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Erich Mühsam : The mock-revolutionary
The mock-revolutionary (1907)
dedicated to the German Socialdemocracy
Once there was a mock-revolutionary
In civil status bulb cleaner
Went along with the revolutionaries
In mock-revolutionary step.
And he screamed: “I am revolutionizing!â€
And he pushed his mock-revolutionary cap
On his left ear,
Felt himself extremely dangerous.
But the revolutionaries stepped
into the middle of the street,
where he otherwise incessant
is cleaning all the gas lamps.
To displace them from the floor’s plates,
In order to build barricades,
One plucked out the gas lamps
Out of the pavements.
But our mock-revolutionary shouted:
‘I am the bulb cleaner
from this good glowing light
Please, please don’t harm it!
If we turn off their light
every citizen will be blind
Let the lamps stand, please come on
because otherwise I won’t play along!’
And the revolutionaries were laughing
And the gas lamps were crashing
And the lamp cleaner sneaked away
And he started crying bitterly.
Then he stayed at home
Wrote there a book soon:
Namely how to revolt
While cleaning the bulb.