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Shanti Sena

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The Shanti Sena or "Peace army" was made up of Gandhi's followers in India. Its nonviolent methods have been adopted by other movements such as the World Peace Brigade, the Nonviolent Peaceforce, and the Rainbow Family of Living Light.

Shanti Sena in Rainbow Gatherings

Within the Rainbow Gathering, security, conflict resolution, and emergency situations are handled by the Shanti Sena ("Peace Keepers").

While some individuals make serving as Shanti Sena a personal priority, everyone present at the gathering is encouraged to be prepared to assume the role of Shanti Sena as the need arises. Although lacking formal organization, experienced volunteers of the active Shanti Sena sometimes employ methods to maximize their effectiveness (these include, but are not limited to the use of amateur radio, FRS Radio and GMRS Radio Repeaters, to improve communication, networking, and mobility) both individually and as a group. [1] [2]

Hypothetically, anyone at a Rainbow Gathering can call out "Shanti Sena!" (as a synonym for the more widely recognized "Help!") and swiftly receive assistance from those nearby who are ready and willing to deal with the given situation.

Shanti Sena also sometimes act as liaisons to and observers of law enforcement officers who patrol the Rainbow Gathering, often tracking the movements of police and park rangers through the gathering, and overseeing the interactions between officers and people attending the gathering to ensure that neither group instigates or takes part in illegal or inflammatory confrontations. In some particularly serious situations, Shanti Sena have collaborated with law enforcement officers (although without violating the Gathering's principle of consensus). For example, a wanted murder suspect and gathering regular, Joseph Geibel, was peacefully approached by Shanti Sena and transferred to police custody at the 1998 gathering. [3].

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This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Shanti Sena on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP
This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Rainbow Gathering on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP