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Talk:celtic anarchism

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Reference to Starhawk

Starhawk is not a Celtic Reconstructionist, she is part of the "Reclaiming" branch of the Neo-Pagan movement. To list her as such is a factual error. Took the liberty of deleting that part.


It does not seem appropriate to list Paganism/Neo-Paganism under the heading of "Celtic" Anarchy. The only reason for doing so seemed to be the original poster's belief that Srarhawk was from a Celtic Pagan tradition, which she is not. While some aspects of the Neo-Pagan movement were inspired by Celtic practices (esp holidays), unless there is a reference to a Celtic specific branch (i.e. Celtic Wicca, Neo-Druidism, Celtic Reconstructionalism) this section should be deleted or moved to another page Neo-Pagan/Pagan Anarchism?Gorm sionach 14:16, 21 October 2008 (UTC)