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We will run the show

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Revision as of 11:44, 28 January 2008 by Spartacus (Talk | contribs) (New page: THE SILENT VOLCANO This is an open scenario – the year 2008 – the coming anarchic revolt – anti-capitalist, anti-state, anti-class and the deteriorating condition of humanity. Cap...)

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This is an open scenario – the year 2008 – the coming anarchic revolt – anti-capitalist, anti-state, anti-class and the deteriorating condition of humanity.

Capitalism is war of all against all, killing the world and everything on it for sheer profits and megalomania.

The situation of anarchists today and the many anarchic brands they belong to.

The end of the concept of organization starts now.

The fashionable noble prize winning game theory is short lived.

The anarchist theory is for all.

The ending of capital is on the horizon.

The internet user/surfer, his mentality and how his mind operates.

The majority are not anarchists.

Class analysis - class consciousness - class struggle – anarchic liberation.

There is more revolutionary anarchists today.

The future of humanity is anarchy.

Christian capitalism - Muslim capitalism - Jewish capitalism - Buddhist capitalism - Communist capitalism - Atheist capitalism.

The fascist role of the USA and Israel in modern times in the new image of imperialist capitalism.

Anti–capitalist Anti-state Anarchism

Capitalism must go; it must be destroyed before it destroys us. Most people on earth suffer terribly daily from this capitalist system. The industrial revolution and then the technological revolution made it possible for capitalism to totally dominate the whole planet and its populace.

Contemporary capitalism has invaded every aspect of everyone’s life. To achieve freedom by the people, capitalism and the state and religions must go and be terminated and replaced instantly with an anarchic society free of authority.

We don’t need few billionaires whilst billions of individuals are hungry and billions enslaved. We don’t need billionaires and more millionaires when 98% of the world’s population lives below poverty level, the majority suffer in their daily hardship. The next stage these billionaires turn into zillionaires and we will suffer even more becoming more exploited and further impoverished.

The capitalist system is designed for one purpose only – to allow the few get everything and the rest to get nothing but hardship and suffering and bear existence. Capitalism makes sure that the rich will always get richer and you remain the servant of their prosperity i.e., the wealth that is made upon your shoulder. Whilst they get richer we get instead more oppression, more poverty and mass intimidation.

Classes must fall and be dismantled and replaced by equality and real freedom for all. Therefore by destroying capitalism and the state we destroy the enemy number one of life and of humanity. By ending capitalism we free humanity and liberate the whole people of the world, so that they can continue living free of torture and pain, without wars and without ever being exploited again.

Capitalism is reaching its own natural end, its dying on its anarcho-revolutionary death bed awaiting its final breath on the eve of the anarcho-social revolution. For the first time in human history the objective conditions are ripe and ready for the abolition of capitalism and its state. Capitalism will become a thing of the past, despised and forgotten.

We don’t need a money system in a class society run by capital and the state, because we see what it does to us and to the rest of humanity, we experience daily the ferocious effects of a system that is based on money, value, and the private ownership of the social means of production, i.e., robbing the people and then selling them back the loot. We can see what the western civilization has done to nature and to humanity everywhere now it is also polluting the outer space.

How can anyone live in a world where there are few billionaires and billions of starving people? War and poverty is the health of the state and capitalism. Capitalism is a permanent war launched for profit on the people everywhere. People everywhere are daily sacrificed for capital’s lust and imperial greed. Millions upon millions die every year unnecessarily.

Volcanic Eruption

A social revolution is in the making, the conscious anarchist is there already navigating the objective development discretely from below and orientating the anarcho-revolutionary process to its natural restart. You cannot be free and happy in a terribly alienated society; you cannot be creative in an alienated world nor know how to live in a monotonous capital’s consumption mechanism. You will not be able to experience the real meaning of existence and living without negating the dialectics of capital and the state.

Be ready for the first anarchic revolution – Its coming your way – Take part in a world of liberation and mutual happiness.

The Way is Anarchy – the Solution is Equity

Spartacus Anarchus