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sexual relations

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For most anarchists, marriage and sex are private matters to be resolved between consenting adults. In their opinion, authorities like governments, lawmakers, churches, mullahs, etc., have no business meddling with private affairs of individuals who do not voluntarily desire to follow their commands — at which point they are no longer authorities and have no power to command those who dissent, only the opportunity to advise those who consent.

Others, however, believe that the concept of marriage is a fundamentally coercive institution, pointing to the wealth of assumptions about what gender pairings can be acceptable partners, the number of people that can be involved in a relationship, and the proper roles for members of a relationship to have. They argue that marriage is ultimately a heteronormative concept, and that it is a particularly subtle form of control.

Some anarchists in Spain viewed love as a dangerous concept and advocated "change of commune" for those experiencing "the sickness of love." This, however, is a small minority view. Many anarchists, including Emma Goldman, believe that love between people is at the core a powerful and benign force, though possibly corrupted by institutions or traditions.

Unificationists often don't even bother with marriage licenses, considering their marriages to be no business of the state, although most in practice register marriages for the political advantages it gives them or their children. They also try to immunize themselves agains social pressure to engage in promiscuous sex, holding to a peculiar anarchistic view that values monogamy over social acceptance. Many Unification Church teenagers report ostracism from school friends as a result of refusing to toe the free sex line.
