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An Anarchist FAQ - What do anarchists think causes ecological problems?

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Section E - What do anarchists think causes ecological problems?

  • Introduction
  • E.1 What do eco-anarchists propose instead of capitalism?
    • E.1.1 Why do eco-anarchists advocate workers' control?
    • E.1.2 Why do eco-anarchists favour direct democracy?
  • E.2 Can "absolute" private property rights protect the environment?
  • E.3 Does economic power affect pollution controls?
  • E.4 Can "education" solve ecological problems under free market capitalism?
  • E.5 How does its need to focus on short-term profitability affect capitalism's ability to deal with the ecological crisis?
  • E.6 What is the population myth?
  • E.7 Can ethical consumerism stop the ecological crisis?

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