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Alfredo M. Bonanno

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Alfredo Maria Bonanno is an Italian insurrectionary anarchist who also had a great impact on this specific tendency, writing such works as "Armed Joy," "The Anarchist Tension," and others. In the US, Willful Disobedience, Killing King Abacus, and other magazines caused interest in insurrectionary anarchism to grow. Although insurrectionary anarchists are generally interested in class struggle anarchism, in the US, many insurrectionary anarchists consider themselves to be primitivists, or green anarchists, as well.

Armed Joy

A great essay written by the Italian anarchist Alfredo M. Bonanno in 1977. 'Armed Joy' compares his anarcho-insurrectionist comrades in Italy fighting the oppression imposed by the self-proclaimed 'revolutionaries' of the time; to our own opportunity today to join together in joyful destruction and tear down each and every wall that oppresses and regulates ourselves and our world. After it was published the Italian supreme court ordered for this book to be burned, and Alfredo Bonanno was sentenced to eighteen months in prison for writing it.

Let's Destroy Work, Let's Destroy the Economy

"Let's Destroy Work, Let's Destroy the Economy" is a book consisting of different essays by Alfredo Bonanno, where he explains and encourages us to think about work in a different way and to not merely try to make working conditions better but to push towards the destruction of work completely. His essays are full of sound logic and are great reading (or listening) for anyone who wants to challenge themselves and their belief in the systematized slavery that we call work. Part One includes an Introduction by Jean Weir along with Chapter One entitled, "Let's Destroy Work!"

See also

insurrectionary anarchism

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