many athletes, to help reduce swelling or bruises from a hard day’s workout. It is best to drink at night for one to two days. One half a teaspoon of turmeric added to a glass of boiled milk is sufficient for one dosage. Turmeric is also commonly consumed in food (in balance of course with hot and cold foods) It has no side effects or risks, except for that it stains clothes really easily. The use of turmeric originates from both Middle Eastern and Indian cultures. In Iran, Zardchoobeh (which in Farsi means turmeric) is mostly used in food. In India it is more commonly used in hot milk.

Uncooked Rice

Uncooked rice is absorbant and small enough to help with the pains of a stomach ache caused by too much acid present. If a few grains of uncooked rice are swallowed, the grains can soak up some of the acid present and lessen the effects of the stomach ache.

Uncooked rice can also be combined with various aromatic herbs such as lavender in large, new socks. Tie off the end, and throw it in the microwave. When heated, it is a natural heating pad, and is a great way to sooth aches and pains.

Valerian Root

Valerian is a perennial herb with a strong, fetid, smell. Its root (most commonly administered in the form of a tincture) has uses as a treatment for cramps or painful periods, treatment for migraines, as well as a sleep aid. It acts as a sedative for most people, but for a very small percentage of individuals it can act as a very powerful stimulent.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Extract is a natural remedy that can help both toothaches and burns. The ingredients along with the subtle alcohol content in the extract help to stop the pain almost immediately. For toothaches that aren’t that bothersome, put some real vanilla extract on a cotton ball or Q-tip and place it directly on the hurting tooth. For extremely bad toothaches (ie: ones that cause you to look sleep or you can’t eat or drink) swish around a tablespoon or two of real vanilla extract on the side of your mouth that hurts. It definitely won’t taste good, but it will numb the tooth completely. To sooth burns, dip a Q-tip in some pure vanilla extract and dab it directly onto a cooking burn. This helps to keep it from blistering. Although in both cases these provide immediate results, it is by no means a “cure” for an aching tooth. If your tooth is infected in the gums or roots this method could numb the pain to the point where the seriousness of the toothache is overlooked. When using this method it’s important to be cautious and contact a dentist.

Vapor Bowl

This home-method is used in Western society to remedy a serious cough resulting from congestion of the windpipe and throat this practice causes the person to expectorate mucus material that blocks airflow and causes cough and irritation. A pot should be filled with water and brought to a boil. Once boiling, add a dash of salt or baking soda. Take off of the heat source and let the boil subside so as not to burn the face. Once simmering, place the afflicted person’s head over the bowl and cover with a towel large enough to form a tent over the bowl. The person then takes deep breaths of the vapor coming off of the bowl until it becomes difficult to breathe or a cough is induced. Repeat until a cough is induced and the person should hack out all of the material which had obstructed air flow. While somewhat unpleasant at times, this method is quite effective at relieving discomfort and speeding the healing process. See Decongestion

Vapor socks

Having a stuffed up nose can make if very hard to sleep at night. A plugged up nose makes it hard to talk, can lead to plugged up ears, and makes life uncomfortable in general. There have been many methods for clearing up plugged up noses in the past but most have a high failure rate. However, with a little vicks vapor rub and a nice pair of loose socks, stuffed up noses can be cleared up within a couple minuets.

What is needed is a) vicks vapor rub which can be found in almost any drug or grocery store, b)socks that are loose enough to let the vapors rise, c) pajama pants and d)a comfortable bed to sleep in. The best part about this remedy is that it is simple, quick, and works while the person is asleep. This method can be used as many nights as necessary and the only side effects are the smell of the vapor rub and the need to wash the socks afterwards. Vicks Vapor Rub is normally used on the chest or in the nose to open up nasal passages but using it on the feet has its advantages.

Here are the steps for Vapor socks. When about to get in bed, apply a layer of Vicks Vapor rub all over the bottom of the feet. The layer needs to fully cover the bottom of the feet but it does not need to be thick. Then put on a pair of loose socks, making sure that the legs of the pajama pants cover the socks. This allows the vapors from the rub to travel up the pant leg, underneath the shirt and up out into the nose where it opens up the nasal passages and allows for air flow. This keeps the person from having to put rub on their chest or in their nose where the vicks rub can sometimes be too strong or dry out the throat. The vapors rise all night long or until the rub wears off on the feet. This is convenient since the person using it does not have to do anything, just sleep away and get a good nights sleep.


Have problems with cracked feet or hands? Well, vaseline is a very easy home remedy for this particular problem! Simply rub some vaseline on one's hands and feet before going to bed, putting old socks over feet and gloves over hands. The next morning, one should wake up with soft hands and feet. This should be done as needed.

Vicks VapoRub

Vicks VaboRub is used to treat coughs and common cold, and nasal congestion. If applied to sore muscles and joints, it can also temporarily relieve minor aches and pains. This preparation can be rubbed on the chest to enable inhalation of the vapour, or added to hot water and the steam inhaled. Its action when added to a steam inhalation mainly results from the warm moisture which liquifies and loosens mucus, allowing more effective clearance of the airways. Not one specific culture group is associated with VapoRub, but the company that manufactures it, Procter & Gamble, is an old American company which also is the maker of DayQuil and NyQuil products.

The four active ingredients in this preparation, levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, turpentine oil and camphor, have been used traditionally as inhalations for their decongestant effect and soothing aroma. Levomenthol has mild local anaesthetic, cooling and decongestant properties and is often included in cough and cold remedies to act as a decongestant. It is not fully understood how it produces its effect.

For adults and children over two years, rub a thick layer on chest and throat or rub on aching muscles, if needed, cover with a warm, dry cloth. Repeat this up to three times per 24 hours. Vicks VapoRub is reportedly to have no side effects and has been widely used for many years without poor consequence.

Western society Vicks Vaporub is used primarily to releive congestion, but interestingly is also used to cure toenail Fungal Infections. When applied generously over the infection once or twice daily the Vicks gradually penetrates and softens the nail, and this over time will allow for removal of damaged portions of the nail as the nail grows forward. This application can vary from person to person, with some cases resolving in a matter of weeks, to other cases that may take months to cure. There are no side effects from using Vicks on for toenail fugus treatment, only methol smelling toes. Vicks is not associated with one culture, but its use as a toenail fugus remedy has been traced primarily to Western Culture.


In the instance of sunburn, a very little known remedy is vinegar. Pour vinegar on a cotton ball and gently dab onto the surface of the afflicted area. Use vinegar as soon as burning is noticeable; however do not use on 2nd or 3rd degree burns. In the case of a more serious burn contact a local physician. Vinegar can be used as a treatment for as long as the burn persists, but it is most affective if used within 2 days of the initial burn. Vinegar has been used in American households for the past decades to treat sunburns.

Natural herbal creams such as those made by Burt's Bees can also help sooth burned areas. Mild creams such as "A & D" which contain lanolin can also help sooth and protect burned, sensitive areas. Applying a think layer of Noxima will also help sooth the burn.

When added to a hot bath, vinegar can also help treat "worms" or other anal-inhabiting bugs/infections. Definetly ask your doctor before trying this, however, for it is not for every case.

Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper

A person’s use of speech is one of the most important aspects to everyday life in our society and without it simple tasks can become very difficult. The usual home remedies to repair a strained voice can result in a few days rest from talking or drinking a warm liquid like tea with some lemon and honey. However, there is another solution that may succeed in bringing back your voice in no time. Take a small glass and fill it with approximately ½ a cup of regular vinegar and mix in ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper a tablespoon of warm water and a pinch of salt. Stir the mixture so that the pepper flakes and all the other ingredients are evenly dispersed in the vinegar and gargle half of the mixture for about 10-15 seconds. Spit the Mixture out and repeat until the glass is empty. Repeat this process once or twice a day. Generally the voice should begin to return within a day. The risks involved in this treatment deal specifically with taste preferences. This practice has been used since the Civil war where soldiers used cayenne pepper to cure many ailments.

Vinegar and Sugar

There are many theories on how to cure hiccups. Hiccups occur when the diaphragm, which is used when breathing, begins to contract uncontrollably. One of the stranger methods of hiccup curing is using a spoonful of sugar with a few drops of vinegar on it. After eating this, the hiccups go away.

Vinegar and Water Mixture

Vinegar infused with oregano

Have Dandruff problems? You are not alone. Dandruff is a common problem causing 97% of Americans to suffer from dandruff at some time. One out of every two persons in the world has problems with dandruff. The common routine to treat dandruff is to use anti-dandruff shampoos. But, what many people do not know is that you can use simple and effective home remedies to treat this problem.

One of the best remedies consists of the applying a mixture of vinegar and water on the scalp. Make a mixture of two teaspoons of vinegar and six teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed. Wrap a towel around the head and keep in the mixture for the whole night. Rinse your head in the morning with vinegar water again. If you continue to treat your hair with this remedy for a few months, it will prevent your problem dandruff.

White Vinegar

Athletes foot is a common illness that occurs among active people in sports. Athletes Foot is a foot infection that is fungus growing on dead skin cells. For the most part is seen around the toes and causes irritation that can lead to itching, inflammation and blisters.

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What causes this illness is moist and damp conditions that are suitable for fungus to grow. These are places such as bathrooms, swimming pools, and showers. It is also possible to be infected by your pets because they carry the fungus in their fur. You can get this illness through sharing socks with a friend.

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To solve this you must first prepare a solution with water and white vinegar. One part of the white vinegar to four parts of water. You must soak your foot (or feet) for 20-30 minutes twice a day. Rub some baking soda in between your toes and rinse your feet after fifteen minutes have passed. Afterwards rub tea tree oil between your toes because it has antifungal properties. To help with the itching you will want to soak your feet in antiseptic mouthwash (Listerine) and/or corn starch. When your toes are dry, spread some corn starch on them.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a well known vitamin that is essential to basic human needs. Sometimes referred to as Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C is necessary for human growth and development. Vitamin C is essential for the healing of cuts and sores, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. The human body, unlike other animals, does not produce its own Vitamin C. It should be taken daily. Fruits and vegetables are high in Vitamin C as well as other essential vitamins. Citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and leafy greens are excellent sources of Vitamin C. You can also get your daily intake by form of a vitamin or pill. Vitamin C is essential for healthy hair, skin, and teeth. Most importantly it helps to keep you healthy. Vitamin C is often used as remedy for the common cold. It is generally taken in the form of a pill, or in eating foods that are rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits and broccoli. It has been assumed that if a person takes a lot of this vitamin, the immune system will build up and fight colds more proficiently. According to Vitamin C and the Common Cold (Linus Pauling, 1970), a recommended dose once a person has a cold is 500 to 1000 mg every hour for several hours. Although this remedy was widely popular, and still is for some people, scientific research has shown that vitamin C does not have a significant effect on either the intensity or the duration of the cold.

Vitamin E

No matter how a scar is created, by a hot stove, broken glass, or a surgeon’s knife, they are often inconvenient, embarrassing, or simply unattractive. These marks on the skin are also frequently accepted


When washed over a minor jellyfish sting, vodka (cheap or expensive) can be just as effective as antihistemines at neutralizing the venom. This method was popularized by the television show Mythbusters. In a side-by side comparison the vodka at least matched the effects of a commercial antihistemine spray, according to their brave test subject. When experiencing severe reactions to a sting, more powerful medicines should be sought out.

Warm Compress

A warm compress directly applied to your eye is the best way to treat pink eye at home during the 7 to 10 days that it typically takes to clear up on its own. The warm compress is the preferred technique of western cultures when treating pink eye because it relieves pain and discomfort while also moisturizing the eye.

Warm Milk

Warm milk is commonly used in the western culture to lull one into sleep. Warm milk contains two substances that are known to be related to sleep and drowsiness. The hormone melatonin and the amino acid tryptophan. The amount of these two substances in a glass of warm milk is very small, however, many believe it has a psychological effect on the mind that brings drowsiness to the consumer.


Warm Washcloth In Cup

When suffering from an ear ache, it can be very soothing to put a wet washcloth or paper towel that has been heated in the microwave into a fairly small cup, and then hold that cup up to the ear that is aching, in such a way that the warmth and steam are trapped between the cup and your ear. This remedy is often used in western cultures.


Water is so common that it is often overlooked. It has been here longer than any of us and is one of the largest natural resources on this earth. By drinking water we are providing our bodies with hydration and natural anti-oxidants that may help our bodies build up our immune system. Water is also very healthy for our bodies because it quenches the thirst without giving us the extra calories, sugars and sodium’s that we do not necessarily need. Water can also be used as a way to prevent the body from obtaining a hangover from a night of drinking too much alcohol. By drinking alcohol you are dehydrating your body and using up your amino acids. If during the night of drinking and partying you add drinking water with drinking alcohol it is possible to prevent the severity of the hangover you may receive the next morning. This is mostly caused because of the amounts of water being consumed as well as alcohol, the body will have to clear the tubes which gets rid of many toxins that may cause hangovers. On the plus side it will not reduce how drunk you can get and will only re-hydrate the parts of your body that had been dehydrated by how much alcohol had been consumed.

other methods to prevent a hangover

Water-Pencil Trick

Stilles Mineralwasser.jpg

One remedy for curing the hiccups is the Water-Pencil Trick. When a person contracts a mild to severe case of the hiccups, they should resort to this trick in order to alleviate their symptoms quickly and completely. The Water-Pencil Trick should be used at the first signs of oncoming hiccups in order to prevent physical discomfort of the throat and stomach.

As hiccups begin to occur, a person should quickly locate a cup, a source of drinking water, and a wooden pencil. If a wooden pencil is unavailable, a mechanical pencil or pen will suffice. The person should fill the cup with water – the more the cup is filled, the better the trick will work. They should than place the pencil in their mouth so that the pencil is parallel to the ground, with the eraser sticking out of the mouth on one side and the point sticking out on the other. The person must bite down on the pencil firmly, preferably with their back teeth. After the pencil is securely in place, the person should commence to drink the entire cup of water with the pencil still in their mouth. This process can be messy. So, it is better if one is able to drink their water over a sink or a trash can.

Drinking a whole cup of water while holding a pencil in one’s mouth not only focuses one’s concentration on something other than the undesired hiccups, but it also helps to regulate one’s breathing. When the process is complete, the hiccups should be completely gone. If hiccups persist, one must repeat the process until the desired affect is achieved. The origins of this remedy are unknown.


The ingestion of wheat grass started in the 1930s in the western world and has increasingly been believed as a healthy measure to prevent disease. Wheatgrass is a green, grass-like plant related to wheat. It is most often served in the liquid form, by crushing fresh leaf buds.


Some believe that it heals digestive problems, cancer, menopausal symptoms, diabetes, and heart disease, and also detoxifies the bloodstream, although none of these things have been proven. One of the most popular claims of wheatgrass a supporter is that a 30ml shot of wheat grass has the same nutritional value as a kilogram of vegetables. Users usually take a 2-4oz shot of wheat grass one or two times per day, although many ingest it more often. High dosages may lead to nausea, but no long term health consequences have been found.


The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. There are many different signs of the flu, among them are fever, myalgia, headache, malaise, nonproductive cough, sore throat, and rhinitis.

Flu viruses spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

One home remedy for the flu is the taking of whiskey. The best way to apply this cure is to make a cup of uncaffeinated tea, add some honey and 1 shot of whiskey. Let it s

Wood Ash

Daily brushing, regular flossing, home whitening kits, and semiannual dentist trips are all methods applied toward the goal of a dazzling, white smile. It may be shocking but an effective way to whiten up your teeth is to brush them with wood ash. The reason wood ash whitens your teeth is because it contains potassium hydroxide (aka lye). However, only hard wood ash contains significant concentrations of potassium hydroxide, soft wood ash does not. To whiten your teeth take a small amount of hard wood ash and mix it with a small amount of water to form a paste. With the paste brush vigorously for the dental recommended 2 minutes. Brushing daily with wood ash will brighten up that dull listless smile in no time! Although wood ash will brighten up any smile it is important to exercise caution when using hard wood as a tooth whitening agent. The harshness of the potassium hydroxide could significantly damage your teeth over time via enamel erosion and calcium depletion. This remedy stems from Western culture.

for more information on safe ways to whiten teeth please visit

Yarrow Plant

The Yarrow plant, or arrowroot, can be found throughout the northern hemisphere, most ubiquitous. It has been utilized by countless cultures, from the ancient Romans to indigenous tribes of North America. Its main use is treating cuts and abrasions, although it can also be used as a minor stimulant, treatment for colds, and pretty much anything under the sun. The leaves have the tendency to clot blood, so therefore yarrow can be quite helpful if one is in the woods alone with a yarrow plant and a wound that is bleeding profusely. It can also be used for nosebleeds by sticking the plant up one’s nostril, although this can potentially irritate the nose and stimulate more bleeding. The effect will take place immediately---when the juice from the plant reaches the point of bloodletting. Several people have disclaimed this miracle plant, like many of its counterparts, but the interesting fact is that so many cultures across the globe independently decided to use the plant, which gives it more weight than others.

Yerba santa

Yerba santa, Eriodictyon crassifolium and other Eriodictyon species, were used in American and British hospitals and clinics for respiratory infections, influenza, tuberculosis and asthma until 1960. In that year, a law was passed requiring that all medicines had to have proven efficacy. No company was willing to fund clinical trials of yerba santa due to potential problems with patenting a plant preparation. Despite nearly one hundred years of clinical use, yerba santa was abandoned. Yerba santa is used by crushing 3 leaves in a cup of hot water and slowly drinking the tea.


Yoga is a form of alternative medicine that helps in preventing stress. Yoga is commonly practiced with breathing exercises, different physical postural forms, and meditation. It can be practiced daily or a few times a week for optimal relaxation. Yoga helps to calm the nervous system and relaxes the mind, body and spirit. It also has been shown to reduce blood pressure, and ease sleeping and digestion. It also physically provides an intense workout, strengthening the whole body. Yoga workouts have also been designed specifically for people with cancer and heart problems. For cancer patients, in addition to their main forms of therapy, yoga reduced fatigue and improved mental states. For cardiac patients, yoga provides stretching, relaxation and breathing techniques. Yoga originated over seven thousand years ago in India, and is now widely popular and practiced all over the world.

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Yoga as Exercise

Yoga is the practice of meditating to achieve full mental relaxation. It is used as a means of gaining spiritual and psychological balance and knowledge. Originally used by the Hindu in India and the Buddhists of other Eastern Asian countries primarily for spiritual reasons, it has become popular in the western world as a form of exercise, maintaining the reputation of both a mind and body workout.


Western Yoga combines breathing, meditation and physical exercise, helping reduce the likelihood of diseases and health problems including stress, heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure and back pain. For yoga to reach its maximum preventative capabilities, one should participate a few times a week, in hour-long increments. Although there are no proven negative side effects of yoga, there is a chance of soreness and muscle pulls if not practiced properly. Stretching, proper hydration and knowing one’s limits are all good measures to take to ensure a healthy yoga lifestyle.

Yogurt for Canker Sores

Although dairy allergies can be a trigger for canker sores, yogurt can be a resource to reduce pain and help the recovery process. Yogurt with Acidophilus cultures is believed to combat the bacteria that is present at the site of a canker sore. It helps to relieve symptoms and decreases the amount of time that a person has to suffer. It is recommended that a person who wishes to try this home remedy eat 8 ounces a day, but one should pay attention to see if the dairy product may be increasing the appearance of canker sores. For more home remedies used in Western culture, see Western society.

Canker sores affect people all over the world. There are believed to be many causes, and some people can get them on a regular basis. Consumption of citrus fruits and juices, wheat products, or injuries to the gums or mouth can precede many canker sores. While avoiding foods that trigger canker sores is the best method, when you are afflicted by a canker sore there is no way to make them disappear immediately. They can only be treated to help relieve pain. Although over the counter localized anesthetics are an option, a home grown remedy is to consume Yogurt with Acidophilus cultures often while afflicted by a sore. The yogurt is believed to help speed up your body's response to the sore, and relieve pain at the site. The bacteria introduced from the yogurt may combat the bacteria that is causing the sore, helping to reduce the time that a patient would have to suffer. However, given that food allergies--possibly to dairy--can cause the sores themselves, this remedy might not be for everyone. For other Western pain relievers and remedies, see Western society.



Zinc may be used to prevent the common cold by boosting the immune system and providing general support for protein synthesis throughout the body. Zinc is found naturally in many foods including: lean meats, nuts, beans, and foods containing whole grains. A supplement form of zinc is also available, and may be purchased in most grocery stores. The recommended dosage is 15mg per day for males and 12mg per day for females. However, it is important to note the amount of zinc you consume, as it may have some harmful effects if taken too liberally (the highest body tolerance of zinc is about 40mg per day). These effects include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and, if taken over a long period of time, anemia. Zinc has been used in supplement form in the US for years (such as in Emergen-C, Airborne), but has been naturally consumed by people all over the world through protein-rich foods.

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Zinc is a mineral that promotes healthy immune systems and is crucial to producing certain enzymes in the body. Zinc is found in many foods and vitamins and has been shown to be important in the prevention of colds as well as other ailments. There are many ways to get the recommended dosage of Zinc including eating certain foods such as bran, wheat products, cocoa, meat, fish, nuts and other protein rich foods and store bought dietary supplements such as Airbourne. A specific cold preventative using Zinc are Cold-Eeze lozenges. Cold-Eeze is the only family of cold prevention products that contains zinc gluconate glycine a formula that in several double blind placebo studies was shown to reduce the duration of a cold by 42 percent. These lozenges are non-sedating and are recommended every three to four hours at the first sign of cold symptoms. In order to get the full zinc absorption possible the lozenges should not be chewed and citrus fruits or juices should not be eaten half an hour before or after taking a lozenge. Cold Eeze should not be eaten on an empty stomach. These lozenges are available to everyone at the supermarket, are safe a great way to get needed zinc and taste good too!