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I am anarchist writer, translator, editor of anarchist media and sometimes squatter.

I met myself with anarchism at 2001 and from that time I participated in anarchist actions, in spreading of idea. First I started to participate in creating of newspaper "Direct Action" and in distributing of it. In the same time we made demonstrations in front of embassies, giving of leaflets with info about police torture, etc.

At 2003 with help from one man from Swiss, I created website Anarchy-Serbia where I published news and anarchist standpoints. After one year I moved myself from that project because of conflict with man from Swiss, so I started to administrate website FBI confiscated somewhere web-server of Indymedia so we lost our news and later because of dissatisfaction with other participants (passivity) I left Indymedia and started again my website. In July 2007 I changed web-server for my Site and now news and texts can be found at:

July 2003 I became squatter also, that was my need because I stayed without place for living, and I wanted also together with 15 other people to create anarchist place, center, which would make anarchism nearer to the people. The name of squat was "Rebel House" and info about it exist at Serbian version of Wikipedia:

Sometimes I was active in Food Not Bombs actions.

Homelessness and escape from the law

In August 2002 I tried to visit No Border camp in Slovenia but because of lack of visa, borderers pushed me back to Hungary. Then I tried to ask for political asylum in their country but they brought me in hands again back to Hungary. After it I tried to cross border with Austria but they caught me and deported me back to Serbia. Express fascist deportation, without lawyer or anything, 5 p.m. caught 5 a.m. already in Serbia.
Summer 2004 I went to Germany where I should marriage and ran away from problems with law in Serbia but I gave up from marriage and I lived in abandoned houses in Berlin. German's "squatters" didn't want to give me place for sleeping. In Berlin I participated in many demonstration of ordinary people, against social reforms called "Hartz IV". In October the same year I crossed border to Switzerland but after 2 days cops caught me and kept me 5 months in deportation prison. After it I finished automatically in Serbian custody 2 months. That's how I felt repression of fascist EU politics against foreigners and of Serbian state. I was judged in October 2005, I got one year of prison although eyewitness changed his testimony and he said that he transported Cannabis alone from Montenegro to Serbia (he did it because of pressure of other prisoners who saw that he go the the court as eyewitness). I think that judgment is created by secret agency and I think they follow me from 1999 in Serbia (and 2008 also in Denmark). December 2005 I ran away to EU in order to escape from prison punishment, and September 2008 I am still illegal in EU.
13 months I spent in Switzerland where I participated only several times in demonstrations because of illegal status and ban to be in that country. I spent 3 months in Hamburg also, 14 months in Copenhagen and 5 months in Sweden. I have aversion toward Western anarchists and activists because many times I was refused when I asked for help about sleeping (Berlin 2004, Belgium 2006 Indymedia idiots refused also, march 2008 in Sweden I was refused also so I had to go to authority (!) to ask for political asylum in order to get doctor and become health). Only in Copenhagen in squat called Ungomshuset and in Switzerland, it is possible to get place for sleeping without problem.
I can say shortly that poverty and problem with the law stopped my anarchist activism, from December 2004 till September 2008. The most active period is 2002 and 2003 and after it everything is more virtual activism and writing and publishing of standpoints.
I see myself as anarchist in general sense, I don't give priority to any part of it (green anarchism, anarcho-feminism, anarcho-syndicalism, etc). I believe also that spreading of idea is not enough than it is necessary to act practically against ruling class. Practically for me means not only demonstrations than direct attacks also and I am very sorry that still I didn't realize such actions in my life.

My texts/standpoints

My texts can be found at my Site: Anarchist Standpoints. Some of my texts are translated in English and published also in (Polish-German's anarchist) magazine Abolish The Border from Below. Many texts I wrote after I got inspiration and inspiration came often when I met myself with such problem in my daily life.

List of my texts in Serbo-Croatian language

List of my texts in English

My translations from English to Serbo-Croatian

I don't have concretely info, but I translated many times articles from English to mu language, for global Indy, for anarchist summer camps in Austria and Germany, for Greeks about revolutionary prisoners, etc.

Started but not finished translations

External links