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Are YOU a reactionary scum?

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To Non-Anarchists Too

Are YOU a reactionary scum?

Some opportunist academic frustrations backed by cynicism to hide a degenerative intellectual backlash – the fall western Hegelian thought – the collapse of philosophy and science, i.e., sarcasm and decadence.

Revolutionaries don’t wait for the revolution they make it. We with the people make the revolution, first in some parts of the world, the most conscious, then the rest joins. We have all the answers to all the questions, but do you have the courage to apply them in the here and now. We wait for no one, we cause the revolutionary chain reaction and sooner or later it will pick up the rest of humanity.

We will liberate ourselves from capitalism and authority whether you like it or not. No masters, no gods no kings in anarchy, only free and equally happy people worldwide.

We destroy the system so no one could use it to enslave others. The termination of all systems by liberates humanity from systematic hierarchy and systematic authority. By ending the system we create a meta-system, i.e., the end of work and capitalism, the end of America and Israel as barbaric forces against their natural surrounding. Meta-system of anarchic self-management and self-creation will replace capital and punishment. The liberation movement of anarchic humanity

Free yourselves from limited past, rise and think the impossible, you are the revolution, and we are the revolution and nothing else. We are the objective conditions and we shell direct it/id to our own anarchic ends. Dare any one and suggest slavery or exploitation again, under whatever excuse or ideological mongering. We are here to stay and take the law and our destiny into our hands and make what we will with it and any reactionary reaction will be disposed off immediately.

Revolutionary step one: Appropriation of all means of social production = production for all. Elimination of the concept of control = freedom to all.

Revolutionary step two: Gift economy = meta-economy. Abolition of work = permanent creativity.

Especially to non-anarchists I really don’t know why you are at this anarchism forum, you are a sick person (an alienated mini capitalist) you should learn from us how to regain some of your lost humanity. Anyway go from here to where you belong, to your dear ex-slave owning country, and stay in right wing forums. I see your name spread on this board like a reject in your own neo-conservative circles. You are in the wrong forum and here you get demolished or transformed into being a more social being. But for now you are finished as a friend turning into foe.

Friends we are here to stay and navigate the revolution towards the anarchic society within our life span. Post revolutionary elimination of money and the distribution of all wealth on the basis of spontaneous and voluntary mega-production. As to the mini Darwinian capitalist, HE (OR SHE) WANTS TO CHANGE, and get out of his self-imposed jungle. Anarchic society where biology don’t mix with ontology and neo-conservatives should be drastically transformed preferable by our like minded anarchist breaker of all laws, as a condition for further conscious advancement. Down with all the scientists and philosophers, long live the anarchic future. We are the most intelligent entity in space yet; we know what we want, anarchy and freedom.