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See also: [[law]] | [[license]] | [[prior art]]
A patent is a [[law|legal]] grant for a [[monopoly]] right to the use of an [[invention]].  Specifically it is an  right or title made by a [[government]] that gives the creator of an invention the exclusive right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time.
Originally designed to encourage the disclosure of [[innovation|innovations]], the patent system is suffering from [[function creep]].  Over a period of centuries, market forces have come to dominate patent system, harming [[technology|technical]] innovation in the name of individuals or organizations.
Patents of [[Internet]] business method should be discouraged because they limit innovation and run contrary to the [[decentralised]] nature of the internet.  The main justification for [[intellectual property]] rights in the form of patent monopolies is the cost of production of new [[knowledge]] and innovations is often greater than zero, sometimes much greater.
Unfortunately the main input to the production of new knowledge is existing knowledge, and keeping the latter artificially expensive will certainly slow down production of the former.
Many people do not share their [[idea|ideas]] because of the patent system.  For example if you work for a large telecommunications company and you worked out a better way of connecting customers, sharing your idea with others in your organisation, without obtaining a patent can mean loss of any and all forthcoming rewards.  Because of this barrier many people may supress things which would otherwise have led to [[progress]].
Fortunately, ideas that were invented and before a submitted patent are known as [[prior art]] and can invalidate a patent.  Many Internet businesses have sought to patent simple activities such as one-click shopping [ by] or online auctioning in [ Woolston vs. eBay].
Patents can be temporarily sealed under [[USA]] Secrecy Orders.
==== Related Links ====
* [ PCMagazine] - [,4149,1236389,00.asp Patent Riots of 2003] Dvorak's article on Patents
* [[Wikipedia]]: [ Patent]
* [ Wikipatents] Lists of interesting, amusing or innovative patents. Comment on individual patents.
* [[Slashdot]]: [ stories on Patents]
* [[Groklaw]]: [ New Patent Proposals: It Shouldn't Be Obvious, for Starters]
* [ Free Patents Original Web Site] - Protecting Innovation & Competition in the IT Industry - Dedicated to the protection of innovation, competition and [[open source]] software against the use and [[abuser|abuse]] of [[software]] patents.
* [ Patent News] - Aggregate news regarding patents and other IP related topics (has RSS feeds).
* [[Newsforge]]: [ Patents in an open source world] by [[Lawrence Rosen]], [[OSI]] lawyer.
* [[Greplaw]]: [ RSS Feeds for Patent Buffs] - At the time of writing for [[Apple]], [[Google]], [[Microsoft]] and [[Yahoo]].
* Richard Stallman ([[FSF]]), Christian Engstrom, Marco Schulze ([[FFII]]) at the [ Estonian IT College] on Software Patents in Europe. [[ 1]] [[ 2]]. You need the [[Ogg Theora]]/VP3 codec to play this.
==== Related Topics ====
* [[Capitalism]]
* [[Copyright]]
* [[Industrialism]]
* [[Totally Evil Patent]]
* [[Trademark]]

Revision as of 03:05, 20 November 2008
