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The Irrational Suicide and Genocide of Meat Consumption

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Pescetarianism The irrational suicide and genocide of meat consumption

The meat industry is omnipotent, and is capable of many things. It has proven that it can distract the society from their propaganda by blaming it on other industry, while pushing the necessary propaganda to veil their own destruction so far that it has reached the educational systems. Here are the daily recommended dietary processions- <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Food Pyramid Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

This is otherwise known as the “food pyramid”. Fuck, I’m drooling from the excitement. I can’t wait to be told how to form my diet and what to eat every day of my life by a governmental structure that has no connection to my lifestyle. We must drop this nonsense and come back to reality. If we keep these habits of brainless meat consuming by the rate we are at today, there will soon be no food, just poisonous byproduct. Imagine a world that only has one culture, consumption of meat. All other cultures have perished and have been eradicated off the face of the planet because they would not conform to the traditional standards, their fields taken away and privatized to the meat industry, the people dying, while the American culture slowly rapes every last grain on the face of the earth. A world where there is nothing left but the cement buildings of American industry and the slaughter-houses in which genocide goes on a daily basis. The demand of meat has grown so high all animals used for food are forced to breed and are cloned to a morbidly hideous rate. It can easily happen one day, but it will continue only if we let it. It is already happening. Animals are already forced to breed and are cloned, which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved in 2005. If they continue to clear out forests in America to raise cattle at the rates they are now, there will be none left in 50 years. No forests in America, just animal corpses overflowing the slaughterhouses and the greedy capitalists with their bellies full. No culture, no life, just consumption and production. Welcome to American culture, the culture of mediocrity, conformity, and fear.

These morbid capitalists in all their ignorance and stupidity have somehow found it ethical to take land away from the poor which would be used for developed farming, preserve it for their industry, and slaughter both people and animals on a daily basis. Here are the arguments of the average consuming, cowardly, precedents and their mindless followers.

  • Meat offers much protein, and is necessary to any healthy diet.

-There is about 11g of protein in a serving of chicken breast, which is the leading amount of protein found in any meat. One traditional serving of salmon is about 15g, 27g in one serving of lobster, 22g in one serving of cod fillets, 24g in haddock. As you can see, this argument is completely invalid and utter nonsense. Meat is not a necessity for a healthy diet, let alone a moderate diet. One serving of chicken contains about 12g of fat, beef contains about 20.8g of fat, steak about 20-37g depending on what type. Meat has been linked to causing cancer by the carcinogens and arsenic pushed into the animals after they are killed to keep them from diseasing. The fat from meat clogs arteries causing heart disease and failure, and also contributes to obesity. The Journal of the American Medical Association has counted 365,000 American deaths annually due to poor diet. Meat is not essential to a healthy diet, it negates a healthy diet.

  • The meat industry creates many jobs and supports our economy

-This argument prioritizes the genocide of the meat industry and its contribution to a stagnating and nearly dead economy over the lives of millions of people, and millions of animals. The agricultural sector contributes 11.3% of our economy. What is most vital to life contributes the least to our procession of stability, while the murderous meat industry is the most depended upon. This is not only an extremely inhumane aspect of our society, but it is also undeniably illogical. It takes 20 times the amount of land to support one meat consumer than it does a vegetarian based diet. You can see the correlation between low agricultural sectors and the rise of the genocide of the meat industry. An agricultural based production could contribute a substantially greater amount to the economy than that of one based essentially on murdering animals. There is greater potential of production in agriculture than that of the meat industry, about 20 times more to be precise.

  • Meat is delicious

-Cannibals enjoy eating human flesh just as you do chicken. Human flesh tastes very similar to that of a chicken. Is this an argument for cannibalism?

As we can clearly see, the arguments inherently point to a victor. The extreme illogicality of meat consumption has managed to reach not only our school systems, but our homes, our entertainment, the American culture. Not because it is necessary, not even because it benefits us as human beings and persons, but simply because it tastes good. Well then, how many other normality’s of this system are illogical and destructive? There are a lot, and I intend on showing you them all if it’s the last thing I do. Please be aware that I am not conducting this essay out of extremism. I don’t care if you go out and order KFC after you’re done reading this, you will only be destroying yourself. I’m only showing what is right before you that you cannot see. It’s crucial for us to know how this illogicality reached such merits. The meat industry gained much of its increase during 2000 to 2002. I’m sure you have noticed the trends too. In 2009, we see a meat advertisement literally every minute on television, stores, and in our homes. Since 2000, global warming rates have increased significantly, the number of people living on desertificated land has rose to as high as 850,000,000. While 230,000,000 already live on land so desertified they have been unable to sustain their own agricultural production and are starving as a direct result of the meat industry. It’s typical of American culture to simply lack interest in this subject after observing their sources of information. And in this case, it is necessary for the elites to distract and misinform the population on subjects like this. Not a word or report reaches the mainstream media of the direct or indirect result of the rise of the meat industry. Therefore to Americans it is simply useless information to by disregard. But the rise of the meat industry is one of the most important subjects today. Starvation, destruction, kleptocracy, human and animal suffering are all results of the meat industry, but painted in the name of construction. To a capitalist, everything that follows their beliefs are construction, while everything that goes against their beliefs is destruction, the same is true with Christians. “When you construct a slaughter house, it is constructive”. But they simply leave out the fact that a mass order of destruction presupposes the creation of the slaughterhouse. They pay no attention to the suffering and destruction that takes place in the slaughterhouse, only its positive outcome on business the “right to private property”. The right to private property is justified no matter the destruction that comes before and after. The right to exploit your fellow human being is granted, regardless of the destruction that presupposes this belief. Religious fundamentalism and ultra-conservatism are the only two belief structures they know, and anything that even mildly disrupts these two structures must be wrong, no matter how successful they could potentially become.

As you can see, this is not an essay conducted with the goal of swaying any person’s opinion or intent to shame anyone into guilt. The main point is, it is extremely dangerous and unwise to ignore what is being done and the way it is progressing. It is becoming increasingly prevalent throughout the world today that slaughtering animals and taking away resources from underdeveloped continents is ethical. The meat industry is only one aspect of the neoliberalism we see today. Globalization is becoming increasingly prevalent and to ignore the statistics and facts in correlation with this movement, is complete ignorance and incomprehensibly dangerous. I don’t care what the Bible says, or what doctrines you believe in. We cannot stand by and ignore this tragedy any longer.
