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list of left-wing audio

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Left-wing non-music audio and podcasts in English, mostly free to download.

Title/Archive Feed Host/Location Country Frequency Since Notes
Alan Woods RSS Socialist Appeal UK Socialist Appeal is the publication of a British Trotskyist organisation operating within the Labour Party which was founded by Ted Grant and Alan Woods. It is the British section of the International Marxist Tendency.
Alexander Berkman Social Club RSS San Francisco US The Alexander Berkman Social Club is a group of anarchists who want to talk about what anarchism is, how anarchists see things and what anarchy could look like.
Alliance for Workers' Liberty RSS Podomatic UK The Alliance for Workers' Liberty (AWL), also known as Workers' Liberty, is a Trotskyist group in Britain. The group has had a complex history, but has always been strongly identified with the theorist Sean Matgamna.
Anarchist World This Week RSS Australia
Anarkismo XML is the product of international co-operation between anarchist groups and individuals who agree with our editorial statement. It is intended to further communciation, discussion and debate within the global anarchist movement.
Audio Anarchy RSS Audio Anarchy is a project for transcribing anarchist books into audio format.

Hopefully, this can help make anarchist texts and ideas more accessable. Beyond the obvious appeal for people who don't like to read (or don't have time to read in this busy on-the-go world), hearing a book read aloud can also be enjoyable.

Critique Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory is an independent academic Marxist journal and publication of the Centre for the Study of Socialist Theory and Movements at the University of Glasgow. The journal was inaugurated in May 1973 by South African émigré and founding editor Professor Hillel H. Ticktin (b. 1937) as Critique: Journal of Marxist Theory and Soviet Studies. Hillel was designated Emeritus Professor of Marxist Studies at the University of Glasgow in 2002. He has held the editorship of Critique for thirty-four years.
Communist Party of Great Britain (PCC) RSS Podbean UK 2009 The Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee), which is commonly referred to as the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB), is a British Kautskyan political grouping, which publishes the Weekly Worker newspaper.
Democracy Now! Feed US 1996 The program focuses on issues its producers consider underreported or ignored by mainstream news coverage.
Echo/Voice of Radical Freedom VolodyA! V Anarchist US 2004 In each podcast episode a different issue will be discussed. Hopefully, with time a coherent direction will develop.
George Galloway MP Feed Talksport UK twice weekly 2006 George Galloway (born 16 August 1954) is a British politician, author, and broadcaster, who has been a Member of Parliament (MP) since 1987 and is known for his anti-war views.
Ian Bone Feed Resonance FM UK Ian Bone (born August 28, 1947), is a prominent British anarchist and an active publisher of anarchist newspapers and tabloids, such as Class War and The Bristolian. He has been regularly involved in social campaigns since the 1960s, including the 2001 "Vote Nobody" election campaign.
Karl Marx LibriVox UK N/A
Marxists Internet Archive MIA N/A
New Internationalist Feed New Internationalist exists to report on the issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless worldwide; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all; and to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for global justice.
Paulitics Feed The official podcast companion to the popular Canadian socialist blog Paulitics: Paul's Socialist Investigations presenting unique discussions, debates, news commentary and academic lectures to the public from a broadly left-wing or socialist perspective.
Reading Marx's Das Kapital Feed David Harvey US N/A
Redeye Feed Canada weekly (Saturdays) Redeye is activist radio. We don't just give you the facts, we give you the information you need to take action and create change. Redeye is alternative radio. We seek out the voices of those who don't get heard and we cover issues that corporate media distorts or ignores or relegates to the back page.
ResistanceMp3 Socialist Worker UK N/A
Rise Up! Feed Nottingham UK biweekly Riseup Radio is a community radio project based in Nottingham, UK. With reports on stuff that didn’t make other local media, music from local artists and bands and chatting about stuff that matters,
Seeing Red Radio Feed US weekly (Thursdays) Seeing Red Radio is a Revolutionary Socialist radio program that covers the headlines from the front-lines of the International class war. Whether from Oaxaca to Amherst, Chicopee to Caracas, Seeing Red Radio chronicles the struggles of workers to free themselves from the oppressions of globalized capitalism. Tune in and arm yourself with the history, culture, and theory that can make a more humane world possible.
Socialist Party of Great Britain UK N/A The Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB), is a small Marxist political party within the impossibilist tradition. It is best known for its advocacy of using the ballot box for revolutionary purposes; opposition to reformism; and its early adoption of the theory of state capitalism to describe the Soviet Union.
The Nation Feed US The Nation is a weekly United States periodical devoted to politics and culture, self-described as "the flagship of the left."
Truthdig Feed Truthdig is a Web magazine that provides a mix of long-form articles, interviews, and blog-like commentary on current events, delivered from a progressive point-of-view. The site is built around major "digs" led by authorities in their fields, who write multi-faceted pieces about contemporary, often controversial, topics.
Workers Daily Feed Workers World US Workers World Party (WWP) is a Communist party in the United States, founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy.[1] Marcy and his followers split from the Socialist Workers Party in 1958 over a series of long-standing differences, among them Marcy's group's support for Henry A. Wallace's Progressive Party in 1948, the positive view they held of the Chinese Revolution led by Mao Zedong, and their defense of the 1956 Soviet intervention in Hungary, all of which the SWP opposed.
Under the Pavement RSS Manchester UK "Under the Pavement" is presented by two vegan anarchists, David and Spike, and has been broadcasting for over six years. The show brings you regular guests and interviews, news from Indymedia, what's on guide and reports on direct action and grass roots resistance in the Manchester area.
Zabalaza South Africa N/A
Zaudio Zcom US Z Communications is a media group founded in 1986 by Michael Albert and Lydia Sargent. Its publications include Z Magazine, ZNet, Z Media, and Z Video. Z Magazine (formerly Zeta) was founded in 1987 by two of the co-founders of South End Press, Michael Albert and Lydia Sargent.

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