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November 24

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November 24 is the 24th day in November.


1838 -- Prosper Olivier Lissagaray lives. Author of Histoire de la Commune de 1871.

1875 -- Albert Joseph (aka Libertad) lives. Founded the individualist Parisian magazine "L'Anarchie."

1898 -- International Anti-Anarchist Conference, prompted by the assassination of the Empress of Austria, is convened by Italian government officials in Rome; attended by 54 delegates representing 21 countries, including police chiefs from several European countries & major cities. Conference marks the development of strategic international surveillance of & exchange of information about anarchist activities.

1910 -- Jean Meckert, aka Jean Amila, (1910-1995) lives. Libertarian novelist & antimilitarist.

1921 -- Mollie Steimer, after doing 18 months of a 15-year sentence for handing out leaflets, & three other radicals (Jacob Abrams, Samuel Lipman, & Hyman Lachowsky) deported from "the land of the free" to Soviet Russia. Victims of the Red Scare in America, they were soon victims of the Red Terror in Russia ("Proletarian Democracy").

1923 -- Philippe Daudet, French anarchist, son of Léon Daudet (leader of fascist "Ligue de l'Action Française"), dies under mysterious circumstances (assasinated).

1943 -- US: Max Baginski dies, New York City, a Social Democrat turned anarchist. Rudolf Rocker calls him, "One of the most enlightened & perspicacious spirits of the German movement."

1966 -- France: The Strasbourg county court sequesters the offices & management of the Strasbourg Student Union, relating to the outrage & scandal surrounding the brochure "On the Poverty of Student Life," edited by members of the Situationist International (principally by Mustapha Khayati) & the students.

1968 -- d.a. levy dies, Cleveland, Ohio. Poet. By mid-1968, levy had published over 55 books & nearly 30 issues of magazines

1986 -- US: Fifteen activists, including renowned anti-war protester Abbie Hoffman, are arrested for occupying a University of Massachusetts building, in Amherst, as part of a protest against CIA recruitment on campus. Following a trial detailing CIA crimes, all were acquitted of charges.

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