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As I said many times over and over again, if the Palestinian organizations do not solve and quickly the assassination of Juliano Khamis, that will be my reprisal and retribution for his killing:

1 – The halting of the deal for the exchange of prisoners.

2 – The halting of the settlement between Hamas and the PLO.

3- the initiation of a Palestinian civil war, which is most welcomed and is the only way to cleanse the Palestinian scene from the reactionary forces and which is the only way really to defeat Israel and gain back your rights..

As we see the Palestinian civil war has began in Syria yesterday, many Palestinians were shot by the Palestinian popular front.

III - The racist sub-reason of why the Hamas and Jihad had to kill Juliano Khamis

Juliano’s mother Arna Mer Khamis was not a Jew and hated as a revolutionary atheist all religions, she was a revolutionary communist anarchist, she rejected nationality and despised all religions. Same thing goes for his father Saliba Khamis who was not a Christian nor a nationalist, most of his life he was a communist and at the end of his life he adopted anarcho-communism too.

Juliano Khamis was not a Jew either and not a Palestinian, he used his words to make it easier for the local simpleton to understand the various meanings of anarchy for beginners. Juliano was not a Jew nor a Palestinian he became anarchist at the age of 18.

The intellectual level of the public in general is not impressively high and it verges on the level of post-ignorance, and that some times kills.

Two more sub-reasons remained for the killing of Juliano Khamis by the Jihad and Hamas, it will be published within an hour.

Someone has written on the net that the killing of Juliano Khamis is like killing peace itself, the full article was published shortly after his execution but I will not put it here again.

Hamas and the popular front the enemies of the Palestinian people

IV --  The social sub-reason of why Hamas and Jihad had to kill Juliano Khamis. The removal of anyone who might interfere with the internal intrigues to maintain hegemony over parts of Palestine, a power struggle for the domination of the people for governing them. The indoctrination of these organizations, as with every ideology is to maintain by force their leadership over the Palestinian people.

With a stupid Moslem tradition which is against life and pleasure they distort the human mind and turn the personality into a desperate and helpless entity, thus throwing him back to the arms of the religious autocracy that concentrates its effort on the poor areas of Arabs, which is everyplace.

I have been banned again by the administration of the facebook by forbidding me to invite new friends, well this what I say to the administration of the facebook, with your software and without it the revolution is happening and one day soon this program like all the other cyber programs will be owned by the people and not by a few decadent billionaires.

The global reaction to the assassination of Juliano Khamis whose my brother

The effort of the people of Tunisia and Egypt was directed wrongfully by the revolutionaries and for the wrong ends, that’s why they have wasted the revolution and its energy on worthless and mistaken demands.

The Arab revolutionary must learn how not to waste the mass effort and energy and then lose the momentum and then people get tired from not achieving much. To get the people to this insurrection again and in such a short period is impossible, since the atmosphere of disappointment and despair has prevailed.

To a awaken all this again the Arab revolutionaries must learn the revolutionary theory and apply it on the ground immediately, but this time hopefully without repeating the mistakes of the past.

Can I ask from those who want to expand the revolution and help bring it about, to tell their friends on the facebook to send me invitation for friendship since I have been banned by facebook from doing so.

This way the influx of revolutionaries will continue to this Meta-center despite the prohibition of the administration. It will also force the technocrats of facebook to lift the ban off me since people are still coming in mass despite the ban.

Solidarity is the power of revolution

V --  The organizational sub-reason for why the Hamas and the jihad had to kill Juliano Khamis. The weakness of the PLO in general and thje need to schock the left in israele and paqlestine and with a clear massage from the islamists organizations that they who control in reality Gaza and the west bank and the someone else.

Those who organized the Naksa Day demonstration on the Golan heights did not take into consideration that the situation has changed drastically from what it was before the assassination of Juliano Khamis. This post-Juliano era has shifted the balance of power to the extreme to the benefit of the social revolution and not to the benefit of Palestinian politics.

By sending young kids to die on the barbed wires of Israel’s border, it is wrong to sacrifice for what ever the purpose is, deaths and dying by the numbers and it is just a wasting of life and an unnecessary sacrifice, because these young if they were to stay alive they would have been more beneficial to the revolution than when they are dead. Sacrificing these kids on the alter of politics is a crime against humanity, because you cannot free Palestine with bare chests against an armed to the teeth Zionist terrorist army.

Israel is a criminal terrorist state, the Zionists are happy triggers, they kill at will using as a justification that since the Arab regimes kill their people by the thousands, so we can kill few hundreds and no one would say anything, since after all we the Jews are humane good people we kill less than your own leader does, what a Nazi excuse.

Israel kills everything, they shoot at an unarmed kids who pose no thereat what so ever, yet they kill to frighten others not come anymore to their borders. Not the Nakba nor the Naksa is going to liberate Palestine, the only solution to the Palestinians is a social revolution, which is also the only solution to all the oppressed people of the world.