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From Anarchopedia
Revision as of 02:48, 9 October 2013 by (Talk) (/* Costa #file_links[D:\keywords3.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] Concordia {raised|elevated|brought up|lifted|increased|higher|grown|reared|produced|heightened|high}: 'The redemption {of a|of the|o *)

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Most of the information about "Capitalism" here is really about something like Monetarism or Mercantilism.. meaning, it is only thought of as Capital+State. But "Capitalism" is really just a theory that people trade with something that represents value. If pearls are most-used for trading, then the capital is pearls. If most people trade using gold, capital=gold. On the Anarcho-Capitalism page, this is not addressed but there's a relevant quote by Ghandi, where he mentions people will always use capital, so "Capitalism" isn't evil in itself, because it's just a way that people trade. He is not using a definition of Capital+State!

Maybe there can be a section that talks about Capital as separate from State (because people are free to choose anything they want as capital, if there is no state to force the opposite). -Rz

That's completely absurd and makes no sense. Capitalism, as we know it, is an economic ideology born in the late Renaissance, which gradually transformed from Feudalism, and that lead to the Industrial Revolution. It presupposes a conception and a particular interpretation of how to amass capital (read Marx's Das Capital). What you are talking about is simply selling and buying things with money, and humans have been doing that for 8,000 years. Therefore, you would stupidly conclude that capitalism has 8,000 years. Saying capitalism is buying and selling things, then socialism would mean getting things for free. Please, educate yourself before you make a fool of yourself in public. Its not that hard. - A true anarchist

This article is essentially a Wikipedia fork, here. Even the RationalWiki article on Capitalism seems more original]. 19:22, 12 November 2010 (UTC)

I would just like to chip in: at the beginning of the article it expresses that Capitalism is "also called free market economy," or "free enterprise economy." This is false. Capitalism is an economic system that does not necessarily specify a free market (e.g. Fascism as an ideology does not specify a free market). It is largely characterised by the accumulation private property and general capital (hence capitalism) as was described in the paragraph above the statement. Free market capitalism could be described as "laissez-faire capitalism" as an economic system (I must stress here that capitalism is an economic system, not a political ideology). Classical liberalism is a political system which endorses laissez-faire capitalism.

p.s. in regards to the above discussion, I agree with "A true anarchist" that capitalism is more than just a means of trade. Also, I am not familiar with the Gandhi quote but I believe that what he probably meant was that socialists do not wish to obliterate capital (being wealth, technology, land, natural resources, the product of labour, etc.) raher that we wish to obliterate capitalism (a system which endorses the private accumulation of capital) by socialising capital.

Costa #file_links[D:\keywords3.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] Concordia {raised|elevated|brought up|lifted|increased|higher|grown|reared|produced|heightened|high}: 'The redemption {of a|of the|o

Subscribe {Today|These days|Nowadays|Right now|Currently|Now|At this time|At present|Presently|Right away|Immediately} {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|towards|into the|with the|in the|in to the|within the} MonitorClick {Here|Right here|The following|Below|In this article|Listed here|At this point|These|In this case|There|On this site} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to|intended for|to get|designed for|meant for|for the purpose of|just for|with respect to} {your|your own|the|your current|ones|a person's|an individual's|ones own|your personal|any|a} {FREE|Totally free|Free of charge|No cost|Cost-free|Absolutely free|Zero cost|100 % free|Complimentary|Free of cost|No charge} 30 DAYS ofThe Christian {Science|Technology|Research|Scientific disciplines|Scientific research|Scientific discipline|Development|Discipline|Practice|Knowledge|Modern technology} MonitorWeekly {Digital|Electronic|Electronic digital|Digital camera|A digital|Electric|Online|Online digital|Internet|Computer|Handheld} #file_links<D>\keywords2.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] Edition {The|The actual|The particular|Your|This|A|Any|Typically the|All the|That|All of the} {operation|procedure|functioning|function|operations|business|surgery|process|functionality|company|surgical procedure}, {which|that|which usually|which in turn|which often|which will|in which|which unfortunately|that will|of which|which inturn} {involved|included|concerned|required|engaged|needed|associated|taking part|that's involved|called for|connected} {a|the|any|a new|some sort of|your|a good|an important|a fabulous|some|a real} technically complex {system|program|method|technique|process|procedure|product|strategy|model|structure|device} {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} steel cables, winches, {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} pylons, took 19 hours 鈥?nearly twice {as|because|since|while|seeing that|when|mainly because|simply because|just as|for the reason that|like} {long|lengthy|extended|prolonged|very long|extensive|longer|much time|rather long|long-term|in length} {as|because|since|while|seeing that|when|mainly because|simply because|just as|for the reason that|like} originally predicted.{Engineers|Technical engineers|Technicians|Designers|Fitters|Entrepreneurs|Manuacturers|Men with vision|Planners|Conveyor engineers|Conveyor designers} {said|stated|mentioned|explained|claimed|reported|proclaimed|says|suggested|pointed out|talked about} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} delay {was|had been|has been|ended up being|seemed to be|appeared to be|was initially|was in fact|was basically|is|was indeed} {due to|because of|as a result of|on account of|resulting from|caused by|as a consequence of|thanks to|owing to|attributable to|stemming from} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {fact|reality|truth|simple fact|actuality|point|inescapable fact|basic fact|matter|certainty|straightforward fact} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} {had|experienced|acquired|got|received|obtained|possessed|have|previously had|found|enjoyed} {taken|used|obtained|consumed|considered|utilized|undertaken|applied|ingested|captured|regarded} {more|much more|a lot more|far more|additional|extra|even more|alot more|a great deal more|significantly more|way more} force {than|compared to|as compared to|when compared with|in comparison with|as compared with|compared with|as opposed to|rather than|when compared to|versus} expected {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} prize {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} cruise liner {from the|in the|from your|through the|with the|on the|within the|belonging to the|out of the|of your|out of your} rocky reefs {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} {which|that|which usually|which in turn|which often|which will|in which|which unfortunately|that will|of which|which inturn} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} lay, {as well as|in addition to|along with|and also|together with|and|and even|plus|not to mention|combined with|and in addition} {some|a few|several|a number of|many|quite a few|certain|various|numerous|a lot of|a handful of} minor technical {problems|issues|difficulties|troubles|complications|challenges|concerns|situations|conditions|trouble|dilemmas} involving {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} cables.鈥淚t {needed|required|necessary|essential|desired|wanted|important|expected|vital|called for|considered necessary} {a bit|a little|somewhat|a lttle bit|a tad|slightly|a little bit|just a little|a tiny bit|rather|a touch} {more|much more|a lot more|far more|additional|extra|even more|alot more|a great deal more|significantly more|way more} oomph {than|compared to|as compared to|when compared with|in comparison with|as compared with|compared with|as opposed to|rather than|when compared to|versus} {we|all of us|we all|many of us|most of us|most people|people|you|we tend to|everyone|a number of us} {had|experienced|acquired|got|received|obtained|possessed|have|previously had|found|enjoyed} expected. {The|The actual|The particular|Your|This|A|Any|Typically the|All the|That|All of the} strand jacks <winches> {had|experienced|acquired|got|received|obtained|possessed|have|previously had|found|enjoyed} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} go slower {than|compared to|as compared to|when compared with|in comparison with|as compared with|compared with|as opposed to|rather than|when compared to|versus} we鈥檇 originally thought,鈥?{says|states|claims|affirms|suggests|states that|shows|reveals|declares|pronounces|proclaims} Richard Habib, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} head {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} Titan Salvage, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} US {firm|company|organization|agency|business|corporation|solid|strong|organisation|stable|service provider} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} led {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} project.RECOMMENDED: Costa Concordia: {Did|Do|Would|Does|Performed|Have|Managed|Made|Could|Had|Have done} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} captain break {any|any kind of|virtually any|just about any|almost any|every|any sort of|all|any specific|whatever|pretty much any} law {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} abandoning ship?T #file_links<D>\keywords4.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] he ship {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally} {an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} extraordinary sight 鈥?{half|fifty percent|50 percent|50 %|1 / 2|one half|fifty percent of|about half|50 percent of|50 % of|one-half} {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} {it is|it's|it really is|it can be|it truly is|it is actually|its|it will be|it happens to be|it's always|it is usually} {still|nevertheless|nonetheless|even now|however|continue to|also|always|yet|even so|continually} pristine {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} white, glinting {in the|within the|inside the|from the|inside|while in the|during the|with the|on the|in your|through the} autumn sunshine, {while|whilst|although|even though|though|when|despite the fact that|even while|whereas|at the same time|even when} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {other|additional|some other|various other|different|alternative|many other|several other|other sorts of|various|similar} {half|fifty percent|50 percent|50 %|1 / 2|one half|fifty percent of|about half|50 percent of|50 % of|one-half} {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally} smeared {with|along with|together with|using|having|by using|utilizing|through|with the help of|by means of|by way of} {brown|dark brown|brownish|darkish|brown leafy|brown lightly|red|dark|browning|light brown|grey} slime {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} algae.{As the|Because the|Since the|Because|As being the|For the reason that|When the|Given that the|Being the|While the|To be the} 950-ft.-long liner {was|had been|has been|ended up being|seemed to be|appeared to be|was initially|was in fact|was basically|is|was indeed} finally hauled upright at4 {a|the|any|a new|some sort of|your|a good|an important|a fabulous|some|a real}.{m|michael|meters|mirielle|l|t|d|n|e|s|r}. {local|nearby|neighborhood|community|regional|area|native|localized|hometown|nearest|city} {time|period|moment|occasion|time period|time frame|precious time|point in time|effort|instance|hours}, salvage boats sounded {their|their own|their particular|his or her|the|its|their very own|ones own|his / her|his or her's|your} horns.Jubilant salvage workers {from|through|coming from|via|by|out of|with|as a result of|because of|right from|provided by} {more than|a lot more than|greater than|over|in excess of|above|much more than|around|even more than|well over|beyond} 25 {countries|nations|nations around the world|international locations|places|locations|areas|countries around the world|states|regions|cities}, {including|such as|which includes|which include|like|as well as|together with|this includes|for example|among them|incorporating} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} Uni #file_links<D>\keywords5.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] ted States, Italy, Britain, {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the|plus the|as well as|additionally, the|and also|and then the|together with the|also, the} Netherlands, came {into|in to|directly into|straight into|in|within|towards|right into|inside|straight to|to} Giglio鈥檚 port {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} immediately headed {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} bars {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} celebrate.鈥淭his {is a|is really a|can be a|is often a|is usually a|is actually a|may be a|is known as a|can be described as|is definitely a|is mostly a} once {in a|inside a|in the|within a|in a very|inside of a|from a|in any|at a|with a|within the} lifetime {job|work|career|task|occupation|employment|position|profession|project|activity|process},鈥?{says|states|claims|affirms|suggests|states that|shows|reveals|declares|pronounces|proclaims} Denny Hoffschlag, {a|the|any|a new|some sort of|your|a good|an important|a fabulous|some|a real} diver {from the|in the|from your|through the|with the|on the|within the|belonging to the|out of the|of your|out of your} Netherlands. 鈥淭here鈥檚 {a lot of|lots of|plenty of|a great deal of|many|loads of|numerous|a whole lot of|a considerable amount of|a large amount of|several} joy, seeing {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} ship finally upright. It鈥檚 {an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} {experience|encounter|expertise|knowledge|practical experience|practical knowledge|working experience|go through|adventure|feel|past experiences} I鈥檒l {never|by no means|in no way|never ever|certainly not|under no circumstances|hardly ever|do not ever|for no reason|rarely|not ever} forget.鈥漀ick Sloane, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} South African salvage master {who|that|which|whom|exactly who|who seem to|who actually|just who|what person|what individuals|who exactly} led {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {operation|procedure|functioning|function|operations|business|surgery|process|functionality|company|surgical procedure}, {was|had been|has been|ended up being|seemed to be|appeared to be|was initially|was in fact|was basically|is|was indeed} applauded {by|through|simply by|by simply|by means of|by way of|by just|as a result of|from|just by|with} crews {after|following|right after|soon after|immediately after|just after|once|when|subsequent to|upon|immediately following} coming ashore {from a|from the|from your|coming from a|at a|originating from a|with a|by a|using a|on a|through a} command-and-control barge {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} {was|had been|has been|ended up being|seemed to be|appeared to be|was initially|was in fact|was basically|is|was indeed} anchored close {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|towards|into the|with the|in the|in to the|within the} wreck {throughout the|through the|through the entire|during the entire|over the|all over the|in the|all through the|across the|within the|during the} {operation|procedure|functioning|function|operations|business|surgery|process|functionality|company|surgical procedure}."{It was|It had been|It absolutely was|It turned out|That it was|It had become|It was actually|It was subsequently|It has been|Rrt had been|It's} {a good|a great|an excellent|a fantastic|a superb|a very good|an effective|an outstanding|the best|a good quality|a quality} challenge," he {says|states|claims|affirms|suggests|states that|shows|reveals|declares|pronounces|proclaims}. "{Everyone|Everybody|Every person|Anyone|Absolutely everyone|All people|All of us|Most people|Almost everyone|Anybody|Every body} {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally} {very|really|extremely|quite|incredibly|pretty|rather|highly|particularly|especially|fairly} pleased {with|along with|together with|using|having|by using|utilizing|through|with the help of|by means of|by way of} {how|exactly how|just how|precisely how|the way|the best way|the way in which|the correct way|the simplest way|ways|information on how} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} went.鈥漌ith {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {help|assist|aid|support|enable|guide|assistance|allow|guidance|benefit|help out} {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} video footage provided {by|through|simply by|by simply|by means of|by way of|by just|as a result of|from|just by|with} five unmanned, remote-controlled submarines, he masterminded {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {effort|work|energy|hard work|attempt|efforts|effort and hard work|exertion|time|time and effort|endeavor} {along with|together with|in addition to|as well as|in conjunction with|coupled with|alongside|using|and also|and|having} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {help|assist|aid|support|enable|guide|assistance|allow|guidance|benefit|help out} {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} {10|Ten|12|15|Twelve|13|Eight|8|9|20|11} colleagues {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} board {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} barge."We've nicknamed {them|all of them|these|these people|these individuals|these folks|them all|him or her|these products|individuals|it} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} Magnificent Eleven," joked Franco Gabrielli, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} head {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} Italy鈥檚 Civil Protection department {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the|plus the|as well as|additionally, the|and also|and then the|together with the|also, the} official {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} overall {charge|cost|demand|fee|impose|ask for|price|bill|payment|request|command} {of the|from the|with the|in the|on the|of your|within the|belonging to the|for the|of this|of one's} project.Italians hope {that the|the|how the|that this|which the|the fact that|that your|the fact that the|of the fact that|that|your} {successful|effective|productive|profitable|prosperous|thriving|flourishing|powerful|good|triumphant|highly effective} recovery {of the|from the|with the|in the|on the|of your|within the|belonging to the|for the|of this|of one's} ship {will|may|will certainly|can|will probably|is going to|could|definitely will|might|should|will definitely} {help|assist|aid|support|enable|guide|assistance|allow|guidance|benefit|help out} restore {s|utes|azines|ersus|ohydrates|vertisements|verts|erinarians|'s|lenses|south} #file_links<D>\keywords1.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] ome {degree of|amount of|level of|a higher level|penetration of|quantity|higher level of|volume of|quantity of|measure of|standard of} honor {after|following|right after|soon after|immediately after|just after|once|when|subsequent to|upon|immediately following} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} country鈥檚 {international|worldwide|global|intercontinental|overseas|foreign|world-wide|world|world wide|unusual|abroad} {reputation|status|popularity|standing|track record|name|good reputation|history|repute|recognition|character} {was|had been|has been|ended up being|seemed to be|appeared to be|was initially|was in fact|was basically|is|was indeed} dragged {through the|with the|from the|over the|throughout the|in the|via the|from your|because of the|within the|through the entire} mud {by the|through the|from the|with the|because of the|by way of the|via the|by|by your|through|by way of} alleged cowardice {of the|from the|with the|in the|on the|of your|within the|belonging to the|for the|of this|of one's} ship鈥檚 captain, Francesco Schettino, {and the|and also the|as well as the|along with the|plus the|as well as|additionally, the|and also|and then the|together with the|also, the} 鈥渂unga bunga鈥?antics {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} Silvio Berlusconi, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} former {prime|perfect|excellent|leading|primary|best|key|major|great|top rated|outstanding} minister.鈥淭he redemption {of a|of the|of your|of an|of any|on the|associated with a|from a|to a|of one's|connected with a} nation bowed,鈥?{was|had been|has been|ended up being|seemed to be|appeared to be|was initially|was in fact|was basically|is|was indeed} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} front {page|web page|site|web site|webpage|website|internet page|website page|article|post|document} headline {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} Il Tirreno, {an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} Italian newspaper, {which|that|which usually|which in turn|which often|which will|in which|which unfortunately|that will|of which|which inturn} {said|stated|mentioned|explained|claimed|reported|proclaimed|says|suggested|pointed out|talked about} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {country|nation|region|land|state|place|united states|area|location|usa|countryside} {would|might|would certainly|would likely|could|would probably|will|would most likely|would definitely|may|should} {no|absolutely no|simply no|zero|virtually no|not any|hardly any|very little|certainly no|basically no|little} {longer|lengthier|more time|extended|for a longer time|for a longer period|more|a bit longer|much longer|more lengthy|greater} {be|end up being|become|always be|possibly be|often be|turn out to be|get|wind up being|end up|come to be} held {up|upward|upwards|way up|right up|in place|away|all the way up|together|" up "|further up} {as an|being an|as a possible|just as one|for an|as being an|for|for being an|being a|as being a definite|if you are an} {international|worldwide|global|intercontinental|overseas|foreign|world-wide|world|world wide|unusual|abroad} laughing {stock|inventory|share|investment|supply|stock options|commodity|store|carry|products|keep}.鈥淭hey {are|tend to be|are usually|are generally|usually are|will be|happen to be|are actually|can be|really are|seem to be} {a great|an excellent|a fantastic|an incredible|a terrific|an awesome|a good|a superb|an amazing|a very good|an ideal} {people|individuals|folks|men and women|persons|people today|consumers|many people|most people|customers|families}, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} Italians. {The problem is|The issue is|The thing is|The catch is|Sixty|The main problem is|Help|Assist|Noticeably|Sustain|The pain is} {their|their own|their particular|his or her|the|its|their very own|ones own|his / her|his or her's|your} commanders,鈥?{the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} paper {said|stated|mentioned|explained|claimed|reported|proclaimed|says|suggested|pointed out|talked about}.{Even|Actually|Also|Perhaps|Possibly|Sometimes|Quite possibly|Possibly even|Perhaps even|In fact|Still} {though|although|even though|however|nevertheless|while|despite the fact that|nonetheless|even if|whilst|despite the fact} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} ship has {been|already been|recently been|been recently|also been|ended up|happen to be|long been|really been|become|happened to be} lifted upright, {there is|there's|there is certainly|there exists|there may be|you can find|you will find|there does exist|there is always|you will find there's|there will be} {much|a lot|significantly|considerably|very much|a great deal|substantially|a good deal|a lot of|a whole lot|quite a bit} {work|function|perform|operate|do the job|get the job done|deliver the results|job|give good results|succeed|employment} {to do|to complete|to accomplish|to perform|to try and do|to undertake|to carry out|for you to do|you need to do|to attempt|to try} {before|prior to|just before|ahead of|previous to|in advance of|well before|earlier than|previously|right before|prior to when} {it can be|it may be|it could be|it is usually|it might be|it usually is|it really is|it can also be|it is typically|it is normally|it is} towed {away from|from|far from|faraway from|clear of|from the|off from|removed from|beyond|far away from|outside of} Giglio {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} {an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} Italian port {to be|to become|being|to get|for being|to generally be|to remain|to always be|that they are|to end up being|that should be} broken {up|upward|upwards|way up|right up|in place|away|all the way up|together|" up "|further up} {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to|intended for|to get|designed for|meant for|for the purpose of|just for|with respect to} scrap.{The|The actual|The particular|Your|This|A|Any|Typically the|All the|That|All of the} salvage crews {need to|have to|must|should|ought to|really need to|will need to|want to|have got to|will want to|require to} reinforce {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} starboard side {of the|from the|with the|in the|on the|of your|within the|belonging to the|for the|of this|of one's} hull, {which|that|which usually|which in turn|which often|which will|in which|which unfortunately|that will|of which|which inturn} suffered immense {damage|harm|injury|destruction|deterioration|hurt|ruin|problems|damages|impairment|destroy} {after|following|right after|soon after|immediately after|just after|once|when|subsequent to|upon|immediately following} crashing onto {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} island鈥檚 rocky shore.{There are|You will find|You can find|You'll find|You will discover|There are actually|One can find|You can get|There can be|There is|There's} {two|2|a couple of|a pair of|a couple|not one but two|only two|a few|several|couple of|pair of} massive indentations {in the|within the|inside the|from the|inside|while in the|during the|with the|on the|in your|through the} hull, {both|each|equally|the two|both equally|either|together|each of those|both of those|simultaneously|both the} {to a|to some|with a|into a|to your|to the|towards a|for a|to somewhat of a|to a new|towards} depth {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} {about|regarding|concerning|with regards to|in relation to|pertaining to|around|related to|on the subject of|approximately|relating to} 18 {feet|ft|toes|foot|legs|ft .|paws|your feet|base|little feet|foot or so}. Decks {have been|happen to be|are already|have already been|are actually|are|were|have been completely|are generally|happen to have been|had been} badly mangled, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} hull stoved {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} cabin windows smashed, {their|their own|their particular|his or her|the|its|their very own|ones own|his / her|his or her's|your} gaping holes framed {by|through|simply by|by simply|by means of|by way of|by just|as a result of|from|just by|with} sodden, tattered curtains.{It will|It'll|It's going to|It is going to|It can|It will eventually|It should|It would|It may|Its going to|Rrt's going to} {take|consider|get|acquire|carry|bring|require|have|just take|take on|choose} days {to make|to create|to produce|to generate|for making|in making|to help make|to build|in order to make|to help with making|to earn} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} ship {safe|secure|risk-free|safe and sound|protected|harmless|reliable|dependable|safer|healthy|free from danger} {enough|sufficient|adequate|ample|plenty of|more than enough|good enough|a sufficient amount of|an adequate amount of|sufficiently|the right amount of} {to be|to become|being|to get|for being|to generally be|to remain|to always be|that they are|to end up being|that should be} entered {by|through|simply by|by simply|by means of|by way of|by just|as a result of|from|just by|with} Italian police {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} divers, {who are|who're|that are|who will be|that happen to be|who definitely are|whorrrre|which are|who happen to be|who sadly are|which have been} {under|below|beneath|underneath|less than|within|in|with|according to|lower than|using} immense {pressure|stress|strain|force|tension|demand|burden|demands|anxiety|push|difficulty} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} {find|discover|locate|uncover|come across|obtain|get|acquire|identify|see|look for} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} remains {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} {two|2|a couple of|a pair of|a couple|not one but two|only two|a few|several|couple of|pair of} victims 鈥?{an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} Italian woman {who|that|which|whom|exactly who|who seem to|who actually|just who|what person|what individuals|who exactly} {had been|have been|ended up|was|ended up being|has been|were being|were|seemed to be|appeared to be|were definitely} celebrating her 50th birthday {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} {an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} Indian waiter.Police {are also|will also be|may also be|can also be|are|also are|are usually|are likewise|can be|will be|are additionally} keen {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} {examine|look at|analyze|take a look at|study|check out|verify|investigate|evaluate|have a look at|assess} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} shattered hull {for|with regard to|regarding|pertaining to|intended for|to get|designed for|meant for|for the purpose of|just for|with respect to} {possible|feasible|achievable|probable|doable|attainable|potential|likely|conceivable|practical|prospective} evidence {that could be|that may be|that might be|that is|which might be|that is certainly|which can be|that can be|which may be|which is|which could be} {used in|utilized in|found in|employed in|utilised in|included in|applied to|made use of in|utilized for|used by|used for} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} trial ofCapt. Schettino.{The|The actual|The particular|Your|This|A|Any|Typically the|All the|That|All of the} authorities {also|additionally|furthermore|in addition|likewise|as well|at the same time|moreover|even|equally|too} {want to|wish to|desire to|need to|would like to|choose to|prefer to|like to|plan to|just want to|have to} recover {1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},500 safes {in the|within the|inside the|from the|inside|while in the|during the|with the|on the|in your|through the} ship鈥檚 cabins, {so|therefore|thus|consequently|and so|hence|which means that|as a result|for that reason|which means|now} {that they|they|which they|that they can|how they|they will|them to|they can|construct y|the fact that they|make} {can|may|can easily|could|can certainly|might|will be able to|will|are able to|may well|could certainly} {return|come back|go back|give back|returning|gain|profit|yield|revisit|bring back|keep coming back} valuables {and other|along with other|as well as other|and also other|along with|and various|together with other|and various other|in addition to other|besides other|in addition to} {personal|individual|private|personalized|particular|very own|unique|own|exclusive|your own|special} possessions {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|towards|into the|with the|in the|in to the|within the} passengers.{The|The actual|The particular|Your|This|A|Any|Typically the|All the|That|All of the} ship {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally} {now|right now|today|currently|at this point|at this moment|these days|at present|nowadays|at this time|presently} resting {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} {what|exactly what|just what|precisely what|what exactly|just what exactly|what precisely|everything that|whatever|the things|which} {engineers|technical engineers|technicians|designers|fitters|entrepreneurs|manuacturers|men with vision|planners|conveyor engineers|conveyor designers} {call|contact|phone|get in touch with|call up|simply call|telephone|name|phone call|speak to|connect with} {an|a good|a great|the|a|a strong|some sort of|a powerful|a particular|any|an excellent} 鈥渁rtificial seabed鈥?鈥?six steel platforms {that were|which were|that have been|which are|that had been|who were|this were|which had been|which|have got|possess} constructed underwater.{It is|It's|It really is|It can be|It truly is|It is actually|Its|It will be|It happens to be|It's always|It is usually} sitting {much|a lot|significantly|considerably|very much|a great deal|substantially|a good deal|a lot of|a whole lot|quite a bit} deeper {in the|within the|inside the|from the|inside|while in the|during the|with the|on the|in your|through the} water {than|compared to|as compared to|when compared with|in comparison with|as compared with|compared with|as opposed to|rather than|when compared to|versus} {normal|regular|typical|standard|usual|ordinary|common|natural|average|frequent|healthy}, {with|along with|together with|using|having|by using|utilizing|through|with the help of|by means of|by way of} {only a|merely a|just a|simply a|a|only one|a little|very|merely|a very|simply} {third|3rd|next|3 rd|finally|lastly|thirdly|1 / 3|last|other|additionally} {of its|of their|of the|of the company's|of that|of|from the|with the|in the|of your|in their} {structure|framework|construction|composition|design|shape|system|building|arrangement|plan|format} {above|over|previously mentioned|earlier mentioned|higher than|previously|preceding|on top of|in this article|earlier|more than} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} waves.Costa Cruises, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} Italian {company|organization|business|firm|corporation|enterprise|provider|small business|business enterprise|supplier|service} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} operated {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} ship, pledged {to do|to complete|to accomplish|to perform|to try and do|to undertake|to carry out|for you to do|you need to do|to attempt|to try} {whatever|what ever|no matter what|whichever|whatsoever|anything|regardless of what|no matter|any|just about anything|everything} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} takes {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} restore {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} seabed {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} its former pristine {state|condition|express|point out|talk about|declare|think|status|say|claim|assert}."{This is a|This can be a|It is a|This is the|That is a|This is usually a|It's a|This may be a|This is often a|That is the|This really is a} {beautiful|stunning|gorgeous|lovely|wonderful|attractive|amazing|exquisite|delightful|spectacular|fabulous} island {with an|by having an|having an|with the|through an|using an|which has an|by using an|that has an|that have an|with a} intact environment {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} {our|the|our own|each of our|your|all of our|some of our|much of our|this|a lot of our|many of our} {commitment|dedication|determination|motivation|responsibility|investment|devotion|obligation|commitments|loyalty|effort} {is to|would be to|is always to|is usually to|should be to|will be to|could be to|is to try to|may be to|is to always|is almost always to} {return|come back|go back|give back|returning|gain|profit|yield|revisit|bring back|keep coming back} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|towards|into the|with the|in the|in to the|within the} {state|condition|express|point out|talk about|declare|think|status|say|claim|assert} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} {it was|it had been|it absolutely was|it turned out|that it was|it had become|it was actually|it was subsequently|it has been|rrt had been|it's} {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in},鈥?{says|states|claims|affirms|suggests|states that|shows|reveals|declares|pronounces|proclaims} Michael Thamm, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} CEO {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} Costa Cruises, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} Italian {company|organization|business|firm|corporation|enterprise|provider|small business|business enterprise|supplier|service} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} operated {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} vessel. {We|All of us|We all|Many of us|Most of us|Most people|People|You|We tend to|Everyone|A number of us} {will|may|will certainly|can|will probably|is going to|could|definitely will|might|should|will definitely} {deliver|provide|supply|produce|offer|give|present|send out|achieve|convey|carry}, {you can|you are able to|it is possible to|you'll be able to|you may|you could|you possibly can|you can actually|it is easy to|you're able to|you can easily} rely {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often}.鈥滷rom {a|the|any|a new|some sort of|your|a good|an important|a fabulous|some|a real} high cactus-strewn ridge overlooking {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} ship, {it was|it had been|it absolutely was|it turned out|that it was|it had become|it was actually|it was subsequently|it has been|rrt had been|it's} {possible|feasible|achievable|probable|doable|attainable|potential|likely|conceivable|practical|prospective} {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} see {a|the|any|a new|some sort of|your|a good|an important|a fabulous|some|a real} light slick {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} debris {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} {a small|a little|a tiny|a smaller|a compact|a smallish|one small|a minute|a limited|a nice|a} {quantity of|volume of|amount of|level of|variety of|number of|degree of|wide variety of|range of|availablility of|sum of} dirty water draining out {of the|from the|with the|in the|on the|of your|within the|belonging to the|for the|of this|of one's} ship.{But|However|Yet|Nevertheless|Although|Nonetheless|However ,|Though|And yet|Still|But yet} overall {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} fears {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} {major|main|significant|key|important|big|serious|leading|primary|huge|large} pollution {of the|from the|with the|in the|on the|of your|within the|belonging to the|for the|of this|of one's} pristine coastal waters {appear|seem|show up|look|search|seem to be|surface|glimpse|turn up|emerge|appear to be} {not to|to not|never to|to never|not to ever|to not ever|don't|to fail to|this is not to|will not|by no means} {have been|happen to be|are already|have already been|are actually|are|were|have been completely|are generally|happen to have been|had been} realized.鈥淣ow {that we|that people|that individuals|we|that any of us|that many of us|which we|that we all|that him and i|that you|that most of us} {can|may|can easily|could|can certainly|might|will be able to|will|are able to|may well|could certainly} see {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} smashed {up|upward|upwards|way up|right up|in place|away|all the way up|together|" up "|further up} starboard side, {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} looks worse {than|compared to|as compared to|when compared with|in comparison with|as compared with|compared with|as opposed to|rather than|when compared to|versus} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} {did|do|would|does|performed|have|managed|made|could|had|have done} {before|prior to|just before|ahead of|previous to|in advance of|well before|earlier than|previously|right before|prior to when},鈥?{says|states|claims|affirms|suggests|states that|shows|reveals|declares|pronounces|proclaims} Paolo, {a|the|any|a new|some sort of|your|a good|an important|a fabulous|some|a real} middle-aged islander viewing {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} wreck {from the|in the|from your|through the|with the|on the|within the|belonging to the|out of the|of your|out of your} rocky hillside. 鈥淭he sooner {they|these people|they will|that they|many people|people|some people|these|individuals|these products|they can} tow {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it} {away|aside|absent|apart|out|at a distance|away from|out there|gone|out and about|at bay}, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} {better|much better|far better|greater|superior|improved|more effective|more desirable|significantly better|considerably better|more suitable}.鈥漇chettino, {who|that|which|whom|exactly who|who seem to|who actually|just who|what person|what individuals|who exactly} {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally} {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} trial {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} charges {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} manslaughter {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} abandoning ship {before|prior to|just before|ahead of|previous to|in advance of|well before|earlier than|previously|right before|prior to when} {all the|all of the|every one of the|each of the|the many|many of the|most of the|the|the whole set of|lots of the|lots of} passengers {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then} crew {were|had been|have been|ended up|were being|ended up being|were definitely|happen to be|are|was|were actually} evacuated, {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally} {next|subsequent|following|up coming|future|upcoming|after that|then|following that|second|subsequently} expected {to|in order to|to be able to|for you to|to help|so that you can|that will|to help you|towards|to make sure you|to successfully} {appear|seem|show up|look|search|seem to be|surface|glimpse|turn up|emerge|appear to be} {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} courton Mon #file_links<D>\keywords3.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|3|Only one},S] {day|day time|evening|morning|time|working day|daytime|afternoon|moment|time of day|day of the week}, {in the|within the|inside the|from the|inside|while in the|during the|with the|on the|in your|through the} city {of|associated with|regarding|involving|connected with|with|for|from|in|about|involved with} Grosseto {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} Tuscany.RECOMMENDED: Costa Concordia: {Did|Do|Would|Does|Performed|Have|Managed|Made|Could|Had|Have done} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} captain break {any|any kind of|virtually any|just about any|almost any|every|any sort of|all|any specific|whatever|pretty much any} law {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} abandoning ship?Related stories Costa Concordia: {Did|Do|Would|Does|Performed|Have|Managed|Made|Could|Had|Have done} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} captain break {any|any kind of|virtually any|just about any|almost any|every|any sort of|all|any specific|whatever|pretty much any} law {in|within|inside|throughout|with|around|during|on|when it comes to|for|found in} abandoning ship? OpinionAfter Costa Concordia disaster: 8 {safety|security|basic safety|protection|safe practices|wellbeing|health and safety|safeness|defense|essential safety|safeguard} {tips for|strategies for|methods for|tricks for|techniques for|suggestions for|approaches for|advice for|hints for|strategies of|guidelines for} cruise ship passengers Tearful survivors {mark|tag|indicate|level|draw|symbol|make|bench mark|label|signature|recognise} Costa Concordia anniversary {on|upon|about|in|with|for|regarding|concerning|at|relating to|on the subject of} Giglio Follow UsYou {can|may|can easily|could|can certainly|might|will be able to|will|are able to|may well|could certainly} {find|discover|locate|uncover|come across|obtain|get|acquire|identify|see|look for} Nick Squireson Twitter.{About|Regarding|Concerning|With regards to|In relation to|Pertaining to|Around|Related to|On the subject of|Approximately|Relating to} {these|these types of|these kinds of|these kind of|most of these|all these|a lot of these|all of these|those|such|these particular} ads