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Capital And The State Are Serial Killers

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Capital And The State Are Serial Killers

1) Bush – United States – Serial killers of people –Thousands of killings in the name of security.
2) Sharon – Israeli State – Serial killers of people – Thousands of killings in the name of security.
3) Putin – Russian State – Serial killers of people – Thousands of killings in the name of security.
a) Bush – kills for the Empire.
b) Sharon - kills for a greater Israel.
c) Putin – kills for a falling Empire.

Capital And The State Are Mass Killers

Capital and states kill people everywhere and all of the time. The only way to stop this human genocide is to destroy immediately the state and capitalism. By fully destroying the state and capital we will instantly bring about the total liberation of humanity and make the whole world live comfortably and in peace. By dismantling all authority and hierarchy we eliminate all forms of violence and oppression. The termination of governments and rulers will transform humanity from total misery into total happiness and creativity, ending conflicts and antagonism. By eliminating power and centralization we get rid of poverty and hardship forever. By the abolition of money and discrimination we will have a strong and healthy humanity capable of self-management and universal self-determination. By ending the law of inheritance and private ownership of social production we shall launch humanity into a meta-state of permanent creativity and constant freedom.

Anarchy In Theory – Communism In Economy – Individualism In Society