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Talk:Main Page

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With old rewrite rules it was not possible to upload files. With new it is possible. You will see links like ".../index.php/some_page", but it is possible to type " page" and your url will be rewritten to "http;//". When we would have some faster machines or some better MediaWiki code, we would have "nice urls", too. --millosh 05:32, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

i don't get the sense of the featured articel Anarchopedia:troll this is vandalism, isn't it? -- 14:16, 23 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Doesn't look like vandalism to me. No page history. Yet perhaps, a misunderstanding. --Anni 07:03, 5 Jan 2005 (UTC)


Is anyone against implementation of SpamBlacklist extension with initial Wikimedia-CreativeCommons list? --Milos Rancic 08:02, 26 May 2005 (CDT)

If no one has anything against in the next seven days, I'll implement it on Meta. (I am asking all communities for that: i.e. people from Meta, deu:, eng: and fra:. I'll implement it on hrv:] because I don't think that my friend Marko has anything against it.) --Milos Rancic


(From Meta:) Blackat from French Anarchopedia asked me to open forum. I didn't open under, but I opened one multilingual forum (phpBB2) on . If anynone thinks that it is useful, please use it. --Milos Rancic 08:22, 5 Jul 2005 (UTC)

"Anarchy," but registration required to contribute?

It seems like a gross contradiction in principle to require registration with a central database in order to contribute to a supposedly anarchic project. How can this possibly be justified? If the answer is "to avoid vandalism," isn't that massively hypocritical, given that that's the exact answer oligarchists and every other sort of pro-government political theorists would proffer to the question of why centralized government is necessary?

Crypto-anarchists are having a good laugh at this project.

mediawiki sucks, as it requires a central database, but at the moment it is the state of the art for wiki sites. Requiring registration was a measure adopted to counter spam from scripts (I don't agree with it also, as it may discourage some contributors). rev 22 22:19, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
A few more things, for registering you are not required to provide your real name or an email. You can also use an account without an hidden password like User:a did (user name and password are the same). Using IPs doesn't provide real anonymity. rev 22 01:14, 12 Nov 2005 (UTC)
Would it be possible to allow unregistered users to contribute but have some sort of image with text in it and a text field in which they must type what is in the image, to prevent bots from editing? While I agree that requiring registration isn't ideal, registering provides a hell of a lot more anonymity for the contributor, since the IP address is hidden. Olive 18:27, 23 Feb 2006 (UTC)
I don't think that this would be a normal Media Wiki behaviour, that's requre a little hacking of the code. User:Beta m/sig

Access for non-english-speaking peoples

IMHO is it a bad way, writing in a text in english how to change the language. If someone does not understand english, he_she will even not understand how to change the language of the anarchopedia-site. It seems to be better, if there will be a list at the left side of the page as in the wikipedia or the german version of the anarchopedia. --farnpflanze 20:37, 28 Jan 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the suggestion, I have added the links on the left side as on deu.anarchopedia (these are called interwiki links). Anonymous 21:28, 28 Jan 2006 (UTC)

reorganizing the main page

The Main Page is very overwhelming in my opinion. I think there are way too many links. In fact, I'm a bit puzzled by the Equipment for Life page in general. What exactly is the intent in that section? I would recommend something simpler such as what is happening at's encylopedia respectfully, Clay

P.S. I made an example of what I'm thinking- Test Main Page

I think deu, fra and pol, habe really nice Main Pages why don`t use them as an inspiration? --Blackredisbeautiful 11:33, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

excuse me

are you those guys that wander around complaining about everything since the world was created but no one really cares and people do what they want as if you didn't even exist? children i'm sorry but look at you with a website and all this blablabla and searching engine and stuff, you're doing just the same thing those you complain so much about do. admit children, you're going nowhere 'cause you got nowhere to go, you just having fun pissing people off. it's impossible to live in anarchy. sorry if i broke your little hearts. an exemple is that someone is going to attack me here (or not 'cause i said this) because i said what i think. or anyway, you got leadership, ideology and exemples to follow just like nazis and/or animals and are violent with those who disagree just like fascists and/or jesus, and that's why people laugh at you.