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The Bisexual Option
By Fritz Klein, MD, first published in 1978, with a second edition printed in 1993, it was the first psychological publication specifically devoted to bisexuality.
Part I: What is Bisexuality?
Template:BiChapter 1. The Threat
Both the heterosexual and the homosexual find the bisexual threatening. The myth of the bisexual's nonexistence and the stance of "either/or" is discussed.
Chapter 2. Toward Definition
The various dimensions, facets, and aspects of the bisexual's definition are given. The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid is explained. An analysis of cultural and biological factors of sexual orientation.
Chapter 3. "The Bisexual-Intimacy Level"
The difference between emotional and sexual intimacy. The connection between intimacy and hetero- and homophobia. A profile of a heterosexual male who is able to be emotionally intimate with men.
Chapter 4. Sexuality and the Oedipus Complex: A New Look
An explanation of the Oedipus Complex. The view that both homosexuals and bisexuals are able to resolve it successfully. An example showing how one bisexual male has resolved it.
Part II: Bisexuality and Health
Chapter 5. The Troubled Bisexual - The Healthy Bisexual
Definition of neurosis and the various types of troubled bisexuals, as well as the healthy functioning of the bisexual.
Chapter 6. The Troubled Bisexual- Profiles
Four troubled bisexuals: Nora, Walter, Ann, Donald.
Chapter 7. The Healthy Bisexual - Profiles
Three healthy bisexuals: Harold, Hazel, Jane.
Part III: The Bisexual in Society
Chapter 8. Sociological Findings
The lack of a bisexual community or subculture. Sociological findings by various researchers. Results of survey taken of a bisexual social group.
Chapter 9. The Bisexual in History and the Arts
A list of famous bisexuals in past and present.
Chapter 10. The Bisexual Future: Present-Day Factors
A discussion of the nine factors that will influence bisexuality in the future: AIDS, sex roles and stereotypes, androgyny, friendship and lovers, family, "gay lib", the women's movement and feminism, myths, dilemmas.
See also
External links
- The Bisexual Option by Fritz Klein, MD ISBN 1-56023-033-9
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