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December 28

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December 28 is the 28th day in December.


1863 -- Russia: Nihilists annihilate Chief of Police.

1882 -- France: Peter Kropotkin arrested this month & does three years in prison despite international protests.

1908 -- France: Anarchist Mécislas Golberg (or Goldberg) dies. Raised Mécislas Charrier until the age of five. Charrier became an anarchist individualist & illégaliste, guillotinéd in Paris.

1914 -- Leon Bonneff dies, Gray (Haute-Saône), France.

1916 -- Norway: Norsk Syndikalistisk Federation founded. NSF was a revolutionary syndicalist organization, with syndicalists, anarchists, & anarchosyndicalists included.

1920 -- Spain: Pepita Estruch lives. Member Mujeres libres.

1995 -- Ghana: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Jerry Rawlings beats the beejesus out of the Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Vice President in a cabinet meeting.

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