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Capitalism Is Theft & God is profit
Fundraising for the revolution
To make and expand the revolution we are going to need some money, not much money but enough of it to turn the revolution into reality. Therefore we are beginning fundraising immediately. We are going to collect enough money to stimulate the whole movement into direct and indirect action.
We have everything beside the little money necessary for the transformation of capitalism into anarchism. Since the revolution starts within capitalism with the aim of transforming it, this is why some money is essential for the initiation of the revolutionary process.
To make a revolution we need some money, and this money is going to be collected from the public at large. We have the theory, we have the people, and we have everything but the money necessary for activating the spark. With a small amount of money we can make a big revolution, with a little bit of money we can change the world for ever. With small amount of money we can create a world without money and without classes.
The money will be collected voluntarily as a direct contribution to the revolution, we don’t want donations from the poor, we want from those who have some surplus and luckily they receive high income. So please anyone who can contribute some money will be welcomed and his money will be used for the acceleration of the revolution.
If each one of us will give only few bucks twice a year, I assure that by the year 2010 we will have a global revolution on our hands and we will be completely ready to carry the process to its natural and logical end, the anarchic society. The money instantly will be used for sudden arising of consciousness among the people, and it will be also used for the immediate anarcho-cultural and anarcho-artistic subversion of our planet. That will cause the anarchic revolution to occur simultaneously in the five continents, a truly socio-universal anarchic revolution for the destruction of capitalism and the creation of anarchy.
When you have everything except money, money becomes very important for igniting the engine of revolution. I cannot with my humble means do it alone; I need the help of friends who can fiscally contribute towards this revolutionary activation.
Each of us has only to donate a few dollars a year which will be sufficient to bring down capitalism and start building anarchy. Capitalism up to this moment is relatively intact, but not for long. If I had for an example only a quarter of the money that Noam Chomsy has, we wouldn’t be in this situation today were we have nearly everything but incapable of doing anything at all and very helpless in the face of capitalism and it massive devastations.
I will soon give a bank account number for this universal fund for the activation of the revolution, the account will receive contributions and donations from those who can afford it from all over the world. The money will be directly used for the making and expanding of the anarcho-revolution in the here and now and everywhere.
So, let’s see what happens
A dollar a year, or more if you can, will maintain and expand the anarcho-revolutionary movement. Hundreds of thousands of people will contribute a symbolic sum of money for the creation of freedom and happiness for themselves and for everyone else on this planet.
The revolution is the purpose and the anarcho-communist society is the goal. With a little help from everyone, with a little help from each one of us, the theory becomes practice and the practice become a theory, i.e., the beginning of the global anarchic revolution. If we don’t try will ever know and if we don’t dare we will remain encaged in the apathy of capitalism and its horrendous infrastructures.
An appeal for a little bit of money for the revolution
If we don’t wake up now and start helping we are going to stay stuck in our shit holes for many decades and more, so we have to participate in this meta-project and operating it. The bank account will be registered officially as an association for social improvement to avoid any state and government harassment.
A monthly report will be issued on the internet for all to see how their money is being used for the acceleration and expansion of the revolution, this will even increase the support we receive thus elevating the revolution to another and higher dimension.
I have put every penny I made for the revolution and I still do, if it was not for that we wouldn’t be now in this ripe condition and thanks to individuals like me we are closer to the revolution than ever before. Now it is time for you to join in helping humanity a little bit financially, small contribution but a tremendous reward, your freedom and your future well being and ours. Every month a detailed report will be published on the net to show to all the participants how their donation is bringing the revolution closer to home. A detailed account will be given on how their money is spent on the making of an anarchic revolution, first in their backyard and then in their own homes.
As soon as capitalism ends, in the middle of the revolution, the money system will end too. Money will be replaced by a free production and services and equal distribution.
A.C.I.R – Anarcho-Communist Individualist Revolution
This is an appeal to all the good people on earth; please help in the making of the revolution. Donate if you can, as much as you can, we don’t need much. We need just enough to make the revolution possible. If you are poor so obviously you cannot financially contribute, therefore this is an appeal to those who can pay and generous enough to want to move things.
If we, who can, contribute just a little, the result will be tremendous and colossally effective. The money collected will be the little push needed for a major transformation of life and society, a transformation from wage-slavery to all rich anarchy.
Your contribution will intensify our activities, your contribution will allow us reach more people immediately, and your contribution will shorten the life of capitalism and the state.
Your contribution is part of your struggle to hasten the fall of capital, class and the state; your contribution will be the first step in fully joining the revolution and taking part in the making of a new and a more humane world for all of us.
Spartacus Anarchus – C.I.A – Communist Individualist Anarchy
This is an open scenario – the year 2008 – the coming anarchic revolt – anti-capitalist, anti-state, anti-class and the deteriorating condition of humanity.
Capitalism is war of all against all, killing the world and everything on it for sheer profits and megalomania.
The situation of anarchists today and the many anarchic brands they belong to.
The end of the concept of organization starts now.
The fashionable noble prize winning game theory is short lived.
The anarchist theory is for all.
The ending of capital is on the horizon.
The internet user/surfer, his mentality and how his mind operates.
The majority are not anarchists.
Class analysis - class consciousness - class struggle – anarchic liberation.
There is more revolutionary anarchists today.
The future of humanity is anarchy.
Christian capitalism - Muslim capitalism - Jewish capitalism - Buddhist capitalism - Communist capitalism - Atheist capitalism.
The fascist role of the USA and Israel in modern times in the new image of imperialist capitalism.
Anti–capitalist Anti-state Anarchism
Capitalism must go; it must be destroyed before it destroys us. Most people on earth suffer terribly daily from this capitalist system. The industrial revolution and then the technological revolution made it possible for capitalism to totally dominate the whole planet and its populace.
Contemporary capitalism has invaded every aspect of everyone’s life. To achieve freedom by the people, capitalism and the state and religions must go and be terminated and replaced instantly with an anarchic society free of authority.
We don’t need few billionaires whilst billions of individuals are hungry and billions enslaved. We don’t need billionaires and more millionaires when 98% of the world’s population lives below poverty level, the majority suffer in their daily hardship. The next stage these billionaires turn into zillionaires and we will suffer even more becoming more exploited and further impoverished.
The capitalist system is designed for one purpose only – to allow the few get everything and the rest to get nothing but hardship and suffering and bear existence. Capitalism makes sure that the rich will always get richer and you remain the servant of their prosperity i.e., the wealth that is made upon your shoulder. Whilst they get richer we get instead more oppression, more poverty and mass intimidation.
Classes must fall and be dismantled and replaced by equality and real freedom for all. Therefore by destroying capitalism and the state we destroy the enemy number one of life and of humanity. By ending capitalism we free humanity and liberate the whole people of the world, so that they can continue living free of torture and pain, without wars and without ever being exploited again.
Capitalism is reaching its own natural end, its dying on its anarcho-revolutionary death bed awaiting its final breath on the eve of the anarcho-social revolution. For the first time in human history the objective conditions are ripe and ready for the abolition of capitalism and its state. Capitalism will become a thing of the past, despised and forgotten.
We don’t need a money system in a class society run by capital and the state, because we see what it does to us and to the rest of humanity, we experience daily the ferocious effects of a system that is based on money, value, and the private ownership of the social means of production, i.e., robbing the people and then selling them back the loot. We can see what the western civilization has done to nature and to humanity everywhere now it is also polluting the outer space.
How can anyone live in a world where there are few billionaires and billions of starving people? War and poverty is the health of the state and capitalism. Capitalism is a permanent war launched for profit on the people everywhere. People everywhere are daily sacrificed for capital’s lust and imperial greed. Millions upon millions die every year unnecessarily.
Volcanic Eruption
A social revolution is in the making, the conscious anarchist is there already navigating the objective development discretely from below and orientating the anarcho-revolutionary process to its natural restart. You cannot be free and happy in a terribly alienated society; you cannot be creative in an alienated world nor know how to live in a monotonous capital’s consumption mechanism. You will not be able to experience the real meaning of existence and living without negating the dialectics of capital and the state.
Be ready for the first anarchic revolution – Its coming your way – Take part in a world of liberation and mutual happiness.
The Way is Anarchy – the Solution is Equity
Spartacus Anarchus Capitalist dictatorship
1 – As a result of capitalism I suffer. 2 – As a result of capitalism you suffer. 3 – As a result of capitalism they suffer. 4 – As a result of capitalism animals suffer. 5 – As a result of capitalism the whole planet suffers.
Capitalism is a system of systematic violence of all against all.
Capitalism is a mass exploitation system that is designed to benefit the ruling few.
Capitalism is based on war and racism, Capitalism will have to go.
If we don’t destroy capitalism first, Capitalism for sure will destroy itself.
It has lasted for that long because of brute force and aggression.
The Capitalist system must be replaced with an anti-systematic anarchy.
Capitalism must go and with it goes the state, religion, money, etc.
Many anarchic trends will also disappear.
What must remain to navigate humanity out of the capitalist impasse is an anarcho-communist individualist anarchy.
Only this kind of anarchy can replace Capitalism successfully.
Billion of people suffer daily from Capitalism but only the few can recognize this.
Most sufferers believe that fate is the muster of destiny.
As long as Capitalism lasts, we are going to continue in our suffering and hardship, the longer Capitalism remains we will remain in constant pain and despair.
So, the fight is on, it is either we or Capitalism.
Capitalism is the worst economic – political system envisioned by man – it is the nightmare of humanity, it is the hell of history.
The Capitalist system with its various institutions and organizations is a very cruel and fatal system. It kills and impoverishes, it exploits and rules, it discriminates and abuses.
Most of the people on the planet are the victims of this system; they are in a very bad shape, mentally, economically and physically. To be born into Capitalism you are born to suffer the hardship the system is going to through upon you, unless of course you are born to the few rich – ruling families. But the rest are domed to a life of misery and hard labor for the rest of their lives.
An anarchic revolution will solve all that, it will liberate us from this labor camp called the state and law.
Capitalism is a dead end to humanity.
If Capitalism stays we are finished, but if it will vanish we will happily survive.
Revolutionary destruction of capitalism through anarchy
The Equal Distribution of All wealth
Revolutionary Destruction of Capitalism through Anarchy
Capitalism is democratic fascism based on politico-economical dictatorship. Nationalism, religion and racism are the name of the game, very important for the continuous existence of this anti-human capitalist system. An anarchic revolution on a global scale will bring an end to this vicious and brutal anti-social and anti-relation system, a very miserable system indeed.
The capitalist structure creates a class/slave society based on total discrimination and fierce oppression of a large portion of humanity. An anarchic revolution will terminate this overdue capitalist system, a rotten system that has destroyed the whole planet and everything on it for the sake of power, money and control.
Capitalism is an anti-natural and anti-social money-relation that brings only the worst of everyone and stimulates only the ugliest traits possible in a human being. The guilty are the capitalists and they must be stopped and all their wealth confiscated and distributed amongst the masses for the benefit of the whole of humanity forever.
Capitalist social-relation cannot be blown away but it can be destroyed and transformed into an anti-capitalist anarchic society through a worldwide anti-class revolution. To all those who are reading this stuff: To which class you belong to? In which mentality are you imprisoned? What do you have to do every day in order to exist and just merely survive?
How can anyone be really happy and free under those circumstances? How can anyone be satisfied and creative under those conditions that we find ourselves in and all of the time and everywhere? Anarchists know what I mean, and soon, they will be able to transform the anarchic theory into action, into a mass revolutionary social movement.
State socialism has been devoured by state capitalism, now it’s time to devour state capitalism and end this miserable episode in the human process and venture on to a post-historical anarcho-revolutioary creation. I am very certain, that soon, anarchists will spring into action all over the world starting of course in the industrial countries. Anarchists will succeed with help of the people in transforming the capitalist system into an anarchic society, via a social revolution aimed at the destruction of capitalism, the state, the class and thus terminating this horrendous social relation by changing society and freeing everyone in it.
May the next decade be the last and final decade for the existence of capitalism, gone and forgotten you may ask yourselves why anarchy? Because it is good for all, you may ask, why not capitalism? The answer will be, because it is bad for most us. You must decide where you stand with humanity and the planet or against them, for love, equity and freedom or for hate, war and oppression. By you changing and developing and through our own efforts capitalism will wither away. Anarchy will bring back our lost humanity and rescue planet earth from utter destruction. Capitalism stimulates only the ugliest parts of human existence; it only encourages the worst traits in human Character, turning us to what we are today all acting as bankrupt shopkeeper in despair . You need lots of courage and knowledge to revolt against the system and change the whole world people included, this has to be done in our life span starting from yesterday. So friends, let’s do it together, let’s turn theory into practice and action into theory and finish with capitalism once and for all.