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Dead Skin Mask Slayer Tribute

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Dead Skin Mask has been hailed as the most accurate Slayer tribute band all around. Not an easy task. In 2004, they were voted the #1 tribute band by rock magazine Law Of Inertia, beating out another Slayer tribute. Aside from an extremely accurate rendition of Slayer's music, they've received press on some of the top metal sites around the globe. Some include, and []]], 2 of the biggest metal news reporting sites on the Internet. The event that sent them from, basically unknown to top in the genre, was the reported (legal) release of a cd of 8 Slayer songs. A 3-week tour of Japan helped gain even more worldwide notoriety for the band. Origins of the members stem from Connecticut to San Antonio Texas Founder Mykill (Mike Aresco) moved the band from the Northeast United States to San Antonio Texas in 2000. A tedious search of locals originally turned up nothing. In the summer of 2003 Romeo Vallejo (a previous band member) was signed on as the vocalist of the band. Later that year they would come across a guitarist by the name of DannyM. The second guitarist and bassist positions would serve a revolving door of musicians for the next 2 years untill finding an, at the time, high school student named Joey Kay. Playing shows with temporary bassists, proved to be extremely tasking to the band, for reasons of having to teach each new bassist the songs. Finally the band met a scientist/engineer from San Francisco California that had recently relocated to San Antonio that was teaching at a local college. Roger Echon proved to be the missing element the band had needed for some time, thus finally made complete.


  • Joey Kay - guitar
  • Romeo Vallejo - vocals
  • DannyM - guitar
  • Mike Aresco - drums

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This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Dead Skin Mask Slayer Tribute on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP