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Italian graphemes

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This grapheme table can be used to determine or approximate the pronunciation of an italian word. Possible phonemes are separated by a comma, eventual allophones are enclosed between parentheses, the notation used is ASCII-IPA (Kirshenbaum).

grapheme phonemes notes
-a- /a/ (/a/, /A/)
-b- /b/ see also -b, -bb-
-c- /c/, /k/ see also -cc-, -ch-, -ca-, -ce-, -ci-, -co-, -cu-
-d- /d/
-e- /e/, /E/
è /E/
è /e/
-f- /f/ see also -ff-
-g- /J/, /g/ see also -gg-, -ga-, -ge-, -gi-, -go-, -gu-
-i- /i/
-k- /k/
-l- /l/
-m- /m/
-n- /n/
-o- /o:/, /O/
-p- /p/
-q- see -qu-
-r- /r<trl>/ (/r/)
-s- /s/
-t- /t/
-u- /u/
-v- /v/
-x- /ks/
-y- /i/, /i:/
-z- /dz/
-bb- /bb/
-qu- /kw/ see also: -qqu-
-qqu- /k<u>kw/