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the coming anarchic revolt

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The Anarcho-Historical Stage of Development = Meta-His-Story The Anarcho-Theoretical Stage of Development = Meta-Theory The Historical Condition & Level of The Anarchist Movement Today Anarchists of The World Act & Unite

Humanity On The Brink Of Collapse & The Gladiators Of The Empire Work As Torture & The Capitalist As Torturer Work is a State – Capitalist Mass Terrorism Money is Oppression & Exploitation

Profits for some, means a slow and painful death to many others. The capitalist employment system, i.e. the employers are the masses killer. Capitalism if not destroyed soon, it will definitely destroy us, so what’s your choice?

The gladiators of modern capitalism is the worker and the arena is the work place, many don’t return. Every day is a new struggle a new fight, every day it could be your last day, how nice.

This is the modern stone age sub-civilization, since being a civil is equivalent to being a little Nazi, and democracy means, we are going to enslave humanity for ever.

On how to destroy Political – Economy and create instead an Anti - political Post – economic society

Capitalism and its state is the reason why we suffer, is the reason why we are oppressed. Capitalism and its state cause nearly all of my own personal suffering and oppression as it does to nearly all of humanity.

Capitalism and its state cause that most of the people always and everywhere live in permanent poverty and brutalized existence. Some people suffer more than others some suffer less but eventually most of the people, just like me, suffer permanently from capitalism and its state.

Capitalism is modern slavery and nothing else, capitalism is the new version of our long history of slavery. The state protects capitalism from slave rebellions and the demand for total liberty.

So the only way of eliminating suffering and oppression is to eliminate capitalism and its state. This will be achieved through a global socio-anarchist revolution. By abolishing capitalism and its state, we free the majority of the people who barely live on this planet today, from most of their suffering, anguish and misery.

Therefore the continuous existence of the capitalist system and its protectorate the state is a crime against life, against humanity, against nature and human dignity. Lets stop all human suffering, lets stop most of human misery and pain engendered by capital and its laws, and offer humanity instead an opposite way of existence, a living based on mutual aid and not exploitation, on freedom and not oppression.

This day is coming, and you can find me at the fore front of this transformative meta-process, with my fellow anarchists we shall defeat capitalism and destroy the state and create the long awaited alternative – individualist communist anarchy.

Spartacus Anarchus