Still working to recover. Please don't edit quite yet.
Money/Tax Presention
Preparations towards a multimedia presentation to educate the public about the fraudulent monetary system, and what could be done about it
Presentation draft
Formats: If openoffice is available, please use ".odp" and export to .ppt as well. With MS-office, use the ppt.
Take note of your edits. Always mention anything you delete. Better yet, instead of deleting, just mark the page: "MARKED FOR DELETION" and move to the end. This way vandalism or unintentional losses can be avoided. We will trash these before narration and "release"
- ( = )
- added: a loan, because of creating money, involves the economy (not just the bank and the client). Mention subsidized loans
- added: nationalizing: NO ; property tax: YES
- added: policy of forgiving is very necessary
- added: more on banking. James Robertson's solution for debt-free money to replace debt-money.
- added: more notes on democracy vs. extreme concentration of wealth
- deleted: none
OLD: (for historical reasons / to avoid vandalism )
- =
- added: title page; more anti-war and impeachment rumble
- deleted: none
- =
- this seems to be the initial version
Please contribute !!! Add your ideas, drawings, text, corrections, charts, links, references, criticism. Do not hate the media, be part of it.
- how monetary system works, how money is created
- the ultimate power of income from the interest on unescapable debt
- concentration of wealth: causes and how to fix
- market economy (contributes to concentration of wealth to some extent, this is well known and admitted, even overemphasized. Some regulation can be useful, but heavy regulation is not the way to go)
- monetary system: concentrates wealth, but it should NOT
- tax system: concentrates wealth, but it should actually dispense wealth to balance the natural market effects
- the nonsensical tax system. Instead of the benefit of social wellbeing and environment's health, optimized to concentrate wealth
- what can be done about it ?
- seigniorage reform
- tax changes
- money can be issued for public benefit, even without the help of government (using hi-tech to trade commodities or issue fiat money as public benefit)
- Traps
- nationalizing banks (or everything) trap ! (also not good)
- other things commonly used to divert attention
- technology: how to get information over to a broad audience
- format
- style
- psychological walls
- firewalls
- filters
- how to fight mass-manipulation
- get back control over what information is received
- technology to defeat censorship
- system of signed referrals. A distributed search system, prioritization according to one's own preferences : reputation systems
Target format(s)
- flash .swf presentation with audio narration. Relatively compact, still very convenient. Proposed to be the primary format
- very compact powerpoint presentation: only text instead of audio narration
- video (mpeg / divx4, whatever). Not so compact, but can be burnt to DVD or broadcasted via TV
Narrators WANTED
- English (separate USA and UK justified or not ?)
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Russian
- Japanese
- etc...
See also