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Talk:Ben Marble

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Please do assist me regarding: Doctor Ben Marble, M. D.

Whereas I do not like being deleted, I am starting here.

I do need your assistance in creating the primary page, please.

I've found that Dr. Marble's website is physically difficult for me to read;

I do suspect that I would have a better time figuring the text after I would copy | paste here.

Please do note that Doctor Ben Marble is best known as the person who, whilst Veep Richard Bruce Cheney was visiting Katrina Hurricane Louisiana, Dr. Marble issued to Mr. Cheney a similar instruction as the instruction that Mr. Cheney had issued to Senator Pat Leahy, Vermont.

Therefore this quote is derived from:

< >; although a somewhat similar article seems to be @:

< >.

I have not yet been able to read all the way through either one.

< >;

< >.

Here it is:

Hurricane Victim Handcuffed for Cursing Cheney

On September 8, during Vice President Dick Cheney's post-storm tour of Mississippi, his appearance was disrupted by an unidentified man yelling what radio reporters described as "an obscenity that could not be broadcast." Thanks to blogger Jackson Thoreau (http://








.com/hkbw), we now know the identity of Cheney's Mississippi. The hurler of verbal abuse was emergency room physician and alternative rock-band member Dr. Ben Marble

Dr. Marble, one of thousands who lost their homes due to Hurricane Katrina, was trying to reach his demolished Gulfport home when he was stopped at a military police checkpoint 200 feet from his house. He was told that no one could pass the barricade and ordered to take another route home, which would require an extra 20 minutes-worth of his remaining gasoline.

In a letter describing his encounter with Cheney, Marble explained: "Gas is really expensive and extremely hard to get anywhere Katrina has destroyed," "So needless to say, I was extremely aggravated that they wouldn't let me pass."

Before he could turn around, a convoy of dark cars approached, honking and demanding that Marble clear his vehicle to let them through the supposedly "closed" barricade. "I waved a middle finger at the caravan," Marble confessed.

After driving the extra 20 minutes, Marble reached his home. When he overheard a neighbor saying that Cheney was up the street talking to people, Marble approached a couple police officers and asked if he and a friend could stroll over to visit. The smiling officers agreed, adding that Cheney was "looking forward" to talking to "the locals."

"For those who don't know," Marble wrote, "Mr. Cheney is infamous for telling Senator [Pat] Leahy 'go f--- yourself' on the Senate floor. Also, I am not happy about the fact that thousands have died due to the slow action of FEMA -- not to even mention the wrong-war-in-the -wrong -place at the wrong time -- i.e. Iraq.

"So we grabbed my Canon digital rebel and my Sony videocamera and started walking down the street. And then, right in front of the destroyed tennis court I used to play on, Dick Cheney was giving a pep rally, talking to the press. The Secret Service guys patted us down and waved the wands over us, and then let us pass."

When Mable and his buddy got within 10 feet of Cheney, Marble suddenly yelled, "Go f--- yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go f--- yourself, you a------!" CNN and other media filmed the scene.

"I had no intention of harming anyone but merely wanted to echo Mr. Cheney's infamous words back at him," Marble explained. "At that moment, I noticed the Secret Service guys with a panic-stricken look on their faces, like they were about to tackle me, so I calmly walked away back to my former house."

Later, as Marble and his friend were salvaging remnants from the home, two military police arrived, brandishing M-16's. They explained that they were looking for a man who matched Marble's description who had cursed Cheney.

"I told them I was probably the person they were looking for." Marble wrote. "So they put me in handcuffs and 'detained' me for about 20 minutes. My right thumb went numb because the cuffs were on so tight, but they were fairly courteous and eventually released me after getting all my contact info. They said I had NOT broken any laws so I was free to go.

"Even with all our losses, we are still luckier than many people down here because at least we didn't die," Marble wrote.

Marble has put his unique video up for auction on eBay. Marble also has an Internet site with photos of hurricane damage at Marble can be reached at

Dear human,

    I will in the words that follow try to give some description of what I consider important parts of my life.  Of course, there are many private issues that I consider important that I will not discuss on a public forum.  
    My name is Benjamin A. Marble, M.D. I was born in Gulfport, Ms. where my mother grew up.   I have 2 older brothers and 1 older sister.  Basically we grew up on the Gulf of Mexico.  A year or so after I was born my family moved to the Pensacola, Fl. area where my father grew up.   The first memory I have is my mother taking a picture of me standing in my playpen with a bottle in my mouth.  The flash went off and scared me and then I remember hearing voices laughing in unison.  I also remember my brother Wil throwing a football to me in a field in Pensacola, Fl.   My dad was a firman when we lived near Johnson beach,Fl. We would go to the beach fairly frequently to swim, fish, and surf.  We had a great time surfing on our little tiny styrofoam boards.  One day I was almost eaten by a 12 foot hammerhead shark.  I had been playing with a dead fish and it was hungry.  My siblings and I had only been in the water for maybe 5 minutes when our dad started yelling at us to get out of the water.  I started whining about not wanting to get out.  My dad pointed and yelled again.  I remember seeing it’s fin.  Suddenly I knew I was 4 year old easy to swallow shark bait.   I let go of the dead fish and turned around and started running.  We all ran.  I could see and hear my dad on the shore yelling at us to run.  I saw my brothers were going to make it but being the youngest I ran the slowest.  I ran so hard as I saw the fear in my family’s faces.  I remember seeing the water was ankle deep then turning around to see this 12 foot monster of a hammerhead as it had to take a right turn so it wouldn’t run aground.  I was really happy.  I ran down the beach and yelled at the surfers to get out of the water.  That was the year before I started kindergarten when I sat at home alone with my mom while my siblings were at school.  We had a lot of fun and then I went to kindergarten and first grade at Pleasant Grove elementary school.  My kindergarten teachers name was Mrs. Weed.  We went to church way too much during this time period.  When I was 7, my dad got a job working for Exxon and so we moved to Pace, Fl. where I went to 2nd grade.   I occasionally would paint things with my mom.  Our next door neighbor was a Hispanic woman who was  really nice.  I think my mom felt sorry for her because her husband was so mean.  He was the classic KKK type.  So we used to take her to the movies and other places.  Then I remember waking up late one night hearing sirens.  I looked out my bedroom window and saw the paramedics pushing a bodybag out.  She supposedly put a shotgun in her own mouth and pulled the trigger with her toe.  I never believed that story.  About 2 days later a new woman and her son moved into that man’s house.  I think subconsciously I knew something was wrong and so one day not long after that while the family was watching Star Trek I set our house on fire.  I expected the worst spanking imaginable but amazingly my dad didn’t punish me.  Anyway while we lived in Pace one of my teachers accused me of being intelligent.  Some doctors gave me a few IQ tests and pinned a few labels on me.  Next thing I know I'm in the 'gifted program' where it didn't take me long to fall in love with the Commodore Pet and Apple IIe.  The following year we moved a few miles northeast in the same county to live in the ‘country’ near Jay, Florida.  Since we were in the same county I was still sent to the ‘gifted program’ once a week and I was allowed to skip from 3rd to 4th grade.  The only things we had to do for fun at that time was go hunting a lot. We also had about 10 dogs, chickens, cats, etc.  I even had 2 pet raccoons.  I was a computer geek who was living in the deep ‘backwoods’.  In Jay they had one red light in town.  Of course there was a sign at that light that said ‘Don’t let the sun set on your black ass’.  The KKK would stand at that same very corner and ask for donations.  My parents were classic ‘turn the other cheek’ Christians at that point so I am glad they didn’t associate with those people.  At home when I wasn't being forced to memorize the bible I would read the encyclopedia for fun.  Primarily due to changing churches and/or jobs my family moved a lot. I changed schools 11  times from kindergarten to 12th grade. I have lived in every county on the Gulf Coast from as far East as Escambia County, Florida to as far West as the Parish of St. Tammany, La.   This area of course is the deepest south part of the "bible belt" where as I already mentioned my parents decided we should attend church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, and/or any other night they felt like having a "prayer meeting".  I always thought the church people were crazy because they 'spoke in tongues' and I never saw the 'demons' they claimed they 'saw'.  Yeah I could go on for hours about that but the good news is eventually it ended.  And just in case anyone is wondering, I have never attended one myself but I do know for a fact that there are still some Christian sects in the deep south that play with rattle snakes in church (I have seen some of the sinners as patients LOL) .    
     My dad played guitar so I was always exposed to guitars and remember banging on my 2 older brother's 74's Fender Strats the year before I started kindergarten. The first instrument I actually atempted to learn how to play was saxophone when I started band in 6th grade while we were living in Milton, Fl.  I wasn't all that good at it and still can't play one.  When we lived in Milton, Fl., my brothers and I began to play tennis a lot with our dad.   Our dad was working for Exxon at the time and they transferred him to New Orleans.  So we spent the Christmas holidays moving to Bay St. Louis, Ms.  Our new house was literally 200 yards from a set of tennis courts so we were happy about that.  I played a few tournaments and by the time I was 14 I was ranked #5 in the state.  Of course that isn't saying much since everyone knows Mississippi is historically such a competetive tennis state (j/j)   Then  when I was 12 my oldest brother Wil gave me some lessons to get me started on guitar.  I became obsessed with it.  When I wasn't in church I would be programming my computer, playing tennis,  or my guitar.   My parents wouldn't let me own an electric guitar as they knew that eventually I would 'join a rock band'.  I kept practicing.  The first song I learned to play 'note for note' on my acoustic guitar was Dire Straits "Sultans of Swing".  Mark Knopfler taught me the value of the right hand.  Eventually I became a 'metalhead'.  Randi Rhodes and then Yngwie were a couple of my favorite guitarists.   Despite excessive amounts of alcohol and raging teenage hormones I eventually graduated from Long Beach High School.  I always wanted to become a doctor so I worked towards that goal.  I did my first year of undergrad at William Carey College on Highway 90 in Gulfport, Ms.  I decided the following year to transfer to the Univ. of South Alabama in Mobile, Al. because I knew they had a fairly good medical school.  I married early and we started a family while both working full time and being full time students.  We were extremely poor and even were on welfare for a year.  I eventually received my bachelors degree in Biomedical Science with minors in Psychology and Chemistry.  I stayed at USA for medical school and received my M.D. degree.  In my limited free time I managed to write music, play my guitar, paint, and/or go surfing with Chris Cave, M.S., M.D. whom I met in Long Beach when I was in 8th grade.   I also began painting again on a fairly regular basis primarily to relax.  One day I decided to bring some of them into the Cathedral Square Art Gallery on Dauphin St. in downtown Mobile, Al. and they asked if they could make me a 'guest' artist for a month which eventually led to me becoming a member of the gallery for quite a while.  The band, dR. O, I started with Chris received a ton of good feedback  eventually leading to our being declared the "Supergroup of Cyberspace" by Yahoo Internet Life magazine.   During my intern year I was working over 100 hours/week and eventually I got divorced.   When finishing residency I received the 'Surf's Up Award' as the resident who went surfing more than any other LOL.  I was glad because I have always believed in having non-career related hobbies i.e. surfing, painting, computer programming, writing, composing, performing music, photography, fishing,  etc. I ran back into my wife Lisa whom I had seen in about 13 years or so.  I had Lisa in my speech class when I was in 12th grade.  I became really good friends with her and eventually fell for her pretty hard.  Luckily for me when I ran back into her she was single and so was I.  Eventually we flew to Vegas and were married by Elvis.  Over the years, I have had some success with the photography, more success with the paintings, even more success with the music of dR. O and Yoon, and then ridiculously enough I become famous for saying "GO FU** YOURSELF MR. CHENEY" on live television (CNN/MSNBC/FOX) on 090805 during The Dick Cheney's lame staged photo op in my destroyed neighborhood in Gulfport, Ms. The media frenzy that ensued was a bit insane leading Rolling Stone Magazine to call my words the "Best Televised Soundbite of the Year".  So even though I can’t complain too much for myself but I will try to do what I can to help others. So anyway I decided to create this site to discuss things I find interesting and also display some of my paintings, photography, music, websites, etc. 

Thanks, Ben Marble, M.D.

From DonFphrnqTaub Persina:

"Has humanity lost its [blue] marble??"

Hopiakuta 00:52, 26 August 2006 (UTC)