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A childlover is a non-sadistic pedophile or ephebophile, though the term may also encompass people who are not primarily attracted to children, or those whose attraction to children is only romantic. The terms girllover and boylover are used to specifically indicate a childlover's sexual orientation.

Distinction with "pedophile"

Unlike the term pedophile, childlover (as well as boylover and girllover) is a self-identification term. Some people use that to distinguish themselves from those who would abuse children, while others by it identify as members of a childlove movement.

Also while pedophiles are normally grouped four categories: homosexual male and female, and heterosexual male and female; childlovers identify themselves by the gender of their objects of attraction, thus homosexual males and heterosexual females are both "boylovers", while heterosexual males and homosexual females are "girllovers".

ULTIMATELY, HOWEVER, Pedophilia or "child loving" or whatever one wishes to call it has nothing to do whatsoever with Anarchism, and is viewed as disgusting to next to all Anarchists. Pedophiles try to use the Anarchist movement as a form of protection and as a vehicle towards trying to make pedophilia seem acceptable. Pedophiles realize how easy it is to abuse the permissability of the Anarchist movement towards these ends, and certain pedophiles use nicer-sounding codewords - such as "child lover" - to make pedophilia seem more acceptable. Seeing as how pedophilia has nothing to do with Anarchism, and seeing how this is a specifically Anarchist wiki, there is no sensible argument as to having an article on pedophilia, "child loving," or related noncery. Thusly, this article exists SOLELY for the purpose of acting as a form of propaganda for pedophiles who are trying to co-opt the Anarchist movement.

We are told to accept things like this due to the necessity to respect "freedom of speech." Let's see how long my freedom of speech, displayed in the above paragraph, is respected.


Girl moment

Girl moment, or "GM" for short, is a term used by some childlovers to define any sort of interaction between an adult (who has a sexual orientation favouring female children) and one or more female children. The interactions are not necessarily illegal (although the definition of "girl moment" as used, could be reasonably applied to the commission of illegal activities), and can involve anything from merely an encounter at a bus stop, to a good deed (helping a lost child find her parents, etc), a birthday party, babysitting occasion, and others.

The contents of a girl moment usually focuses on non-sexually describing the events that went on in the day, and is applicable more as a descriptive narrative of an occasion, which someone who has a sexual orientation favouring female children could read and enjoy. Such moments are rarely sexually explicit, and their purpose is not (generally) to arouse the sexual appetites of its readers.

See also

External links

World Wide Web


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