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Evening's Greetings

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Evening's Greetings is a series of short stories by comic book artist Mason Dixon and can be read at Mason Dixon's (a.k.a. Kail) Sheezyart. The series is based on the German children's programme Das Sandmännchen (The East German one specifically) and was inspired by the Rammstein song Mein Herz Brennt. It was originally a planned animated series that would be shown on Mason Dixon's site "Alphasars," which has been shut down and is going to be reborn as "Joy of a Stigmata." These stories are not particularly happy, friendly, and educational stories like in the original series, but are instead scary, dark, and sometimes even romantic. The Sandman himself is still the same friendly, kind person he was in the original series, but because of the situations he gets into or hears about he can be a more depressed person. People often times get this wrong and think that he has turned bad.

The Sandman

There is relatively no difference between the Sandman of the original East German children's program and the Sandman of Evening's Greetings, just the stories are different. Every night the Sandman will bring a story for the children, tell it to them, and sprinkle a little sand in their eyes to help them get to sleep. He has white hair and a long white goatee. He wears a red nightcap and a red coat, or he also wears the same in green. He carries with him a little bag of sand and usually travels to different areas in different ways, such as bike, car, camel, horse, or "piggy back riding" a morbidly obese person.

Maniacal Scott

Before there was "Evening's Greetings," Mason Dixon worked on another short story series called "Maniacal Scott" that was about a quiet teenager that often thought about murder and pyromania. He scrapped this idea after talking to his friend Spade who reminded him of Jhäonen Vasquez's Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and how "Maniacal Scott" sounded like a rip-off.

La Le Lu

An 11 story mini-series titled "La Le Lu" is Mason Dixon's current project involving the Sandman. Each short story in the mini-series is it's own seperate little story, some with sequels later on in the mini-series, but each story ties together in the end. At the time of this writing, only 4 are available on Sheezyart, but 5 have been written so far and all 11 stories have been planned.

My Heart Burns The story that tells of why the Sandman is cursed. Originally written as a script for the first episode of the animated series and left in the script format because Mason Dixon felt that if he rewrote it some parts would be lost.

You Smell so Good A man takes his girlfriend on a romantic walk through the woods to tell her he loves her, only to find they have company.

Mother While going through a town putting children to sleep, the Sandman finds a child who had just done something terrible and is freaking out because of it. This story was originally written as a writing project for Mason Dixon's English class. This was the second "Sandman" story Mason Dixon wrote, the first being My Heart Burns, he wrote "Mother" to see if anyone would actually like the stories. After reading it to the class and seeing the reactions on his classmates's faces and after getting back his paper with an A+ grade, he knew he should write more stories.

My Part The conclusion to "You Smell so Good." Originally not written as a Sandman story, but instead written as a "Maniacal Scott" story. Mason Dixon reused it because near the end of writting "You Smell so Good" he thought about this story and decided to rewrite it.

External Links

Mason Dixon's (a.k.a. Kail) Sheezyart [1]

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