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My Disillusionment in Russia

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My Disillusionment in Russia is an essay by Emma Goldman on her experiences during the Russian Revolution of 1917. In it, she discusses how her sympathy towards the revolution became hatred of Bolshevik tyranny.

She had intended to discuss how the Bolshevik tyranny was in fact a betrayal of the principles of revolution in a work originally entitled My Two Years in Russia. However, the publishers altered the title and omitted the final chapters. These alterations produced a book that conveyed disillusionment with the Revolution rather than the psuedo-revolutionary tactics of the Bolshevik.

After much haranging with the publishers, My Further Disillusionment in Russia (also titled by the publisher) was released containing the omitted chapters.

This article contains content from Wikipedia. Current versions of the GNU FDL article My Disillusionment in Russia on WP may contain information useful to the improvement of this article WP