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ANARCHIFADA IN THE MIDDLE-EAST 15-5-12 The time has come for the people of the world to go down the streets, in every country of the world and start all together in accomplishing humanity’s dream, for the first time in human history. People of the world, the time right, lets do it and not wait any longer. Muhammad killed Juliano the last trader and I shall kill his God

My father’s name in Arabic means the crucifix - Saliba of his son Juliano with the verging mother Arna – Armageddon from Megiddo

All are buried in Megiddo but I am still un buried

And were are all born in Nazareth and many relatives still live in Bethlehem but I am communist anarchist as was all my family Spartacus was crucified before Jesus on the Salib/cross 70BC years before Christ

This so called Avigdor Lieberman the Israeli foreign minister eventually he will be forced to return from where he came from to Russia

Juliano stays but Lieberman and Hamas must go the first to Moldavia and the latter to Tehran

Mahmood Darweesh was a full member of the our so called “family”

Israel and Iran are as sick as America

Each Arab is busy with his own local laundry

How about a Palestinian cultural festival on my brothers fresh grave

Where were the Palestinian people if half of them agree with the execution

Only a civil war will liberate the Palestinians

Use your enemy against your enemy always to get rid of both of them

When you have the money from exploiting others and this is not enough for you then to improve your miserable self you have to empower those whom you have already exploited

The only reason people support the Palestinians is because they are under foreign occupation per se

Fanon said the occupied tends to identify with his occupier

The Palestinians have to make a major house Easter cleansing other wise they are doomed like everyone else

Who is really under occupation the rich or the poor

And who is occupying whom

Facebook is as limited as the Egyptian revolution

I found a new name for facebook a facecrook

If facebook is behind all these Arab revolutions then it is no wonder they are failing If a Moslem have minimum 4 wives and if each wife carries a machinegun, then they will have an arsenal in their tent, make love don’t pray

What is she fighting for allah

Toz Tozeen thalathy

Political parties are sick as those who make them, governors in the waiting, thanks but we had enough and we never want to be governed again. The best government is no government at all

If you reduce the Muslims, the Christians and the Nationalists from the Palestinian people only few remains – hhhhhh

Most Arabs are willing to die for a stupid new government, very retarded, and they encourage to sacrifice yourself so they could become your next governor, what a bloody deceit

They stand in the squares and get systematically slaughtered by the hundreds daily and for what, so they can change one leader with another, how tragic and wastefulness of human life

At least if you are ready to sacrifice so many young people at least make it worthy of the river of blood spelt in the squares of the cities. But the Arabs don’t know that their new demands will create the same conditions which they were willing to die for.

I full heartedly and whole heartedly support all the oppressed and especially the Palestinians, they have my total solidarity but I reject their political agendas.

Look what you have done third of the Palestinian people, now the bloody Jews support the bloody free killing theater, and the money now goes only to private pockets,  bravo. They are cashing in on Juliano whilst his brothers are on the verge of destitution. 

The days of national unity is over for the Palestinians, the Palestinian people have two enemies, one from the inside and one from the outside. The inside enemy is Islamic nationalism and the outside enemy is jewish nationalism. For Palestine to be free it has to defeat Israel, and the only way to this, is by elimination religion from the political scene. this too is the only option left for the Israelis, if they still want to stay in the middle east they will have to apply this too, and this is only the first step on the road of genuine equity and freed.

A Palestinian killed my brother, he was either sent by the Mossad or by a Palestine organization, in either way my retaliation is the same, their total dismantlement and disintegration. 

Reactionaries on either side now your problem is me, because you both so incompetent that you killed the wrong brother a very catastrophic mistaken identity. The Palestinian “Authority” is trying to quite the situation by callaing a bloody alley in Ramallah on his name – thanks Arafat . Believe you me if it was not of the killing of my beloved brother my concerned would have been much more less, but since some ones killed my brother from this region, every one is guilty until proven otherwise because they have killed the wrong brother. And by killing the wrong brother everyone is freaking out, big and small, right and left, religious and secular, thank you my brother. The only substitution I am willing to except for his execution is a total surrender of authority and till then the class war that will end all wars is permanently open – thanks dear Jul Thanks to the freedom fighters: Saliba Khamis – Arna Khamis Mer – Juliano Mer Khamis – Abir Mer – Khamis 3 executed 1 half executed the last deadly

I shell bring the USA and Israel down on its knees and Europe, thanks family – as to 	

I told the IDF on their radio and in Hebrew, that I was more than happy to absorb those bullets my self, but you shot the wrong person. Or Syrians OR lybian, its not Jordanian or Lebanese – it is Palestinian. 15-5-1958 - my brothers 53 birthday(born in both parents in prison)

15-5-1948 – the Nakba 

THE REAL REVOLUTION IS NOT Tunisian is not Egyptian, it us not Yemene 15-5-1948 – the declaration of the stake of Zion 15-5-1958 –first space launch – the sputnik(the original name of my brother) 15-5-2011- May Day revolt in Lebanon + Intifada III West Bank + Day of Dignity Gaza, etc.

Julaino with your death you have done more than the whole history of the Palestine national struggle Arabs have A willing numbers but no brains, I have a brain and many willing numbers

Visa versa The repeated Jewish mantra over his body 100% this 100% that but he was 101% an anarchist, after all he is my brother not yours

The latest sample vote in the Palestinian society inside and outside: The best ruler is a dead ruler PLO – 36% HAMAS – 29% OTHERS –35%

As Syria falls to the hands of the rebels (2 weeks) Hamas will fall to the hands of the brother of Juliano Who ever killed my brother must go first

If Israel killed she would have to go first

The stupid leaders of Hamas and Jihad in Damascus and Gaza have killed the Palestinian issue for a very long time

They CIA killed his father in 1994 and his son by Hamas in 2011

Saliba khamis the father of Juliano Khamis was assassinated in Geneva on the first day of his arrival to a UN conference heading 40 Palestinian delegates 48, found badly injured in his hotel room, soon to die on arrival to hospital

It is new time, a qualitative different time, it is our time, let’s not fuck it up this time The revolution in Iraq began too


Let the death my brother sprout a new seed

Only Juliano Mer Khamis in the whole of world history of dead heroes, has a brother called Spartacus Khamis

All the people are less than one man and one is more than all the people = an equal

Arabs need more time to develop

Nothing has changed since ever but now it will

Clinton/Lieberman and Obama/Osama you are next on the list, your days are few behold your future executioner

Who kills a man is like killing the whole world

Popular unity yes national unity no The question now is this – who goes first Israel or America? Revolution in Palestine – Anarchifda I Intifada III The Gaza Revolution 2011

Anarchifada in Gaza 15.5.11

A youth revolution in Gaza against Hamas & Jihad 2011and for a free Palestine from Zionism and Palestinian reactionaries. Intifada –III-in the Middle-East Anarchifada -I- in the Middle-East

NOW IT IS TIME FOR REVOLUTION MARXISM LATER PLEASE – Even Karl Marx said I AM NOT A MARXIST This revolution is different from the all revolutions before it in the history of mankind and therefore it will achieve different results too.


They Arabs think that by being slaughtered by the authorities in the hundreds called always shaheeds irregardless, therefore legitimizing their struggle on Islamic understanding of sacrificing for Allah, Yemen is a perfect example. Lets die for stupid Gundy and Tolstoy and mamma Teresa for the World Bank

Civil disobedience is civil obedience, the only real achievement of the Tunisian and Egyptian “revolution” is the rapid sweeping of the floors of the streets of big business

When Spartacus returns to the arena even Creaser becomes relactant

First Hamas and Jihad must vanish Immediately from the Palestinian scene

The third intifada is intended to really liberate the Palestinian people and move from out Jewish occupation but no into the party of God occupation

To free the Palestinian people and the rest of humanity, is to free humanity and Palestine from the yoke of authority, whether secular or religious The people of Jordan must hang their king The Syrian people must get rid of the Syrian tyrant son

Israel at last has reaches its final hours

And all the palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails will be free including Hamas, Jihad and 48

And yegal Shaleet of course

And all of this is because of two elements the WE

I nearly lost Abir But I lost Juliano completely

Cry Molotov for me baby

The Muslims killed my brother but the Jews cannot kill me, and if the Zionists are incapable of really to killing me do you think the Muslim can, well I am not Juliano I am Spartacus his elder brother and I am going to annihilate his killers and much more, watch the gladiators news tomorrow morning

The world fucked around with my brother I am going to fuck around with world, those who played with my brother shell turn into vapor and quite soon.

If god killed julaino so to be pleased, and gods don’t exist, then I am going to destroy his next of kin

First goes the Jews then the Christians and after the Muslims and the Buddhists and finally the last religion of god the worship of money = dead capitalism

The Palestinian people like the rest of the Muslim herd as reaction to technology have become the inquisitor of the modern dark ages the Palestinian Taliban society

The Palestinian Intifada III for 15.5.11 is cancelled STAY UNDRER OCCUPATION FOR EVER BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT

Until I find who is exactly behind the killing of my brother – every thing goes on hold – especially the Arab quasi-revolutions

The Intifada III is temporarily cancelled

A person is more important than a nation

A person is more important than a God

A person is more important than a security

Therefore the nation god security to sewer of history

Unfortunately this Palestinian game of many groups is over – no popular no democratic no nationalist or Islamist – this is too late and too little, now there is only one group that is the sole representative of the Palestine Cause and double governments in 2 antagonistic Palestinian states, the group that is behind the execution of Jul Khamis

The Zionists saved Meshaal (the dictator of Hamas) from certain death, this time I will not let it happen again

There is secret direct negotiation going on right now between Hamas and the Mossad, -inside information

Hamas was created by the Mossad in Gaza 1969, as the Moslem brethrens and they are back again in the joint execution of jul khmais and the creation of a puppet state.

The master of the plan is the vision of the fascist A. Lieberman

The Zionist SS & Jihadist Hamas

With the blessing of the neo-Nazi CIA

The third Intifada should be directed not against Israel but Against Hamas and Jihad first, so to Cleanse the Palestinian society from secular and religious fascism

You cannot defeat your enemy if the stuff you are made from is the same as the one whom you are fighting

Nazi Moslem Jews The use religion to get rich and control the people

Who killed Palestinian liberty, the CIA , the Mossad, Palestinian Islamists

God cannot have a political party because there is no God but that of money The Muhammad pan-Islamic trust company

The elimination of communists and their families began long before Ronald Reagan, when ex-SS officers where invited to the USA for the restructuring of the CIA organization in 1945 The Khamis family elimination started exactly on the first day of theLebanon war 1982, to eliminate the Palestinian resistance outside and the communist elements inside

Where was Hamas then non existent

So all these quasi revolutions in the Arabic world really come as result of events unfolding in Beirut and Haifa

The dead man is an orthodox Jew the son of the brother of minister Levnat from the ruling party

May the May Day turn into full a blown revolution

All the revolutions put together are less bloody than the smallest war in history

This page will not be used for party propaganda Can you remove your religious group from my page please

This is the Israeli Anti-Fascist Anarchist Black Block – known as – anarchists against the wall, 300 anarchists who do more than all the rest

The Coordinating comity of the Arab rebellions in the region

The Arab people conscious level is not yet developed enough to demand something which more than just the removal of their local tyrant.