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An Anarchist FAQ - Why do anarchists oppose the current system?

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Revision as of 07:57, 20 September 2008 by Esperanza (Talk | contribs) (New page: * Introduction * B.1 Why are anarchists against authority and hierarchy? B.1.1 What are the effects of authoritarian social relationships? B.1.2 Is capitalism hierarchical? ...)

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  • Introduction
  • B.1 Why are anarchists against authority and hierarchy?
     B.1.1 What are the effects of authoritarian social relationships?
     B.1.2 Is capitalism hierarchical?
     B.1.3 What kind of hierarchy of values does capitalism create?
     B.1.4 Why do racism, sexism and homophobia exist?
     B.1.5 How is the mass-psychological basis for authoritarian civilisation created?
  • B.2 Why are anarchists against the state?
     B.2.1 What is the main function of the state?
     B.2.2 Does the state have subsidiary functions?
     B.2.3 How does the ruling class maintain control of the state?
     B.2.4 How does state centralisation affect freedom?
     B.2.5 Who benefits from centralisation?
  • B.3 Why are anarchists against private property?
     B.3.1 What is the difference between private property and possession?
     B.3.2 What kinds of private property does the state protect?
     B.3.3 Why is private property exploitative?
     B.3.4 Can private property be justified?
  • B.4 How does capitalism affect liberty?
     B.4.1 Is capitalism based on freedom?
     B.4.2 Is capitalism based on self-ownership?
     B.4.3 But no one forces you to work for them!
     B.4.4 But what about periods of high demand for labour?
     B.4.5 But I want to be "left alone"!
  • B.5 Is capitalism empowering and based on human action?
  • B.6 But will not the decisions made by intelligent individuals with their own financial success or failure on the line will be better most of the time?
  • B.7 What classes exist within modern society?
     B.7.1 But do classes actually exist?
     B.7.2 Why is the existence of classes denied?
     B.7.3 What do anarchists mean by "class consciousness"?