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end of idealism

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The Violence Of Capitalism Terrorism Visa-Vi Survival

1) The suppressive violence of daily capitalism. 2) The repressive violence of work, poverty and the unemployment. 3) The oppressive violence of the capitalist system. 4) Nations are collective hallucinations. 5) Political economy + philosophy (ideology + morality + ethics) = A structure for ruling a submissive and obedient majority. 6) The weak and frightened majority. 7) Sick and perverted rich ruling minority.

Capitalism must be ended if we want to save humanity. 25 more years like this and there will be nothing to save but a poisoned planet, extinct animals and diseased humans and plants. Capitalism must go before it will destroy the planet and us, the capitalist infrastructure must go too if we want to save of what will remain of earth and humanity. If capitalism does not implode on its own accord, then we have to assist it on its final dimise. We shell help capitalism in the process of its collapse and accelerate the process of its elimination. This is not historical determinism but a historical necessity to destroy capitalism and save the existence of humanity and oxygen. In ten years time billions of people will rise united against capitalism and capitalist social relations and without repeating historical mistakes, communist individualist anarchism will adopted by humanity as a replacement for capitalism. In less than two decades capitalism is going to be some thing of the past, hated but not forgotten as a reminder of what happens when a man exploits another and its double sided horrific consequences. Capitalism is pain caused to the majority of human being, yet many still don’t see the direct effect of capitalism on their daily misery. The people of Africa, Asia and South America will rise and each get rid of his local tyrant and erase all borders. United under one planetary revolutionary movement in the poorest continents we will overthrow capitalism in the west and everywhere else. More than three billion people will rise simultaneous one day soon and destroy capitalism world wide once and for all and build instead a rich life for all the inhabitants of this world without any discrimination or oppression. The poor of the western world will join hands with us in the final blows to capitalism and the horrors that comes with it. The global revolution has begun, join now and accelerate the process of your personal and socio-economic liberation. By destroying capitalism we will experience real freedom and true material equality amongst all. Capitalism is not about producing commodity and providing services but it is about managing the population to maintain their hegemony and rule. This will be stopped and for the first time in human history people will live without the one ruling the others. Creating a world society without rulers or ruled without poor or rich. Today the western citizen is dousing under some material comfort but extremely unsatisfied. Their life became a sponsor for the war machine efforts, fearing terrorism mixed with security for the benefit of law and bomb production.