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disease prevention practices

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The following is a composite article detailing various disease prevention practices, some of which may be unverified, speculative or empirical. Use at your own risk.


Abstaining from Dairy[edit]

No one likes a stubborn, stuffy nose! The next time you're suffering from a cold or flu, keep in mind that dairy products such as cheese, butter, milk, cream, ice cream, and yogurt cause the accumulation of mucus. Mucus is that green, gooey, bacteria-filled substance that congests throats and nasal passages, and can make a normal cold completely unbearable. Abstaining from dairy products while sick will greatly reduce mucus and conjestion, and will speed up the time it takes to kick a cold or the flu. To get the full effect, however, one must do this the entire duration of the sickness. So drop that milk, you stuffy-nosed sickling and get your calcium from a calcium+Vitamin D supplement for the next few weeks!



Acupuncture, one of the oldest and most popular medical techniques in the world, originated in Chinese Culture somewhere between 2,000 to 5,000 years ago. It follows Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)'s way of thinking that says the human body is in a constant balanced harmony between yin and yang. When this harmony is thrown off, you get an illness, disease, or some other sort of malady. The role of acupuncture is to bring back the original harmony to the body. By consistently receiving acupuncture treatments you are ensuring that your "yin and yang" will have the correct balance in your body and therefore you will be drastically lowering your risk of disease or illness. Acupuncture itself can vary between practitioners and countries of origin. Most commonly it is the use of paper-thin metallic needles that are placed by hand 3-5 mm into the skin on various spots on the body (called acupuncture points) to relieve tension in that area and increase stimulation for healing. The Chinese believe there is a force that runs through our bodies called qi (pronounced chee) and this force can become blocked in certain parts of our body. By increasing stimulation to certain areas it is believed that you are allowing the qi to flow more freely through your body.

Acupuncture is most well known for its ability to control pain but it is still used to prevent and treat dozens of other ailments especially when combined with the use of herbal supplements. The length of time for which the needles are left in your skin depends on the what the goal of the treatment is. An example, though, is a headache. There are acupuncture points in the web of skin between the thumb and pointer finger that directly correspond with the brain. The doctor will place needles in that web of skin and leave them in for about ten minutes. This time bracket can be higher or lower depending on the severity of the ailment.

The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as an affective way of treating many illnesses including back pain, psoriasis, asthma, gingivitus, ulcers, paralysis following a stroke, to name a few. By receiving acupuncture treatments prior to getting any of these ailments, you greatly lower your risk of contracting any of them because your body will be in a greater internal balance.


Airborne was created by Victoria Knight-McDowell, a second grade school teacher. She believed that it would be necessary to put out a product on the market that helps prevent air born diseases from being contracted by someone in a large area. It is very effective, if, taken daily to prevent catching a cold, or illness from someone in a public place. Airborne can also be a product that should be taken when the symptoms of a common cold begin their onset. If taken two to three times a day until the cold goes away, Airbone helps to repair the immune system. Airborne comes in tablets that are to be dissolved in water, either warm or cold, and to bwe drank. The tablets are comprised of herbs, vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids, and antioxidants which create a formula to help one’s health. It boosts the immune system which fights the germs that cause a common cold. It comes in many flavors which suit the tastes of many. Airborne should be taken as soon as symptoms of a cold appear and until the cold is gone.

You can also take Airborne daily to prevent getting colds. Take one tablet with water daily in the morning, this helps prevents the cold from even getting a chance to start. This has been found to be very effective during the winter when colds and the flu are very prominant. Many have had no problems with taking Airborne daily and find it very effective as a daily supplement to boost the immune system and to prevent from getting air born sicknesses.

Air Purifiers[edit]

An air purifier is a device that eliminates air-born contaminants. Dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and dust mite feces are all considered air-born contaminants which trigger allergies in sensitive people. In addition to these allergens, air purifiers significantly reduce second-hand tobacco smoke. Second-hand smoke can cause sore eyes and throat, nasal irritation, headaches, coughing and wheezing, nausea and dizziness. Breathing in second-hand smoke can also trigger asthma attacks and increase your chances of getting bronchitis and pneumonia. If you have been exposed to second-hand smoke for a long time, you are more likely to develop and die from heart problems, breathing problems and lung cancer. By using an air purifier, these symptoms can be greatly reduced. In addition to the positive health effects, air purifiers also reduce the need for frequent household cleaning. One downside of using an air purifier is that it requires a small amount of electrical energy to operate, which can cause some expense as well as environmental effects. To learn more about common Western culture disease prevention practices, visit the Western society page.,3182,3172_13127__langId-en,00.html


Antibiotics are chemicals either stop the growth or kill bacterial infections. Antibiotics also help prevent a bacterial infection from reoccurring. You can get a bacterial infection by many different ways such as; what you eat, what you touch, and air you breathe. Bacteria are everywhere. This can only help prevent your illness if you finish all the antibiotics recommended by your doctor. Antibiotics cure bacterial infections not viral infections like the common cold or flu. The dosage depends on the illness you have and the seriousness of the illness.


Apples come in many varieties and flavors.

Apples can be used as a powerful preventative tool against headaches, especially migraines. Eating salted apples or drinking 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in the morning has given many headache sufferers relief. This could be because apples are loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals, such as Riboflavin, Vitamin A, B, C and G, Iron and Potassium. Vitamin B and Riboflavin in particular are often prescribed in pill form to migraine suffers.

Many people find the taste of raw apple cider vinegar too much for them to swallow every morning, so they instead mix a tablespoon of it with water and add honey. The result is a pleasant drink that resembles lemonade.

It should be noted that this is a preventative measure, and eating apples or drinking cider will not cure a headache occurring at the moment. However, the consumption of apples or cider daily is very useful in preventing headaches in the long run.

Apples can also be used to ease constipation and diarrhea. If you are experiencing constipation consume the meat of and apple to loosen things up, or if you are experiencing diarrhea consume the skin of an apple to tighten up the bowels.

Western society


Aquaphor is similar to Vaseline, but it is water-based. It is a moisturizer that can be used daily almost anywhere on the body to add moisture and keep the skin smooth and soft. It can also be used if the skin is already dry and cracked by providing a protective barrier that will moisturize the skin while also preventing further moisture loss. There are no fragrances or preservatives in Aquaphor that would irritate the skin or hinder the healing process.


Avocados are a great tool to use they are rich in skin-nourishing oils and vitamin E. Mash half of an avocado with a little lemon juice (to stop it from going brown) to make a face mask. The oil of the avocado seeps into the skin's outer layers to feed the growth layer underneath. This practice will keep your skin looking vibrant and radiant throughout the years. Preventing you form premature wrinkles, age spots and blemishes.

Bacterial Disease[edit]

Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella. This disease can be passed along to humans from fish, frogs, and other amphibians. The majority of people who get sick from this type of disease mostly infects infants, kids younger than five, people with HIV/ AIDS, and also people who are being treated for cancer. This disease can be prevented by washing both hands after being in contact with animal feces, or touch reptiles. Another way to by pass this disease is to just stay away from reptiles and fish, baby chicks, and ducks. By avoiding these animals people are preventing themselves from getting sick and compromising their immune system. There are no risks associated with this practice, so avoiding the animals will not cause any harm to the body.


Bananas are a fruit high in potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C and many more important elements that help improve health. The potassium in bananas make them very effective for soothing sore muscles if eaten after a workout. Also Bananas are a good source of energy because of their high amounts of Vitamin B which make bananas perfect for breakfast. Eating bananas can help prevent many diseases. Among its benefit the banana can help with cardiovascular health, protection from strokes* and ulcers, improve blood pressure, boost mood and energy levels and help to reduce water retention. Eating right can prevent bad health problems in the future. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good place to start for a healthier diet and thus a healthier life.

  • Eating bananas as a part of your regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes as much as forty percent.

An extra note: Bananas and lots of fluid can be very effective in curing a hangover. Also, the skin of a banana is packed full of nutrients. The stringy soft flesh on the inside of the banana skin contains a great deal of potassium and other vitamins that one may otherwise throw away. Scrape the inside of the skin with a knife and add it to a strawberry banana smoothie, or using one's teeth scrape off the nutrient rich skin, while eating the banana to dilute the somewhat chalky taste.

Blackstrap molasses[edit]

A fairly popular health supplement, blackstrap molasses is a good source of many vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. It is the concentrated byproduct that results from a third boiling of sugar syrup. It serves as an excellent sweetener that is actually good for you; recommended dosage is one tablespoon per day in the morning. Adding it to warm milk may make it more palatable.

Black Tea[edit]

Although black and green tea are made from the same plants, they have different effects because black tea has been allowed to oxidize. It is believed that a high consumption of black tea will reduce the risk of heart disease. Theanine, a component of black tea, has been advocated as a sports supplement and may reduce the body's response to stress, both physical and psychological. Some studies suggest black tea could be used as a way to prevent cancer (but so are many things now a days). The optimal amount of black tea consumed is entirely based on the individual. Its side effects are similar to those of coffee such as heartburn, insomnia, and anxieties.

Black tea contains high ammounts of caffine, and can be used to treat migranes and menstrual cramps. The key ingreidients in excedrine migrane and pamprin, that make them different from other pain killers such as tylonol, is caffiene. The presence of caffiene in black tea not only tastes good, but gives you that extra kick in the morning, as well as treating a headache and cramps. black teaWestern society



Although Bluets aren't used for disease prevention practices, they are used to prevent certain medical circumstances. Bluets, orignally used by the Cherokee Indians, is commonly used to prevent bed-wetting. Taken in the form of leaves and commonly made into tea, Bluet leaves can be a homiopathic relief system for constant bed-wetting. Parts besides the leaves, such as the roots, can be harmful if consumed. Proper precautions should be made when preparing Bluets for tea. Bluets are slender plants that tend to grow in groups or colonies. They can be found in grassy meadows, open woods, or dry places along a road. Many different species are found around the world, particularly the Canadian Bluet among Candadian provinces.

Brewer's yeast[edit]

Brewer’s yeast is considered one of the best supplements for its many health qualities. It is loaded with B vitamins, proteins and minerals, thus increasing energy and can also reduce high cholesterol. In addition, it can be especially helpful in pregnancy and breastfeeding because it can increase milk supply and provide a resource of B vitamins important in growth and development. It is recommended to take around two tablespoons per day. The main side effect is diarrhea and nausea, which interestingly enough, are also two problems that brewer’s yeast is recommended for. Brewer’s yeast is a by-product of beer manufacturing, and as an interesting note, it is also the main product of vegemite, a spread in Australia.


Filtrating tap water through a Brita filter not only makes water taste clean and pure, but rids it of unneeded metals and chemicals that can end up in tap water. Living in the dorms, it is hard to have a drinking fountain or bottled water at your disposal and who knows what is in, on, or around the taps. Lead, copper, aluminum, limescale, carbon and chlorine traces can end up coming out of your sink when filling up a glass of water. This can add unwanted taste and harm to the most necessary fluid we drink. Brita filters out the impurities using German technology and research, leaving only what you need, water. Drinking the recommended amount of clean water and keeping hydrated everyday keeps organs working in good condition, helps detoxify your system, and replentishes dehydrated cells. This is just one preventative measure in staying healthy and avoiding Dehydration and disease later on in life.

Brushing your teeth[edit]

Brushing your teeth Brushing your teeth twice a day is highly recommended for a wide variety of reasons. It prevents plaque buildup, which can lead to cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. To properly brush your teeth use a soft bristle toothbrush (each toothbrush should be replaced after three or four months). Gently brush the outer and inner teeth, while keeping the brush at a 45 degree angle. Using up and down strokes brush along the tooth as well as the gumline. This should be done twice a day, every day for about 1 to 2 minutes each time. Using a too hard, brittle brush can cause damage to your gums. Brushing teeth is very popular among Americans as well as other developed countries. Brushing teeth is very important for your health, and is quickly spreading into all areas of the world.

Brushing your teeth is essential to keeping them. It helps fight against and prevent gum disease, the build up of plaque, cavity prevention, and so much more. Dentists say that the minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is 2 minutes twice a day. You brush your teeth by holding your brush at a 45-degree angle and brushing gently where your teeth and your gums meet. Brushing too hard or roughly can lead to tooth and gum sensitivity and bleeding. Brush your teeth 2-4 times daily for a healthy white cavity protected smile.

Brushing Your Tongue[edit]

Brushing the tongue, unlike brushing the teeth, is not completely necessary for oral hygiene. However, it is an excellent preventive measure, used against bad breath. Depending on whether or not bad breath is an issue for an individual, brushing the tongue can be done as often as brushing the teeth, less often if it isn’t needed and more often if it is.

Since tooth brushing is used to break up the formation of plaque, which is mainly composed of bacteria, and bacteria is one of the causes of bad breath, brushing the bacteria off the tongue is a quick and effective way to prevent many cases of bad breath. This practice is relatively common in The United States and in Western society, and comes as natural to those who know about it, but to those with no experience it is generally quite surprising and found as awkward or immediately useful. Other than the possibility of gagging, there are no health risks associated with this practice.


Caffeine is a stimulant naturally found in such things as tea leaves, coffee beans, and cocoa beans. Caffeine origniates in such areas as Eastern Africa and East Asia. As trade increased around the world, caffeine was introduced to new places and is now commonly used worldwide. It is commonly used to increase energy, sense of well-being, to alleviate headaches and help with asthma. Caffeine can also be taken daily to reduce the risk of getting such diseases as diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, and Gallstones. It has also been known to reduce one’s appetite; thus reduce the risk of obesity. Though there are many positive and disease preventive affects, when consuming caffeine one needs to consider the risks. Caffeine is addictive. Too much of it can have such adverse affects as inability to sleep, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dizziness, irritability, gastrointestinal upset, and restlessness. One should use caffeine as needed, however if negative symptoms follow, reduce the intake of caffeine to smaller amounts.


Carrots, also known as Daucus carota, have carotene which the body converts to vitamin A. They are also an excellent source of vitamins B and C as well as calcium pectate. Calcium pectate has been found to lower cholesterol. Carrots contain roughly 87% water and are rich in mineral salts and vitamins. When raw, carrots contain beta-carotene, an anti-cancer nutrient. Carrots also improve eye sight and face complexion. Since Carrots contain beta-carotene, they are the main source of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening eyes and protecting them from night blindness. If taken in large amounts, carrot juice is said to prevent bodily infections. Also, carrots contain some essential oils, carbohydrates and nitrogenous composites and are known for their healing, diuretic, re-mineralizing, and sedative properties.

Western society


Gout is a common type of arthritis that occurs when an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood tissues and urine crystallizes in the joints. People who have gout are unable to break down and excrete uric acid, a byproduct of certain foods. Therefore a common cure for gout is to eat 12 cherries daily or drink 6-8 ounces of cherry juice, about one cup.

Cherry juice is not only a cure for gout but once a patient is diagnosed with gout continued drinking and eating of cherries after gout symptoms have gone away help to prevent future outbreaks of gout. The cherries antioxidants help to fight inflation of the joints. Also it has been proven that cherries help to remove urate from the body which is a big indicator that cherries do help cure and prevent gout.

Chewing Sticks[edit]

In many African countries dentists are a rare find. Although toothbrushes and toothpaste are the preferred method of tooth care it is a luxury that is for the most part enjoyed only by people who have a high level of formal education. For the rest of the population that may not have the money to afford such a luxury chewing sticks with anti-bacterial properties are a common and important primary healthcare measure. There are many different plant species that are used for their medicinal purposes. For example, in Mozambique Euclea divinorum and Euclea natalensis are the most commonly sold plant species that are used as chewing sticks. Throughout other African countries there are many more plant species that are used for this same purpose. African society

Coconut Oil[edit]

Coconut oil isn’t just a good moisturizer it’s also a great way to ward of bacteria from your skin. Coconut oil contains antiseptic acids and when it’s consumed or applied topically it can help to form a chemical barrier on the skin to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Our bodies best chemical barrier is our own oil and sweat that we produce. The oil that our bodies produce is called sebum that contains medium fatty chains. When these fatty chains are broken into free fatty acids they become great antibacterials. Coconut oil is the closest resembling thing to medium fatty chains in terms of available products and while it doesn’t have immediate antimicrobial action, once it’s broken down it can work wonders. It’s best to use it after bathing because when showering the soaps and shaving gels that are used can wash off that protective layer of oil causing the skin to become dry and vulnerable to infection. Applying coconut oil directly to skin can quickly boost skins natural antimicrobial layer. Coconut oil has been used for centuries around the world in tropical regions, such as South and Central America, Africa, and most of Asia. Early European explorers found out about the numerous benefits of coconut oil (especially during both World Wars) and it was quickly spread into Western society.


condom Humans all over the world are having sex. While sex can have many positive benefits, it is also one of the key ways diseases are spread. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as Genital Warts, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV), can be easily passed from partner to partner through unprotected sex. To protect yourself, and your partner, wear a condom.

A condom (or some other form of protection) should be worn any time genitals come into contact and fluids could be exchanged. If one or more partners is unsure of whether or not they have an STD a condom should be used. If one or more partners knows they have an STD they should also use a condom. Condoms are a very low risk form of contraception and disease prevention, but they are not always 100% effective. Condoms can be found all over the world in different places and in different forms. Condom use occurs worldwide.

prevention of stds[edit]

The best prevention from sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain from sex until you are married. This is the safest way and works 100% of the time.


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Cranberries in any form have helped people treat and prevent urinary tract infections for many years in Western society. 100% Cranberry juice(as mentioned below) as well as cranberry supplements and fresh cranberries contain antioxidants as well as acids that help kill bacteria in the unrinary tract that lead to infections. There is no limit on the amount of cranberries that should be consumed, just as much as each person can handle. If the symptoms do not go away after a week at the most, a doctor should be seen to prescribe the appropriate antibiotics. If left untreated, UTIs can lead to kidney infections and could require hospitalization. cranberries should help the problem if it is not already too severe.

Cranberry Juice[edit]

Many women get Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), also known as bladder infections. It is said that if you drink cranberry juice when you feel a UTI coming on that the UTI may go away. A specific type of tannin found only in cranberries and blueberries prevents the adherence of bladder infections. I would suggest drinking 2-16 oz glasses of cranberry juice for one day, along with lots of water to try and cure the UTI. If the cranberry juice and water does not work though, you should see a doctor promptly because your UTI could lead to worse things. There are no risks associated with drinking cranberry juice to cure a UTI. Women in the western culture would use this remedy when they feel a UTI coming on.

Cranberry Juice can also be used to prevent kidney stones. This is also shown in Western society . Cranberry Juice has been known to lower the oxalate and phosphate levels, to increase the citrate concentration and dilute the calcium oxalate levels in urine. These three factors are a large part of the cause of kidney stones. Therefore, by drinking cranberry juice, the risk of a kidney stone is lower, and you can safely stay in the 80% of Americans who never suffer a kidney stone.


Crossword Puzzles[edit]

Crossword puzzles have been a disease prevention for Alzheimer's Disease for the past 40 years in the U.S. However, there may be a self-selection bias as well, with people who are not suffering from cognitive losses being able to engage in mentally challenging activities, while those less able eventually self-select out of engaging in puzzle completion. The goal of a crossword puzzle is to fill in the blank squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers. Crosswords are mentally demanding activities for the brain and more evidence has been found that mental exercise helps prevent or postpone dementia, a part of Alzheimer’s. In a study, it was found that those who did crossword puzzles four days a week had a much lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s than those who did one puzzle a week. Crossword puzzles involve a daily burst of sustained mental activity and older people who regularly engage in a challenging, intellectually, stimulating activity, such as crossword puzzles, that flex their brains, almost halved the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Cucumber Slices[edit] Cucumber slices over the eyes after a stressful day, or crying is known to reduce the look of puffyness under your eyes. This technique is commonly practiced in day spas and is a widely known remedy to women all over the United States. The cucumber must be refrigerated to be effective. If you are having symptoms of puffyness of the undereye, slice a cold cucumber into quarter inch slices and place over the problem area. Leave them on for about 10 minutes and you should see results.


Common cold symptoms or the overwhelming feeling of an oncoming sickness can be avoided by taking DAG. It is found in naturopathic stores, such as Food Co-ops. To use this remedy you put a teaspoon of DAG in your mouth and gargle for about 60 seconds, then spit out the remaining extracts. Using this twice a day for at least two days can steer you clear of any sickness. There have been no reports of any risks and it has been proven environmentally safe. Most commonly known in the Western society

Daily Multi-Vitamin[edit]

Daily Multi-Vitamins are a compilation of different minerals and vitamins that are naturally found in the body or in nature. Vitamins and minerals are found in foods we consume, and range in potency and amount our bodies can absorb range depending on the item and the individual. These different substances are necessary for the proper function and development of the body.

Multi-vitamins come in many shapes and forms ranging from chewable or swallow able tablets to liquid or gummy candies. Vitamins are usually taken once a day in order to increase the amount of nutrients a person gets in a single day. Vitamins are important because they fuel our bodies and enable normal brain, muscle and physical functioning. Balanced vitamin intake also can prevent illness and maintain a healthy body. Vitamins are also effective in reducing and preventing The Common Cold.

Most vitamins and minerals are water soluble, meaning any excess of that vitamin will be expelled during urination. But there are some vitamins and minerals that are not water soluble and it is possible to get sick because of a vitamin overdose. For example, excess iron can cause iron poisoning, and others may react with medications you are already taking. Some symptoms to be aware of are intense stomach aches or a persistent unpleasant taste in your mouth. It is important to talk to a doctor before starting a daily multi-vitamin routine to ensure that you will not have a bad reaction to the increase of any of the vitamins.

Dark Chocolate[edit]

Dark chocolate has proven useful in encouraging ease of blood flow, thus helping the heart to stay healthier. It is made of cocoa, harvested from a plant, and has flavoniods. Flavoniods have been shown to reduce a buildup of cholesterol in blood vessels, lowering the likelyhood of a blood clot.

Eating 1.6 ounces of dark chocolate daily will help induce these effects and possibly lead to a healthier heart. It must be dark chocolate, not regular, because the refinement process removes most of the flavoniods from other types of chocolate.

It is not only the high number of flavonoids that makes dark chocolate healthy. It is also the fact that darker chocolate has a lower saturated fat content, thus making it easier on the body. Dark chocolate is typically seen as any chocolate with a cocoa content of over 50%. But for better health benefits, the best bars of dark chocolate contain about 70% cocoa content, and are single origin (meaning that all the cocoa beans come from one location and are not mixed with other varieties). Not only are these the most health beneficial, but they still maintain a somewhat decent amount of sweetness and taste as well. For other remedies of Western culture, check out Western society.

Dental Dams[edit]

Similar to Condoms, dental dams are another form of protection from sexually transmitted diseases. Dental dams are essentially a rectangular piece of latex that, when held over the vulva or anus, protects both partners from spreading diseases during oral sex. Dental dams are commercially made and can be purchased, but if one is not readily available a condom may also be sliced horizontally and the latex spread open. But, like Condoms, they are not 100% effective.


Diabetes occurs in two forms: Type 1 and Type 2. Although type 1 is a major concern, the focus if this article is on type 2. Type 2 diabetes are caused because of increased age and also because of physical inactiveness leading to obesity. Diabetes causes the pancrease to not be able to produce enough insulin for the body and therefore, diabetics have to regulate their blood sugar in order to control the amount of insulin in their bodies. This is done through pricking the finger multiple times a day with an small, hand-held machine and injecting insulin when needed. A person can mostly avoid getting type 2 diabetes by leading an active and healthy life. By staying active and healthy, the pancrease is able to function correctly and risk goes down significantly.

Dry Diapers[edit]

To prevent a child from getting a Diaper Rash, don't use wet diapers, and always be aware if the child has soiled the diaper or not so that it can be changed immediately. Breast milk may also aid in the prevention of diaper rash because breast-milk fed babies are less susceptible to getting diaper rash.


Emergen-C is a “Flavored fizzy drink mix” that includes 32 mineral complexes and 7 mineral ascorbates that help boost energy and prevent illnesses such as the common cold. It is to be taken two to four times a day mixed in a glass with four to six ounces of water. The group that this supplement is prevalent in would be people who are concerned about their health or people who get sick a lot and want to prevent another illness. Emergen-C also serves as an antioxidant, helps prevent heart disease, works as a natural antihistamine, and is thought to help protect smokers or people who have been exposed to second hand smoke.

Eucalyptus Oil[edit]

Eucalyptus oil from Australia is used for asthma, and has proven to be a great aid for many people. Wetting a paper towel or cotton with eucalyptus oil and placing it near your nose while you sleep is a great way to aid your asthma. Many people have completely come off of the use of asthma medications with this remedy. It can also be heated, or used as a vaporizer or placed in your bathtub which would also help muscle aches. Inhaling the oil provides a very low level risk. Inhaling undilitued oil for over an hour directly from the bottle may lead to headaches, dizziness and nausea. Skin contact with the oil may irritate some people with sensitive skin. Ingesting eucalyptus oil can also be fatal.


For how basic it sounds it really is key to staying healthy, and not just physically. Exercise helps you to keep your body physically fit and also your immune system strong. So if you do catch a virus your body will be able to fight it off. You will be less likely to have a serious healthy issue such as a stroke. You will feel better all around. And you will be less likely to get diseases such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. You will be able to sleep better which in turn keeps you healthy. Exercise prevents and treats a variety of illnesses. The recommended amount of exercise on average is 30 minutes a day, everyday. And that can include anything from a brisk walk to a playing football. There are no special considerations, just to get out and find something you enjoy. A risk could be getting an injury depending on what type of exercise you do, but chances of getting hurt are slim. Exercise has been around forever and is used all around the world. I think Western society has a different emphasis on it then the rest of the world. Because people are beginning to realize that the average American is over weight so they are putting an emphasis on losing weight and not enjoying exercise. When really if people were to just exercise everyday and enjoy it, it could be just as beneficial.

Be sure to stretch before exercising. Stretching will help prevent injury.

Other than making you physically fit and preventing obesity, exercise has many benefits. Exercise reduces the risk of dying prematurely from illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, developing (and complications of) diabetes, or colon cancer. Exercise maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints. It also promotes psychological well-being through reducing/managing stress and anxiety by elevating mood. This is acheived while exercising. During exercise, the body releases endorphins in the the bloodstream. How do endorphins improve our mood? Endorphins are released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. They then enter the neurons that carry pain impulses to the brain. The endorphins then bind to opioid receptors, which are receptors that are affected by drugs such as morphine. This blocks the receptors, which prevents the release of neurotransmitters. Because of this, pain signals are unable to reach the brain. Endorphins are said to be the body's natural pain killers because they have affects similar to those of opiates.

Exercise and a Healthy Diet[edit]

Soldier running in water

Cholesterol is a fatty substance made by the liver and found in all parts of your body. Your body uses cholesterol to produce hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids that help to digest fat. Only a small amount of cholesterol is needed in the blood for your body to operate correctly, and the liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. High cholesterol means that there is too much cholesterol, or the fat-like substance, in your blood. When your cholesterol is high, you body is at a higher risk of getting heart disease or having a heart attack. Atherosclerosis occurs when high blood cholesterol causes fatty deposits called plaque to build up on the walls of the arteries. If the coronary arteries that carry blood to your heart are affected, less blood and oxygen can get to your heart causing chest pain, called angina, and heart attacks.

To prevent your chances of getting High Cholesterol, exercise and diet are the key. Eating a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol helps reduce LDL, or “bad”, cholesterol. Most saturated fat and all cholesterol in our diets come from animal sources like meat including poultry and fish, dairy product that are not nonfat products, butter, and eggs. Trans fats which are another type of fat created by hydrogenation of unsaturated fats should also be kept to a minimum. Many fried and baked fast foods, snack products, and in some margarines are where trans fats can be found. By getting plenty of exercise and managing your weight, can help to keep the fat off your body which contributes to high cholesterol. Regular physical activity for at least thirty minutes for most or all days of the week is recommended for everyone. Not smoking can also help to prevent high cholesterol. This regular routine will also help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of diabetes.


Eating more fish, especially fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, can have many health benefits, and can prevent several diseases. Omega-3 helps prevent heart disease and some forms of arthritis, helps to improve IQ and immune function, and can also be used to help people suffering from depression. Experts encourage people to eat at least one serving of fish high in omega-3 each week; however, there are concerns that fish that contain omega-3, such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna have high levels of chemicals in them. Children and women of childbearing age are generally advised to eat these types of fish sparingly.

Flaxseed Oil[edit]

Flax Seed Oil is a blue flowering plant that is grown on the Western Canadian Prairies for its oil rich seeds. This natural oil (also known as Linseed Oil) is highly recommended for the general well being and whole body nutrition and is considered to be nature's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids that are required for the health of almost all body systems.

Flax Seed Oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein, and zinc and also provides approximately 50% more omega-3 oils than what you could get from taking fish oil, minus that horrible "fishy" after taste. Sounded good to me already! Some nutritionists, researchers, and scientists believe that it could be the most important health-promoting supplement next to a multi-vitamin. Nearly every system in the body can benefit from flax seed oil's natural properties, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, circulatory system, reproductive system, nervous system, as well as joints. - Research shows low incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diet. Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most whole grains. - Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses. - Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function. - Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion. - Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina. - Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises. - Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity. - Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat. - Improves the absorption of Calcium. - Strengthens finger and toenails. - Can improve eyesight and perception of colors. - Can often improve the function of the liver. - Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer. - Can relieve some cases of Asthma. - Helpful in the treatment of Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dandruff. - Can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. - Can alleviate some allergies. - Helps prevent Atherosclerosis (the accumulation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels, especially the large and medium-sized arteries, that many people experience during the aging process). - Lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers. - Has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression. - Can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners. - Can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. - Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics. - Can relieve some cases of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in females. The recommended daily dose for most people is at least 1,000 mg taken one to three times daily. Even better is adding flax seeds into your diet in breads, muffins or on salads. Scientific studies have used up to 30 grams of flax seeds a day safely and without side effects. It's important to buy high-quality flax seed oil as it is prone to rancidity. Light and oxygen will slowly breakdown the essential fatty acids. Look for flax seed oil capsules (dark coated soft gels) or oil that is bottled in amber-brown bottles, as these are more resistant to the light and oxygen. Make sure you refrigerate your flax seed oil to help extend its shelf life.

Flintstones Chewables[edit]

Not only do the antics of Barney and Fred simply entertain us on early Saturday mornings, now they can keep us healthy as well! The humble Flintstones chewable vitamins, accompanied in the form of tablets by such cartoon icons as The Jetsons and Bugs Bunny, make getting your recommended daily value of riboflavin tasty and enjoyable. In all seriousness, a daily dose of vitamins can help supplement the nutrients a picky child may be missing out on by skipping spinach and heading straight for dessert every night. One a day is all you need, unless you’re 2 or 3 years of age, in which case ½ a tablet a day will do. There are however problems with associating a supplement with cartoons and candy. Always keep the bottle out of reach of children and in case of accidental overdose contact a doctor or poison control center immediately.


The practice of flossing provides an important service for your teeth and gums in preventing plaque from building up between and around teeth and resulting cavitites or Gingivitus. It gets areas a toothbrush can't reach and places were periodental diseases are likely to start. It is recommended that people floss daily and thoroughly. The promotion of the dental community of the benefits of flossing establish its roots as a practice of Western culture.

Flossing is a very basic, easy technique that can reduce the number of bacteria in our mouths and also help in the prevention of gingivitus. Flossing helps reach those hard to get areas and creates strong gums. Flossing should be a very important part of brushing, without flossing brushing is like only washing 65% of your body. The other 35% remains dirty!! It is recommeneded to floss daily and there are no known negative effects of it. The origins of flossing definetly resides in Western culture, many undeveloped countries don't have the resources or money to provide floss to their citizens.

Flu Vaccine[edit]

Flu Vaccine, also known as the flu shot, is a great way to prevent getting the influenza. The flu kills a few thousand people in the United States every year. Influenza is caused by an RNA virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. The most common and characteristic symptoms of influenza in humans are fever, sore throat, muscle pain severe headache, coughing, and fatigue. The shot is given on a yearly basis due to the fact that each year the strain of virus changes. In receiving the flu vaccine one is basically given a strain of influenza. Side effects may sometimes be that it causes some people to get sick right after the shot, but then not again for the rest of the flu season. The shot is usually offered beginning in late fall. The flu vaccine is especially recommended for the elderly and the youth, but anyone can get them. The shot is given at local medical facilities, and at a lot of store like Safeway and Fred Meyers. Getting the vaccine early is best because they can be difficult to get during the height of flu season.

Folic Acid[edit]

The daily intake of folic acid among women who could become pregnant has proven to prevent many complications in fetal development. These complications include neural tube defects that lead to malformations of the spine, skull, and/or brain in the developing fetus, including spina bifida. It is recommended that 600 micrograms of folic acid be comsumed per day when sexually active,in the preconceptual stage and within hte first month of pregnancy. You can easily obtain 600 micrograms by taking a few pills found in the vitamin aisle of your neighborhood grocery store.

It is very important for sexually active woment to take folic acid even if they do not plan on becomming pregnant. Folic acid helps with the development of the nervous system which is one of the first things to form in a fetus. By the time you know you are pregnant the ectoderm cells have already begun forming the nervous system. By the third week after conception the neural tube is already formed. Folic acid is a simple and relatively easy way to prevent the possibility of major birth defects.

While the likelihood of toxicity from folic acid is low, it is recommended that women taking this supplement not exceed the maximum allowance of 1000 micrograms daily, for taking too much may cover the symptoms of a vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Garlic and Mustard Seed[edit]

Back in the day, it was common to wear garlic and mustard seed (with a few other spices) around one's neck as a method of preventing colds. It is true that those with more garlic in their diets tend to contract fewer colds, only now the garlic is incorporated into the everyday diet. However, back in the early to mid 1900s, it was more common to see people wearing little bags around their necks as a means of preventing colds.


Drinking two glasses of Gatorade will cure headache pain almost immediatly, especially heachaches resulting from dehydration or fatigue. It is also said that sniffing peppermint in combination with drinking Gatorade will have an even better effect. This combination is said to balance electrolytes and reduce inflammation of the meninges due to dehydration. A headache due to imbalanced blood sugar levels may also be reduced through drinking gatorade. This practice is associated with American culture and is well known among non-convention medical practitioners.

Ginger Root[edit]

Ginger Root is used to cure nausea and stomach cramps. It is also good for preventing ulcers. When humans get stressed or are not receiving enough calcium in their diets, the mucus membrane in the stomach erodes away. When the stomach's mucus lining has been eroded the harsh acids in the stomach slowly burn through the tissues of the stomach wall. To prevent this from happening, small pieces of ginger root are eaten after every meal. Eating of the ginger root after a meal not only helps digestion but helps protect the mucus membrane of the stomach walls. Western society uses this root as a prevention against ulcers as an alternative to precription medicines.


Ginseng roots in a market in Korea.

Ginseng is used in the traditional medicine of Chinese Culture to keep the immune system alive and improve blood circulation. This aids the body in preventing disease and illness, as well as keeping the skin looking smooth and youthful. A common way of digesting ginseng is to make it into soup. Using a medium to large sized pot, boil 3 oz of ginseng, 1 lb of lean pork, and 36 oz of water for 2 hours. For best results, drink 1 full rice bowl of the soup (about 1 ½ cups) twice a month. This soup is also a good remedy to curing a sore throat.

Glass of Red Wine[edit]

Drinking a glass of red wine every day or drinking red wine in moderate consumption may help to protect against certain cancers, heart disease, and can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Most of the pathogens that threaten humans are inhibited or killed off by the acids and alcohol in wine. Wine is a mild natural tranquilizer, serving to reduce anxiety and tension. As part of a normal diet, wine provides the body with energy, with substances that aid digestion, and with small amounts of minerals and vitamins. It can also stimulate the appetite. In addition, wine serves to restore nutritional balance, relieve tension, sedate and act as a mild euphoric agent to the convalescent and especially the aged. This method of disease prevention should only used if one is the age of 21 and older.


Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is commoly derived from shellfish. It is a precursor for glycosaminoglycans, which make up a major part of cartilage in joints. Glucosamine is usually used for the treatment of osteoarthritis because it helps to rebuild cartilage and treats arthritis. It can also be taken as a preventative precaution.

Glucosamine appears safe, even though it is often derived from shellfish. It is not, however, made from the flesh of the shellfish, but rather the shell itself where the allergen is not carried.

Green Tea[edit]

The use of Green Tea can help prevent cancer and heart disease, it can also help increase fat oxidation and raise metabolism. If taken daily, it is thought that a person’s overall well-being can be improved as well. Both green and black tea have been shown to increase the body’s antioxidant activity by up to 45 percent. Some studies have shown that drinking green tea is linked to preventing cancer because it contains EGCG which interferes with the enzyme that is related to spreading cells through the body. This can help prevent any further growth of a tumor. In addition, green tea may help burn fat and lower the body’s cholesterol. It may also help break down plaque on artery walls as well as improve blood flow. All of these factors can help prevent heart disease. Asians tend to favor green tea. Although the origin is not known, the brewing of green tea can be traced back to over 4000 years ago in China. It is produced from steamed and dried leaves. Green tea is a wonderful way to enhance a person’s health, and consuming it daily can have many health benefits with minimal negative side effects. The only known negative side effect is that green tea contains large amounts of caffeine, consuming too much caffeine can lead to nausea, frequent urination, and insomnia.

Not only can you drink Green Tea for health benefits, but in the Western society tea bags are also used to help prevent dark circles and wrinkles under ones eye. All one needs to do is brew two tea bags, let them cool and then use them as a compress for ten minutes on each eye. Using caffeinated tea bags can also help prevent puffiness under the eyes.

Hand Washing[edit]

Hand Washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of disease and infection. In a single day a person is likely to touch hundreds of different people and objects which may or may not be contaminated with various germs (germs are microbes such as viruses and bacteria). If any of these people or objects are contaminated with germs, the person who touched them will become contaminated with these same germs. The contaminated person will then become highly susceptible to disease.

A good way to prevent this from happening is through the practice of regular hand washing. The best times for hand washing are before the eating or touching of food, after using the bathroom, after blowing the nose or coughing, after touching pets and other animals, after completing outdoor activities, and after being in contact with a sick person. There are other times when hand washing is necessary and appropriate; however, these few are the most important to remember.

Good hand washing practices include using warm water and soap, creating a lather that covers the hands from the fingertips to the wrists, rinsing again with warm water, and drying with a clean towel. A person only need wash their hands for about fifteens seconds (about the time it takes to sing the ABC's) in order to take full advantage of the benefits. Following are a few risks that are associated with hand washing. Excessive hand washing may lead to the drying and cracking of the skin. Excessively heated or cooled water could cause burns, frostbite, or other injury. And finally, the use of antibacterial soap as opposed to regular soap may lead to the development of soap resistant strains of disease and infection.

In general, hand washing is a safe way to stay healthy and avoid the contraction and/or spread of disease.

Hang over Prevention[edit]

Water, also known as H20 is a vital component of human life, and about 70% of the human body is composed of it. Most physicians will tell people to drink 8-10 glasses of water each day, which is equivalent to 2 liters of water. A common use of water in a college lifestyle is to make sure one is fully hydrated before going out and drinking. Another way water can prevent a hangover, is if the inebriated person drinks a few glasses of water before finally falling asleep. There are no risks associated with the preventative practice but neither are there any guaranties.

Alternate Forms of Prevention

After a long night of drinking one may feel that they should "pass out" and go to bed. Going to bed drunk can be the cause of a bad hangover. Compared to while awake, your metabolism while sleeping is considerably slower. This means that your body is not processing the alcohol that is in your blood, this can cause you to wake up “hung-over.” As enticing your bed sounds after a night of hard drinking, it is in your best interest to stay up that extra amount of time to prevent a hangover.

Although it may be unappetizing to think about eating something when you are hungover, it is important to get something in your stomach if you can hold it down. The best case scenario would be to eat something before going to bed or after waking up. Your best bet is soemthing like honey on a piece of toast. Simple sugars (honey) will increase the rate at which your body processes alcohol, and simple carbohydrates (bread) will lessen an overly acidic stomach.


Helmets are a great way to reduce the risk of head injury. The risk of head injury may be present in anyone who is mentally handicapped, experiencing severe dizziness or loss of balance, skateboarding, rollerblading, playing paintball, flying, doing construction, in law enforcement, in warfare, in outer space, performing stunts, skydiving, bobsledding, sports, or anyone on a moving vehicle.

Helmets are often specialized for the activity in which they are being used, but generally they have a hard outer-shell, a soft padding below the hard shell to reduce the force of impact, and a strap to help secure the helmet to the head.

Helmets can also come equipped with a wired mask such as in football or a hard screen as in hockey, to protect the face from injury as well.

Herbs and plants[edit]

Used throughout India to help cure diseases and to help prevent these diseases. Over 200 varieties herbs and plants are currently used in Indian culture and it is a huge part of their ethnomedicine practices. Indian Culture

Himalayan Goji Juice[edit]

Himalayan Goji Berry Juice: The goji berry grows from the plant Lycium Barbarum, which can be found in parts of China, Tibet and Mongolia. It started in the Himalayan’s, and this knowledge was taught to the chinese The goji berry has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and it is just recently that scientist found what is so effective about the goji berry. First, the goji berry has 4 types of polysaccharides, 19 different amino acids which are the building blocks of protein, more vitamin c than oranges, more beta carotene than carrots as well as many other appealing characteristics. With all that the berry has to offer, it has been shown to prevent different types of cancer, osteoporosis, to lower blood pressure as well as many other things. It is also known for its anti ageing effects.

It is recommended to drink about 2 ounces of goji berry juice a day, and there have been no known side effects of drinking more than that. The price of the juice is a bit much though.


Humidifiers can be used to treat the common cold but they can also be used to prevent them. Putting the humidifier on daily will moisturize the air making more humidity lessening the dryness of the house. Dryness may cause dry skin and dry throats. Humidifiers are most effective during the winter when the climate is dry and the humidity is exceptionally low. Low humidity can make the temperature feel lower than it actually is causing colds. There are no risks with humidifiers being daily and is most popular in western societies.


Handmade soap used for hands and body.

General hygiene is a very popular form of disease prevention in Western Culture. Basic hygiene has become an engrained part of the daily routine of most Western societies. The basic practices of teeth brushing, hand washing showering and washing your face are among the many practices that Western cultures practice. These help prevent a variety of illnesses such as tooth aches, tooth discoloration, acne, the spreading of viruses and illnesses such as the common cold. Hygiene has even become a social norm, with various products aimed at personal hygiene such as deoderant and anti-presperant, perfumes and colognes, and many variants of soaps and fragranted goods to help cover foul bodily smells or prevent them from occuring.

Immune System Training[edit]

Immune System Training is a practice useful in protecting oneself against many common contagious diseases. The basic premise is the same as that of athletic training. When we want our bodies to perform well we don't simply let them lie idle, we prepare by simulating the activity desired. Why not do the same for the immune system? We can't expect our immune system to cope with germs if we are constantly avoiding them or adverse physical conditions if we are constantly in comfort. The human bodies ability to adapt is amazing, so use it. Eat off of that dirty fork, don't wash your hands all of the time, get a little bit of hypothermia, and don't tend to every little malidy as if it were life threatening. The minor negative effects in the present are a small price to pay for your bodies ability to handle similar conditions in the future. It is a system of prevention that is most effective when used constantly throughout life. Dosing is a personal preference- we are the best judges of what our body can handle and moderation should be used at all times. Origins of this theory are obscure, but this method has been subscribed to by such intellectual greats as gold prospectors, cowboys, mountain-men, and George Carlin.



An aromatic substance which is obtained from certain resinous trees in Eastern and tropical countries, especially from those of the terebinth family. It is largely employed for purposes of religious worship. When sprinkled upon a glowing coal inside a censer or thurible, it burns freely and emits an abundant white smoke of very fragrant odor. The odor helps calm the body from stress and overstimulation. Two things that can be extremely detrimental to a person's health and wellbeing. Various spices are sometimes mixed with the resin to increase its fragrance.


A plant Hawaiians use is the kalo, or taro leaves, which is known to be the single most important plant in Hawaiian culture. It is mainly used to cure asthma. On the other hand, many Hawaiians use the raw sections of the plant to treat pain and swelling from different insect bites, stop bleeding, and cure indigestion.

Hawaiian society


The Practice of Kampo In Japanese Culture is very widely recognized The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare even allows traditional kampo medicines to be covered by insurance kampo is an adaptation of traditional Chinese medicine. The basic Chinese medicine and practices came over to Japan between the 7th and 9th centuries. The Japanese then took this medical system and refined it and developed it in their own personal way creating a unique herbal medical system of treatment and diagnosis. Kampo is mainly concerned with the study of herbs and their uses in curing and treating diseases and afflictions. But often times it will incorporate acupuncture and moxibustion. There are many different medicines used in kampo of which 148 specific medicinal combinations are approved and used in Japan, many of which have undergone clinical trials and have shown that they are very effective. Some Japanese Pharmaceutical companies have even sponsored American medical studies, which have shown good results. In America, kampo has little popularity in the mainstream, However many naturopath physicians, and holistic healers who practice acupuncture and the like often incorporate kampo or the traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism at its roots. There are many different herbal combinations that can be used to treat and alleviate many illnesses and symptoms.

Kan Ku[edit]

Kan Ku is a highly sacred practice in Mayan healing culture. Until 1993 it was not even given a name because it was thought to be so special and secret. In the Mayan Calender though, 1993 marked a new cycle characterized by the sharing of ancient wisdom, and this practice was called Kan Ku. It is a practice of integrating the four elements of Kiejebkan Ku (the physical body) Vukubkan Ku (the mental body) Oxlajuikan Ku (the emotional body) and Winalkan Ku (the spiritual body. It is believed that by combining and harmonizing all these elements one can reach the level of enlightment and total health. This synergy is one of the most important elements of Mayan society


Kava was once a sacred Polynesian ceremonial drink. It is believed to contain properties that enhance calming, soothing feelings. The people of Hawaii use it to treat headaches, muscle pains, and is also a way to prevent insomnia.

Hawaiian society

Keeping Dry During Cold Season[edit]

Keeping dry in cold weather is as essential to preventing a cold or virus as washing ones hands. When one is cold and wet, the bodies energy is spent preventing warming the body and takes focus and attention away from stopping the cold virus, leaving the body weak and exposed to the virus. This method of cold prevention falls under the category of prevention of weakness to the immune system, as a healthy immune system will deflect more colds than anything else. To further avoid a cold, make sure to wash your hands, and avoid contact with people who are sick. If you have to make contact with them, make sure to wash your hands before touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.


In a world filled with fast foods, cholesterol, and obese children, Kimchi is quickly becoming a popular dish because of its intense flavor and health benefits. Not only is it rich in many vitamins, because of it has a high concentration of dietary fibers, it helps with digestion. Some say that it may even help fight cancer, although this is just speculation. There are many types of Kimchi, but the standard is a cabbage that has been doused in ground red peppers and allowed to ferment.

It's low amount of calories also makes a favorite food of those who wish to keep or lower their weight while maintaining a healthy body. And everybody knows a healthy body leads to a healthy life. All that is required is to simply eat a small serving of Kimchi a few times every week with anything from rice to meat, while the smell of Kimchi is one that takes getting used to, the taste itself is exquisite and it is quite hard not to order a second helping at a Korean barbecue restaurant. If there are any ill effects besides a burning tongue, nobody has done a good job in reporting it.

Koah Kchaul[edit]

Koah Kchaul roughly translates to “rub air” in Cambodian. The art of this practice is a very strange one, and may seem to do more harm than healing.

The person being koah kchauled lays on their stomach. The person performing the task takes a special menthol and camphor concoction or lotion and spreads it on the back. They then take a coin and very roughly rub on a single spot, back and forth for a few minutes or until the area turns bright red. This is repeated along both sides of the back, until there are even red streaks spanning the length of the back. This procedure can also be done on the chest.

This procedure is thought to let air into the person’s soul so that they can breathe better, and in turn, be healthier. It is used on people who are already sick as well as those who just don’t want to get sick. It should not be done more than twice a week, as the skin becomes very sensitive.

Knee pads/elbow pads[edit]

Along with helmets which should be worn any time you ride a bike, skaeteboad, rollerblade, scooter, etc, knee pads and elbow pads are another preventitive measure. Knee pads are a hard shell attached to a stretchy band that can be wrapped around a person's leg at the knee. In a case of falling down knee pads add an extra hard layer of protections so that the knee does not get skined, cut, bruised, etc. Elbow pads are again a hard shell attached to a stretchy band that is wrapped around the arm at the elbow in case you fall down and potentially damage your elbows. Knee pads and elbow pads should be observed and worn more often than they are now days. Knee pads and elbow pads along with helmets should be worn every single time one is active in riding a bike, skateboarding, etc., and should be worn for the duration of the activity. The preventive practice of wearing knee pads and elbow pads is trypically seen in the U.S. among young kids.


Laughter can be one of the easiest and most effective disease prevention practices. Many studies have shown that not only does laughter reduce stress hormones, but also it boosts your immune system and therefore prevents one from becoming ill. In addition, laughter triggers the release of endorphins in the body, which are your body’s natural painkillers. Many times a large part of feeling ill is psychological, by laughing it also allows your mind to wander elsewhere and forget about all of your illness related symptoms. Some studies have also shown that it even lowers blood pressure. Laughter is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body and one of the most universally used disease prevention practices. Laughter is among nearly all cultures and has been around as long as humans have. If you begin to feel ill sometimes just spending an hour laughing with your friends will make you feel better. Another option would be to play a funny movie, listen to stand up comedians, or read some funny comics for a while.

Lemon Juice[edit]

As a child when others were getting sick my Mom always told me to drink a lot of water with #Lemon juice added. This supposedly helped boost the immune system. The remedy usually consisted of fresh ice water with one or two lemons juiced into the ice water. This was to be consumed once every day during the cold pandemic. Drinking this lemons juice along with regular other cold prevention techniques will help to avoid the cold sickness. I’m not sure where my Mom came up with this remedy. Perhaps she came up with the remedy herself, it doesn’t really matter because it works.


An old British naval practice for preventing scurvy is eating half a lime once a day each day for the entire voyage. That is why the British used to be called Limies. Scury if brought on by a lack of vitamin C in the body, without sufficient levels an affected person's body cannot correctly produce important collagen protiens, which are neccisary for building connective tissues. Scurvy is a terrible disease which can lead to liver spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the nose, mouth, ears, and even anus. Scurvy also cuases paleness, depression, and in severe cases can lead to loss of teeth as well as the opening of scar tissue. It is important to note that almost all fruits, with at least one serving a day, can aid in thte prevention of this atrocious disease. Scury is not common in all parts of the world as many cultures have some access to the required amount of vitamin C. The most common appearance of this disease is durring prolonged travel at sea, as mentioned before, and imprisionment.


Lip Balm[edit]

Most people at some time have experienced chapped lips. It is uncomfortable and unpleasant. Applying lip balm daily will help prevent the frequency and severity of chapped lips. When using lip balm, there are several factors to pay attention to. It is important to use lip balm with beeswax and/or petroleum based products. Such use will prevent redness and chapping. Lip balm sometimes contains sunscreen to assist in lessening the impacts and damage from sun exposure. One should be aware that lip balm containing flavor ingredients may encourage the subject to lick their lips, which is also a leading cause of chapped lips. Lip balm was created recently by Western culture but is now available in most parts of the world.


To prevent cracking and dry skin it is important to use lotion. Dry skin can crack and become very sensitive and irritated. In more serious deyhdration, dry skin can crack, bleed, and causes an open wound which can lead to infection. Your body creates natural oils to keep your skin mosturized and lubricated, but at times this is not enough. Durring winter, and times when the body is exposed to the elements, it is easy for the skin to become dehydrated. Most lotions will work to moisturize your skin, as well as baby oils and skin creams. You only need about the size of a dime worth for your hands and should apply about 2 or three times a day because washing your hands causes them to dry out and the lotion to wash off.


Often time’s people find themselves stressed out about one thing or another. A good way to help reduce stress is to use meditation. Meditation, when practiced in the correct way, helps to achieve a healthier state for mind and body in many different ways. Some examples of its affects: it decreases the heart rate and blood pressure, affects the metabolism by reducing chemical byproducts of stress (which can be detrimental to physical health) and it induces favorable brain waves. Essentially, meditation leads to what is called the “relaxation response” which is the body’s response to the act of relaxing: certain affects on the respiratory system, brain chemistry, heart rate, and blood pressure. These responses are extremely beneficial to the overall physical and mental health of a human in many different ways including the reduction of stress and strengthening of the immune system. Meditation in its many different forms is found across the global culture, the differences lie in its pratices and the cultural understanding of its purposes. There are many different forms of meditation some involving complete stillness while others involve movement. Meditation is simple and inexpensive. It requires only your time and effort. Global Culture

There are different forms of meditation and prayer. Most involve sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes, focusing on a particular word or symbol, controlling breathing, and getting in touch with the inner self. Practiced by Eastern religious for centuries, meditation is believed to be an effective form of introspection and personal renewal, and great way of managing stress stress.

Menopause(Keeping It Under Control)[edit]

Menopause is something that occurs when a woman reaches her 40s. It sometimes can be a bother and with these tips, it can be kept under control. When experiencing Menopause, it is very important that you avoid caffeine. Instead of starting your day with a cup of coffee, try drinking a small amount of beet juice. Beet juice should be consumed 2 to 3 times daily. The beet juice is used to maintain Menopause and has natural sugars that help you start your day with energy. Not only should beet juice be consumed but also natural soy products. Soy products can be bought at any local grocery store; pure soy products help hot flashes and night flashes stay to a minimum. With these tips, Menopause can be halted and you can go on living as you want. Don’t let Menopause dictate you, you should dictate your own life and Menopause!


A Glass of Milk

Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which bones become so brittle, due to lack of calcium over time that they fracture or break. Although this disease seems to affect people later in life, actions to prevent osteoporosis can and should be taken before you are 30 years of age. If Osteoporosis is not prevented, the disease can lead to collapsing spinal bones, serious bone fractures, and painful intensive surgery. Just adding more calcium into your diet will save you from much pain and discomfort in the future. Although the research into using milk to prevent osteoporosis is fairly new and Westernized, the US Surgeon General’s report on Bone Health and Osteoporosis recognizes the role of nutrients such as calcium, in milk, as a way to protect bones. Because milk is the most readily available source of calcium in the diet, one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis is to incorporate milk into your daily meals. The average appropriate calcium intake is between 1,000 and 1,300 mg a day. However, many people consume less than half of this recommended nutrient. To ensure you are getting enough calcium to protect your bones from Osteoporosis, you should drink 3 servings of milk (and one other high-calcium food) a day. It does not matter whether the milk is fat-free, 1%, 2%, or whole as long as each serving accounts for an 8-ounce of milk. This small addition to your diet will help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures later in life. Three glasses of milk a day keeps Osteoporosis away!

  • Note that if you are lactose intolerant there are calcium supplements that can be taken instead of milk to meet the daily recommended calcium intake.

Morning Spit[edit]

Morning spit can cure the warts that grow on your body. A wart is a small, often hard, abnormal elevation on the skin, usually caused by a papomavirus. The morning spit is a key to the cure of warts because is has the fresh bacteria that is in your mouth when you wake up from your sleep. Brushing your teeth kills the bacteria. To make this effective, one must spit on the wart and let is dry before washing yourself every morning until the wart is gone. Within a week or so, one will see a big improvement on the cure to their wart. This is mainly apart of the Western culture because we come from a society that learns things from television and that is how I learned this culture practice. I saw this Western Practice to prevent warts on the discovery channel. No other medicines or practices worked for me, but the morning spit did.


This liquid contains some alcohol and primarily is used to treat bad breath and also prevent certain bactorial deseases. In general there are three types of mouthwashes. There are antibacterial products that cut down the amount of bacteria in one's mouth. This type kills bad breath and provides a fresh taste in the mouth. The second type are flouride mouthwashes that improve the flouride level on tooth enamel. The third are remineralizing mouthwashes that help repair various lesions in the mouth.

Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. It is estimated that over half the population occasionally has foul-smelling breath. It has been found that bad breath is mostly due to the amount of bacteria in an unclean mouth. It is to be taken once in the morning and once in the evening by the rinses and swishing in the mouth for about 30 seconds after brushing and flossing. It is not recommended to swallow as this can lead to vommiting and dizzyness.

Mouthwashes using tea tree oil (such as Essence's) can work quite well too.


Multivitamins come in many shapes and forms. From the chewable children's vitamins that are shaped like cartoon characters to simple once a day capsuls. Multivitamins help the body stay strong and healthy by supplying it with the vitamins it needs but may not always get due to poor diet. Multivitamins can contain a varied number of different vitamins. Most at least have Vitamin C, B and D vitamins, as well as iron supplements, to name a few. This prevention practice is used most often in more developed cultures such as Western society.

Music As A Mood Elevator[edit]

While being sad, or in a bad mood is not a disease, it is always more enjoyable to be happy. Good music, particularly music of your personal choice can have healing qualities in your daily routine. Certain melodies, beats and notes can trigger a mechanism in the ear that lets out endorphins into the brain with quite positive effects. Different songs respectively can either lower or elevate one’s mood. So when feeling stressed listen to some jazz or slower beats. If tired, music with a quicker beat can help to make one less tired. Experiment to find how different types of music will make you feel. There are no risks involved in this disease preventative process.

Nail Care[edit]

Ingrown toe nails can be a big problem. In order to prevent nail growth into the skin, make sure to take special care when clipping toe nails. If nails are cut to short they may become ingrown, so to prevent any problems make sure not to cut too close to the skin. Also, be sure that all footwear leaves at least a half inch room for your tootsies to move around. If nails are too close to the end of the shoe, it may also increase the risk of ingrown toe nails. Precautions should be taken on a daily basis, and clippings should be done weekly. These precautions and maintenance of nails have originated mainly in American culture where nail appearance is highly valued.

Soaking your nails in vegetable oil can help strengthen nails from creaking and teari

Nailpolish on the nails can be bad for the growth of the nail, inhibiting is down the road. It can make them weak and turn shades of yellow. Also, everyone likes to pick off nailpolish when it is on but at time is can be difficult and you end up removing parts of the nail. A way to pick off nailpolish, and doing little harm to the nail (except for the fact that there is nail polish on it) is to put a clear coat on first, then your color on top of it. It helps to when you need to remove the nailpolish from the nail, helping to prevent further damage tot he nail.


Acupuncture is the practice of placing needles into the skin in order to heal illness and relieve stress. The needles are no bigger than a human hair and patients seldom feel the insertion. The needles are placed at specific spots along an individuals meridians to stop the blockage of chi that causes illness. The Western medical explanation for the effectiveness of acupuncture is that the needles trigger the nervous system to release hormones and chemicals to the spinal chord, brain and muscles that change how the patient experiences the pain they are feeling or jump starts the bodies coping mechanism with the pain.


The neem tree is a tree notable for its many preventive uses. Various usages of Neem can prevent diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and also build immunity against skin diseases. One must chew 8-10 neem leaves every early morning for 24 days, and this will protect your body from the above mentioned diseases. This technique has no adverse side effects or risks, and has been used to prevent diseases since ancient times. The neem tree has long been a staple in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and its medicinal use and properties have been documented since ancient times.

Nose Bleed[edit]

A common ailment that many people are bothered by is a nose bleed. The reason that bloody noses occur, other than the obvious trauma, is that the membrane of the nasal passage dries out. The common seasons for the occurrence of the nose bleed are winter and spring/summer. The occurrence of the bloody nose increases in winter due to dry heating in buildings. The allergy season is the other high occurrence time when pollens are at their highest concentration. A simple and obvious way to prevent the bloody is to not allow the membrane to dry. A saline nose spray is an effective, inexpensive solution. If nose bleeds are more persistent another solution is to apply some Neosporin to the inside of the nose using a cue tip. A final more drastic prevention that is also available is cauterization. This can be done by a physician and is usually accomplished using silver nitrate.


Eating half an onion a day has proven to help kill certain germs in the body that can start to form cancerous cells. Raw onions have also shown to cure such things as gas pains, heartburn, and the juices have been used to treat water retention and stomach disorders. Studies have shown that the phytochemicals found in onions are what help to prevent this cancerous diseases. Using onions as a medicinal cure is nothing new but with new technology comes new discoveries for the vegetable. Other uses for onions include antiseptic wash for wounds. Side affects that may cause people to steer clear of eating half an onion a day include bad breath and self-conscious conversations.


A preventative practice would be eating oranges before the winter season starts. There is no name for this practice; it is just preventing a cold by building your immune system with Vitamin C. This also helps reduce the chances of getting the flu. The duration would be all through out the cold season. The amount would be at least one orange everyday during breakfast all throughout the flu season. A special consideration would be to take at least two oranges (or more if you can keep it consistent) a day when noticing cold symptoms. This practice is most associated with in the American culture. The original use to eat oranges would be to complete one of the food groups of a daily healthy diet.

Orange Juice[edit]

Drinking lots of orange juice will give you the vitamins A, B and C that will help you fight off infections from many diseases. A glass of 100% orange juice (three-fourths the way full) can take the place a full serving of fruit for children under 4 years old. It has been proven that people who drink large (but not excessively large amounts) or juice have a higher intake of vitamins and minerals. Orange juices that are low in sugar (100% juice) are high in vitamin C and potassium.


Other than lowering the negative impact on our environment, as well as animals, eating organically also lowers the health impacts that the residual pesticides on the food we eat, may cause us. One of the side effects of ingesting these carcinogenic pesticides such as Diazonin, over a certain extended period of time, is that it inhibits the body’s ability to produce acetylcholinesterase, which allows the body’s nervous system to function properly. Studies have been done which indicate that this chemical can potentially lead to Parkinson’s disease. Eating organically all together can drastically reduce your risk of developing cancer, as it already drastically decreases the amounts of carcinogens that one accumulates in their body.

Playing music/Singing/talking aloud[edit]

Few things reduce stress like creating beauty, especially in such a physical way as playing a musical instrument or singing. Stress can lead to depletion of the immune system, making it easier to contract diseases and hindering one's body's ability to fight them. In addition to reducing stress, playing and singing music excercises the body; singing, for example, strengthens the diaphragm, stomach muscles, lungs, and respiratory system in general. The benefits of Excercise are laid out in the section above. Along with singing and listening to music talking aloud can help relieve stress through expression of problems. Though it looks weird talking to ones self can help relieve stress by organizing thoughts and just letting what is bothering you out. Talking to trusted individual such as a friend, family member or doctor about what is stressing you out can really help relieve the stress that is taking over your life. Letting what is bothering you out through talking an effective way to relieve stress. To read more about how this is incorperated into western society follow this link Western society.

Potato Slices[edit]

One proven way to prevent dark circles from forming under your eyes is to use potato slices. First peel a potato and cut up a few slices. Next close your eyes, and place the potato slices on top of your eyelids and let them sit for 15-20 minutes. The potassium in the potatoes is the key ingredient that pulls the dark color out from under your eyes. If you want a natural way to rid your eyes of those annoying dark circles, using potatoes is the perfect preventative trick.

Another way to reduce or get rid of dark circles around the eyes are to place cool tea bags under the eye. First, you would have to soak the tea bags in cool water until cool enough then place under eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Other ways that may prevent dark circles under eyes are to drink water daily. Drink a good amount of 8-10 glasses of water a day, get a good amount of sleep (most intend to get about 8 hours of sleep), avoid caffeine and alcohol (or consume less), and do not gain much stress which causes lack of sleep as well.

Some natural assessments that can reduce the darkness of circles are to use cucumber slices that are really cool and place it under the eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Also use moisturizers with avocado oil and/or with Vitamin K or E. Dark circles are a natural cause due to lack of sleep or even stress. Natural looking make-up like concealer may help take the circles away. Each skin tone is different sp if shopping for concealer, it is always good to experiment with different shades and find the right color.


Many religious groups, such as the Christian Science church use prayer to attempt to cure diseases. Other Christians groups, notably televangelists, such as Pat Robertson, regularly use faith healing in their programs. The effects of prayer are often claimed to be therapeutic, and many claim to have been cured of incurable diseases through prayer and faith.

Prayer is one type of meditation meditation is an act o communion with God, or the act of making a relevant petition to God, another object of worship. Silent or spoken petition made to God or a god. Prayer has been practiced in all religions throughout history. Its characteristic postures (bowing the head, kneeling, prostration) and position of the hands (raised, outstretched, clasped) signify an attitude of submission and devotion. Prayer may involve confessions of sin, requests, thanks, praise, offerings of sacrifice, or promises of future acts of devotion. In addition to spontaneous private prayer, most religions have fixed formulas of prayer (e.g., the lords prayer), often recited in group worship. The four prophetic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism) prescribe a daily set form of individual prayer, such as the Shema, to be recited twice a day by every male Jew, and the Islamic salat, performed five times a day. Prayer can be different when it comes to each and everyone out there, depending their religious beliefs. Having that honest petition time will help overcome stress, be peaceful with self and others.

Prayer Chain[edit]

The Lutheran Religion, believes in a practice called Prayer Chain After you become a member of the church you are put on a prayer chain. This chain links all members together and when someone is stricken ill the pastor calls someone underneath his name (usually the studying pastor) and says who is ill and what they have and asks to pray for them. The Studying pastor then calls the person underneath their name to keep this prayer continuum going. The last person on the list calls the pastor. This is an efficient way to get easy 200 people all praying to one God for a person's health. Lutheran rely heavily on this process of faith and prayer. The following Sunday it is made widely know to the church who is sick and then a general prayer is said.

Anointing the Sick[edit]

Catholic priests in Rome. Only priests can perform this sacrament.

Throughout the world, as a part of global culture, the Catholic Church, as one of its seven Sacraments, recognizes the rite of Anointing the Sick, which is believed to lift up the sick to God, allowing their illness (of body, mind, or both) to be cured. This ritual is a liturgical and communal celebration, which means it is very ritualized and involves more than one person. The celebration consists of many aspects, but three particularly principal elements: The priest silently lays his hands on the sick; the priest then prays over them as the Church dictates; and then they are anointed with oil. Each time a Christian becomes seriously ill, s/he may receive this sacrament and also when, after s/he has already received it, the illness worsens. It is also seen as a way to bless the dying and absolve them of their sins, so it is commonly performed just before death.

Proper Diet[edit]

It prevents you from being susceptible to illness. It's a prevention technique that must be done routinely on a daily basis. The typical times this would kick in are during the morning (breakfast), afternoon (lunch), evening (dinner), and the in between with snacks. The type of diet is dependent on the person and includes multiple factors such as sleeping patterns and exercise routines. It requires knowledge of ones body and an understanding of what healthy food is. Something to consider is conducting restraint because without knowledge one is capable of harming themselves through dieting rather than helping themselves. As far as people who utilize this preventative practices athletes and celebrities are the first to come to mind.


Quercetin may have positive effects in combating or helping to prevent cancer, prostatitis, heart disease, cataracts, allergies/inflammations, and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.

Naturol is a company which sells high quality pure quercetin, and users of Wikibooks have found it to be helpful in relieving the symtoms of allergies and colds. Don't take more than the recommended dosage or you could get a bloody nose.

Red Wine[edit]

Heart disease is an increasing worry among middle-age and older people all over the world. Recently, studies conducted in Western Bio-medicine have proved that a daily minimal intake of red wine is beneficial for those of a certain age. According to recent studies, one cup of red wine per day for a woman, and two cups daily for a man can boost protection of heart disease by as much as 50%. Sutdies also suggest that red wine may prevent additional heart attacks if you have already suffered from one. Other studies also indicated that red wine can raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and prevent LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) from forming. Red wine may help prevent blood clots and reduce the blood vessel damage caused by fat deposits.


Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. It originated from a Tendai Buddhist Mikao Usui. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." It has been found effective in relieving all known maladies, and creates a beneficial environment for recovery and healing. Generally speaking, Reiki is performed by Reiki masters who have been initiated by a ceremony, called Atunement. This atunement is used on the student by another Reiki master, to help the student tap into the universal energy. Reiki is flexible enough that it can be learned by anyone While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. You do not even have to believe in Reiki for it to work. A healer does not take claim or take responsibility when healing or non healing the recipient.

When Reiki is used in common practice, the practioner, lays hands on specific points of the body like, the heart, the face, shoulders, etc. This way, the universal energy is more directed to the part of the body that requires more healing energy.

Refraining from tuna during pregnancy[edit]

In Western society, one disease prevention practices concerning bearing a healthy child, is refraining from eating fish with high levels of mercury such as tuna while pregnant. This is because high levels of mercury can cause damage to the developing nervous system of a fetus. Mercury is a chemical element that is used in many industrial processes such as the combustion of coal in electric power plants in our society. It is released into the air and dispersed across land which in turn accumulates in streams and oceans. Methylmercury has become a particular problem in aquatic food chains because the fish begin to accumulate high levels of methylmercury in their tissues; especially the fish in higher trophic levels. One fish higher up on the food chain is albacore (or white) tuna. This specific tuna contains higher levels of methylmercury than cheaper types of canned tuna; therefore buying cheaper canned tuna is potentially better than expensive tuna. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that you eat no more than 6 ounces of tuna per week. In other words, do not eat more than 2 meals of low mercury fish per week. 3 recommendations for selecting and eating fish or shellfish are: 1. Do not eat Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel, or Tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury. 2. Eat a small variety of fish and shellfish per week with lower levels of mercury such as shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish. 3. Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends in your local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. If no advice is available, eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) per week of fish you catch from local waters, but don't consume any other fish during that week.

Romana Sambuca[edit]

Anywhere from one to two shots of this licorice alcohol or eating some black licorice will help prevent constipation. Or if already constipated drink a couple shots before sleeping and all will be cured by morning.


When stress levels run high or a little extra weight is in need of some excavation, hitting the gym to do a little cardio always helps. Whether it’s the elliptical, treadmill, or the great outdoors, any form of running can do the trick as long as the number of visits is kept consistent. Try going to the gym three to four times a week every other day for 30 to 45 minutes each session. Be sure to stretch beforehand to prevent muscle problems and changing the incline and speed often (every two to three minutes) helps burn more calories. Overweight people should start out by doing lower intensity cardio exercises in order to keep their heart rate and bodily condition at a healthy level.


Saliva is an important component in preventing bad breath, or Halitosis. Halitosis is the third most popular reason that people in Western society seek professional dental help for. Bad breath is caused by a build up of bacteria in the mouth. Saliva prevents bacteria from accumulating because it helps wash away food particles that can provide places for bacteria to grow. Having a dry mouth allows bacteria to grow and for bad breath to be cultivated. Ideally, keeping one’s mouth eternally salivated would help prevent bad breath. However, eating healthy meals regularly will help salivation, as well as help clean the back of the tongue (another breeding ground for bad breath). Also, using mints or gum that is sugar-free creates more saliva and helps prevent bad breath, although be sure to find gum or mints that are sugar-free otherwise the sugar in them will stay in the mouth and cause bad breath.

There certainly are other ways to help prevent bad breath, such as daily brushing, tongue scraping, or mouthwash. However, one thing to watch out for with mouthwash is whether or not it contains alcohol. Mouthwashes with alcohol may freshen breath for a short period of time, but the alcohol in them will actually dehydrate the mouth and therefore cause bad breath. So be sure to use mouthwashes that do not contain alcohol, and keep the saliva flowing to prevent bad breath.

Sexual Abstinence[edit]

Sexual contact can spread hundreds of diseases. Many of these are life-threatening, including AIDS. There are precautions that can prevent the spread of these diseases, including condoms and dental dams. Abstinence is another precaution. Abstinence is when one refuses to have sex with another. This, of course, stops all chance of contracting an STI. Many abstinence programs have a religious basis and urge people not to have sex until they are married, an important tradition in many religions. Of course there is the chance of contracting an STI once married, if one or both partners lie about their previous or current sex lives. There are a few risks when using abstinence as an STI prevention. First off, it is biologically correct for people to want and to have sex. This makes it an extremely large commitment that takes determination and willpower. Sex has its health benefits as well- increased endorphins and a good physical workout to name a few. Abstinence for religious purposes is worldwide. As an STI prevention, it is receiving more attention as AIDS becomes a larger problem. Many sex education programs in the United States are now abstinence-only, with the same wait-till-marriage thrust. In places in Africa, where AIDS is a huge problem, they reward women who abstain from sex. Abstinence continues to be more about religion than disease prevention. With all the available contraceptives, sex can still be safe.

Silver Nasal Spray[edit]

Originating in traditional Chinese herbalism, silver was a highly cultivated healing property. Also coveted in the Indian Ayurvedic system, silver has been deemed a healing property in many cultures. Silver is an age-old infection fighter and known to kill over 650 different viruses, bacteria and germs (compare that with an antibiotic that maybe kills 12). Hence the old saying born with a silver spoon in his mouth which means deriving from a rich family. But the real reason why rich people fed their children food on silver spoons is because they knew that an infection can't survive on silver.

Used for preventing sinus infections, silver nasal spray is used 1 to 6 times daily. To use one just places the applicator in nostril, squeeze the conainer and inhale. Silver nasal spray shouldn't be used if you're pregnant or breast feeding without a doctors consult. When the symptoms of a sinus infection commence, silver nasal spray should be taken immediately. Because your nose can get stuffy when you have a condition like the common cold, you may confuse simple nasal congestion with sinusitis. A cold, however, usually lasts about 7 to 14 days and disappears without treatment. Sinuse infections often last longer and typically cause more symptoms than the common cold. These symptoms commonly are pounding, pressure headaches (located around the eyes), congestion, sore throat, fever, and a cough which is more severe at night.


In today’s corporate culture, we live under the influence of caffeine, pills, diet supplements, and countless other chemicals to prevent many things that can be prevented by something that really is quite enjoyable: Sleep. Sleepytime is a coveted third of a human’s life, but today stress rules our lives and makes human people think that nothing can be accomplished whilst sleeping. WRONG! Sleep can prevent a variety of health maladies, including everything having to do with the immune system. Dreamland is also a good place to go when you are feeling stressed, which can lead to other bad things if it is allowed to ferment. More sleep leads to more creativity, puts the sleeper in a happy state most of the time, and saves them money because he or she won’t eat as much, spend frivolously, need to buy a cup of joe every morning, need to buy all those other pills that we spend all of our money on and it is also pretty much a great feeling to wake up well-rested. Therefore we should all sleep more. It is the most natural cure. It is quite silly that it is even a cure because the things that it prevents would never need preventing if one were to sleep when he or she is supposed to.

If having troubles sleeping, one should try turning towards the method of auromatherapy. One product is Lavendar eye pillows. Their aroma helps to relax your senses enough so that it is easier to fall asleep.

Sleep has a lot to do with health and disease prevention. I'm sure everyone's heard that teens need at least 8 hours of sleep a night, well it's true. Not getting enough sleep can stunt growth, weaken the immune system, cause halucinations (extreme sleep deprivation), and cause a lot of stress.


Soap works by lowering the surface tension of water, by emulsifying grease, and by absorbing dirt into the foam. An emulsifier is capable of dispersing one liquid into another liquid. This means that while oil (which attracts dirt) does not naturally mix with water, soap can suspend oil and dirt in such a way that it can be removed. Humans absorb about 60 percent of substances put on our skin and hand washing with soap is the single most important way to get rid of those germs. Germs that cause not only the common cold, influenza and several gastrointestinal disorders, such as infectious diarrhea, but also food borne diseases like salmonella and E. coli infection. For more information on what to do with soap, see the hand washing section.

Spiderweb bandage[edit]

If you ever cut yourself while camping or hiking or your just out of bandaides, you will be able to utilize the following techniques for preventing infections or excessive bleeding. Spiderwebs are completely sanitary and they carry certain clotting properties, quickening the scabbing process. The problem is finding enough webs. The best places to look are in crevases, and tree branches. Some people think that tourniquets are the way to go, but, they can sometimes be dangerous because they stop blood flow past the point of the cut on the limb. Also, depending on the cleanliness of the tourniquet, the chance of infection may get worse. This is where the spiderweb supersedes.

Sterile Disposable Gloves[edit]

Sterile Disposable Gloves prevent the transfer of blood borne pathogens and any other bodily fluid from one person to another for protection against infectious disease and other biohazards. All over the world many different kinds of people are using disposable gloves. They are most common used and required by doctors, nurses, dentists, dental assistants, medical aids, and any person in the medical field. Boxing trainers, hockey coaches, and other sports trainers also wear disposable gloves on a daily basis. Sterile gloves should be worn any time there might be blood or any bodily fluid transfer, and changed for each person you come in contact with. It was not until the late 19th century when most doctors started to wear disposable latex gloves. Many doctors and surgeons operated with bare hands, or even cotton or silk gloves.


Stevia is a South American plant that can be used in place of artificial sweetener. It is sweeter than sugar and contains no calories. Its use is still limited in the United States, but stevia is useful for several ailments, including diabetes and hypertension. ¼ of a teaspoon of the ground stevia leaf is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of sugar, and can be taken as a natural aid against diabetes, hypertension, and cavities. Stevia is one of many plants used for medicinal purposes in South American culture.

Stop Smoking[edit]

Smoking can cause Coronary heart disease, lung, throat, stomach, bladder, and kidney cancer. It also can cause Chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other lung diseases, the list goes on and on. 440,000 people in the US die every year from smoking related diseases. The best way to prevent these diseases is to stop smoking or to never start. There are many herbs and tablets that can be taken to reduce cravings and help people quit, also patches and gums. Whatever way is best to stop smoking should be done to help prevent disease.


Stretching is a preventive practice that will save one from possible future Muscle Aches and pains. Every morning after waking, sit down, straighten one's legs and proceed to reach for one extremity at a time. Hold each stretch for at least thirty seconds. Do not reach farther than the point where one's muscles begin to feel tense to prevent pulling them. Feel free to retroflex one's back and reach for the ceiling as well to completely loosen up one's muscles.

Cats are very practiced at this form of exercise and make for great instructors if one is not too inhibited by social norms and feel comfortable mimicking a cat. In parts of Chinese Taoist culture, it is also a common belief that Tai Chi stretches can assist in opening up passageways for the chi, similar to energy, of your body to flow uninhibited. This also is said to promote health and a better-balanced life in general. For more information on this topic, please visit


So everyone these days is dying to get a nice tan to show off to all the babes or hunks. This is something that is not very hard to do while lounging on the beach. But more and more people are getting skin cancer every year and are in real trouble. By using sunscreen you can prevent skin cancer. People think that you can't tan at all when you wear sunscreen but this is not true. There are a lot of brands out there that protect you from the harmful rays of the sun and still alow you to get a nice tone in your skin. It may take a little bit longer but it is well worth it in the long run. It is recomended that you reapply sunscreen every 2 or 3 hours to ensure the blocking of the harmful rays. There are even brand out there that are water proof so you can be protected while swimming. So by using sunscreen you can be sure that you will live a long healthy life free of that awful skin cancer.

Daily Sunscreen[edit]

It’s important to wear sunscreen when you’re out in the sun, but when an unexpected nice day comes along, you may find yourself with without sunscreen. One good way of protecting your skin everyday, regardless of the weather is to use a foundation and/ or moisturizer with a built-in sunscreen. Apply moisturizer or foundation evenly on face and neck 1-2 times per day, and you will be ready for those spontaneous sunny-breaks. Lancome, Netrogena, and Clinique are just a few brands with moisturizers and foundations with SPF 15 and above. There are no additional risks to using these products than the regular ones, but when planning a long day in the sun use additional sunscreen. This practice is believed to have originated in Europe and North America.


Most people think that being out of the sun will prevent illness and disease. But in fact, people especially children are not getting enough sunlight to meet their body requirements for vitamin D. Being exposed to sunlight can cause serious risks for skin cancer so precaution is recommended. Research says that 15 minute exposure of hands and face two to three times a week at ‘off-peak’ times will provide enough vitamin D. Sunshine is also known to boost endorphins which make you happy. What if you can’t get into the sun because of the weather or season?
You may want to think about luminaries. They are lighting systems that brighten and dim as the day

The Tying on of Strings[edit]

This method is used in Northern India and comes from the belief that the tying of strings on one's body scares away malovent ghosts or demons that may cause disease. Indian Culture

Wrist Support Pad[edit]

In this growing age of technology, an increasing number of people use the computer for many hours each day. One negative outcome is that many people now suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a nerve disorder that harms the wrists, arms and hand after prolonged periods of time spent typing or using a keyboard. In order to make the effects less painful and pronounced, the use of a wrist rest or support pad has been more widely used to provide support of and maintain proper alignment. The wrists are moved to the level of the computer, reducing the stress level. This is a recent practice in western society since the invention of the computer.