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list of needs
From Anarchopedia
Revision as of 07:23, 10 June 2007 by (Talk)
- Connection, acceptance, affection, appreciation, belonging, cooperation, communication, closeness, community, companionship, compassion, consideration, consistency, empathy, inclusion, intimacy, love, mutuality, nurturing, respect/self-respect, safety, security, stability, support, to know and be known, to see and be seen, to understand and be understood, trust, warmth
- Honesty, authenticity, integrity, presence
- Play, joy, humor
- Peace, beauty, communion, ease, equality, harmony, inspiration, order
- Physical well-being, air, food, movement/exercise, rest/sleep, sexual expression, safety, shelter, touch, water
- Meaning, awareness, celebration of life, challenge, clarity, competence, consciousness, contribution, creativity, discovery, efficacy, effectiveness, growth, hope, learning, mourning, participation, purpose, self-expression, stimulation, to matter, understanding
- Autonomy, choice, freedom, independence, space, spontaneity