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free store

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A free store is a shop where people exchange goods without a pricing system: items that are no longer wanted are put on one table, and items available to be taken are put on another. Although the roots of the "free store" lie in the anarchist movement, hippies of the 1960s ran a few initially successful free stores across North America. Today the idea is kept alive by the new generations of environmentalists who view the idea as an intriguing way to promote the reusing of products, and as a project with positive social impacts. Although free stores have been uncommon in the United States since the 1960's, the freegan movement has gained momentum, inspiring the establishment of free stores in multiple cities throughout the United States.

In Northern European towns and cities, especially in the Netherlands and Germany, a type of free stores have started to appear, give-away shops.

In the UK Free Shops (sometimes called Swap Shops) are held sporadically around the country. An example of a more regular one is in Norwich where a Free Shop has happened on the 8th of the Month in Norwich city centre from 10AM til 4PM since June 2004. It is organised by the local anarchist group.

See also

External links

This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article Free store on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP