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November 30

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November 30 is the 30th day in November.


1667 -- Jonathan Swift, critic, lives, Dublin, Ireland. His Gulliver's Travels is the only work for which he ever receives payment: 200 pounds. See Kenneth Rexroth, More Classics Revisited.

1870 -- France: Henri Beylie lives, Paris. Militant anarchist, antimilitarist & naturalist.

1900 -- Irish wit, playwright, anarchist, gay pioneer Oscar Wilde 46, dies in Paris.

1907 -- US: Pike Place Market dedicated in Seattle, Washington State. Current home of Left Bank Books, a collectively owned & operated anarchist bookstore still going after 25 years.

1914 -- Anselmo Lorenzo, Spanish anarchist, dies.

1936 -- "Yippie" leader Abbot (Abbie) Hoffman, aka "Free," lives, Worcester, Massachusetts. Wrote the philosophical Steal This Book, & the dance classic, Square Dancing in the Ice Age. Consummate joiner (Chicago 7, Viet Nam War protester, etc.)

Steal This Website

1967 -- France: The Revolution of Everyday Life, by Situationist Raoul Vaneigem, is published in Paris (Traité de savoir-vivre à l'usage des jeunes générations).

1980 -- Death of Dorothy Day, anarchist, pacifist, co-founder of Catholic Worker movement, New York City.

1987 -- James Baldwin dies. African American novelist, dramatist, essayist, Civil Rights activist, gay. Hung out in New York City anarchist circles in his early days.

1994 -- Guy Debord dies, Champot, Upper Loire, France.

Member of the Situationist International, writer, filmmaker, critic of Spectacular, Too-Late Capitalism, best known for his book The Society of the Spectacle, popularized with the May Uprising of 1968.

1998 -- Portugal: Acácio Tomás de Aquino (b. 1899) dies. Militant anarcho-trade unionist and life-long anarchist. Companion of Luísa Adão, a nurse & also an anarchist.

1999 -- US: WTO meets in Seattle, Washington amid massive ongoing protests, cab strikes & 40,000 anti-WTO demonstrators.

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