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Anarchism is Not Cool
It's a common misconception that "night-time" drowsy-medicines cause you to be so tired that you end up pratically falling asleep on top of babies. Even more common is the misconception that Anarchy is cool, rad, or even Extreme. It doesn't help that some (read: all) self-proclaimed Anarchists are really just searching for a label that declares them to be independent, free-thinking, and Extreme. By some unfortunate calamity involving the use of expensive African pepper as a home stereo system, these are widely ackowledged falsities. Anarchy is neither cool nor Extreme, nor shaped like a hot dude shaped like a leaf; in reality, it's just a large collection of anti-government sentiment, and frustrated, hormonal teenage angst. And face it, nothing acounts for the large amount of anti-disposable-diaper attitude like Anarchy and its subordinates, Cynicism, Sadism, Pessimism, and iTunes. Let's be serious here; why else would such an obnoxious topic require its own Wiki just to keep its facts straight?
Brought to you by the lovely MW-FBs and their subordinates, the other MW-FBs! CtN
Proof that anarchy is not cool anymore:
~ SF