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Association for a Student Syndical Solidarity

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The Association for a Student Syndical Solidarity (Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ)) is a Quebec-based students' union. It was founded in February 2001 in Sherbrooke and currently holds a membership of over 40,000 collegiate students at some 17 college-based students' associations throughout the province. By its values and demands, the Association for Student Solidarity Trade Union is positioned differently from other national student associations, the Federation of University Students of Quebec (FEUQ) and the Federation of College Students of Quebec (FECQ).


The Association for Solidarity Student Unions claims the free schools at all levels and for all, the abolition of student debt, retaining a post-secondary education quality and democratization of educational institutions while opposing privatization of education.

It considers that the mass mobilization can be a real engine of social change. She prefers the local general assemblies as decision-making bodies in relation to the referenda, which it considers less democratic.

It also millite for fiscal responsibility, defending the rights of minorities, promotion of altermondialisation, demilitarization, the establishment of a policy of social housing development and the inalienable right to dissent.

Member associations

At the college level:

  • Students' association of Cégep de Matane (AECM)
  • Students' association of Cégep de Sherbrooke (AÉCS)
  • Students' association of Cégep Saint-Laurent (AECSL)
  • General Association of Students of Bois-de-Boulogne (AGEBdeB)
  • Association générale étudiante du Cégep de Drummondville (AGECD)
  • Association générale des étudiantes et étudiants du Collège Lionel-Groulx (AGEECLG)
  • Association générale étudiante du Cégep de Saint-Jérôme (AGES)
  • Regroupement des étudiantes et étudiants du Cégep de Joliette à Lanaudière (REECJL)
  • Syndicat Étudiant du Cégep Marie-Victorin (SECMV)
  • Société générale des étudiantes et des étudiants du Collège de Maisonneuve (SOGÉÉCOM)

At the university level:

  • Association étudiante d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal (AEHUM)
  • Association étudiante du module de science politique de l'UQAM (AÉMSP-UQAM)
  • Association étudiante du module de sciences sociales de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais (AEMSS-UQO)
  • Association facultaire étudiante de sciences humaines de l’UQAM (AFESH-UQAM)
  • Regroupement des étudiants et étudiantes en sociologie de l'Université de Montréal (RÉÉSUM)
  • Association des étudiantes et étudiants en Anthropologie de l’Université Laval (AÉÉA-UL)
  • Association étudiante de science politique et philosophie (baccalauréat bidisicplinaire) de l'Université de Montréal (AESPEP)

External Links