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What the fuck does “BAAM” mean?

BAAM is simply the pleasant sound of authoritarianism being smashed. Who the fuck are you?

BAAM is a general anarchist union in the Boston reflects a way that conflicts with the ultimate goal of a classless, stateless society. We feel that being class conscious is not an enough; we oppose authoritarianism in all its forms, including capitalism, the State, and all forms of oppression such as racism, ===Secondary headline===, xenophobia, homophobia, and environmental devastation.

What the fuck does BAAM support, anyway?

We support democratically run grassroots community organizations, wildcat unions that practice shop floor democracy and any other collectively run egalitarian organization.

Are you Fucking Serious?

Totally. Capitalists have done a pretty good job of teaching us that capitalism is thestatement on our structure/working calendar.